A Promise Is A Promise

It's All Because of You

Chapter 20



Seohyun retrieved her hands as her eyes widened at her best friends words.


"Are you drunk?" She looked at her so-called Best Friend as if he was going nuts.


He just shrugged as he held Seohyun's hand again.


"Answer me, though. Do you, Seo Joo Hyun, still like Cho Kyuhyun?" He looked at her deep in the eyes. 


"Of course not!" She exclaimed as she got her hand back.


"No! I'm not in-love with Cho Kyuhyun! No more. No... No more!" She told Yonghwa her eyes almost popping out of her eyes.


"Why does it seems like you're convincing yourself more than you're convincing me?" He asked as his eyes turned into Sherlock.


"Yah! Nope! You're just like that because you don't understand!" She tried to explain.


"Well then, make me understand!" He narrowed his eyes.


"Aish! Jung Yonghwa, please," She sighed signalling the guy to shut his mouth up.


"Why can't you explain?! That means you still have these magic feelings for him!" Yonghwa, on the other hand, blabbered ignoring his friend's glare while doing gestures as he speaks.


"STOP!" Seohyun then shouted, shutting her friend's mouth. This commotion also caused people to look at them like they are going nuts.


"Stop, Yonghwa. 'Kay?" Seohyun said, more calmly this time. She looked at her friend who nodded, mouth tightly pressed to each other.


"Okay. I do NOT have feelings for Cho Kyuhyun. No more. I was just worried that he might think wrongly of me. You do know I hate being judged, right?" Seohyun asked and her friend nodded.


"But why would he judge you?" He asked, his sherlock eyes are still piercing its way to Seohyun's head.


"Because we, the two of us, were scheduled to go to the amusement park," She explained and she swore that Yonghwa was shocked as his eyes went from Sherlock to Keroro.


"AND that because he owes me something," She explained further before the guy could make any comment but it seems that Yonghwa just got more shocked.


"You did something for him?! For Cho Kyuhyun?! THE CHO KYUHYUN?!" He exclaimed as he emphasized the said name.


"Who are you and what did you do to my dongsaeng?!" He exaggeratedly shook Seohyun's hand. The latter then glared at her idiot friend.


"Yonghwa, please, calm down!" Seohyun took her hand back.


"It's a situation that hooked me! I can't do anything but to help him plus he got one of my secrets, okay?!" She explained and her friend nodded in realization.


"Which of the secrets does he have?" Yonghwa asked, calmer than before.


"The amusement secret," Seohyun answered simply as the waitress finally served them their foods: Takoyaki and Green Tea.


"Oh, you're mouth betrayed you again?" He asked as he Takoyaki.


"Yep," She answered as she took a sip of her Tea.


"And he used that secret to blackmail you?"


"No. He didn't. He actually offered me to go with him... t-to t-the amusement park," She stumbled through her words and the other could only look at her in response.


"And you agreed? Right?" Yonghwa asked, amused.


"What can I do, Yong? All my life, I hear kids telling whatever it is that they have experienced in that damn amusement park! I was jealous of them but I can't do anything because my parents are too busy on their damn work to even know I exist! I always wanted to go on a field trip but I never had the chance to go! Why? Because they cancel it on the last minute when no one was there to accompany me! I hate how I was out of place with those stories, Yong. I want to experience it." She commplained, not noticing that tears were already streaming down her face. She wiped it angrily before her best friend could even process that she was already crying.


"Any other person who would know that secret would laugh, even you laughed when I first told you but he, he did not laugh, he didn't mocked me, he did not pity me that's why I thought I could trust him but I was wrong." Suddenly, she felt anger rising up her chest once more.


"I understand now. I'm sorry, okay? I won't ask about it, no more." Yonghwa said as she wiped the tears that were long gone.


"One last question." He said after a while causing Seohyun to shot him death glares.


"This one won't hurt, I promise!" He raised his right arm.


"What is it?" Seohyun sighed knowing there's no way to stop her friend's mouth.


"What will you do with that?" He asked pointing to a direction.


When Seohyun turned around, she found herself being annoyed, at the same time, amused at the view in front of her. Choi Sooyoung clinging at Cho Kyuhyun and the oh-so-mighty Cho Kyuhyun desperately wanting to run away.


"What's with him?" She wisphered before turning back to Yonghwa.


"Well, what about that?" She asked nonchalantly.


"Do you still want to go to the amusement park with him, if ever he would ask?" Yonghwa asked making Seohyun speechless. She turned to look at Kyuhyun and she saw him texting while resting comfortably on a chair. She then saw Sooyoung checking out different outfits not so far from where Kyuhyun is and Seohyun almost laughed. 


A vibrate from her phone woke her up from her thoughts. She brought her phone out and she almost smiled at what the message says. She looked at Yonghwa and told him what the message says.


"Well, A promise is a promise"






Author's note:

First of all, I want to say I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally reaaaaaaaaaaaaally sorry! ;_; I got so busy! I'm really sorry! Plus, I lost track of this story to the point where I don't even know how to continue this. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I moved on so I kinda tried to forget about everything. I have no other excuse but I'm really sorry. I hope you'll continue loving this story. I missed you all!

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I missed you! I'm really sorry for not posting for ssssoooooooooooooo long!


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xorivxo #1
khunfany4414 #2
Chapter 9: nice story, author-nim
Chapter 27: wow the story is amazing! I love Kyuhyun's craziness here haha
Guixuxian0206 #4
Chapter 27: continue authornim.. nice
Betbet66 #5
Chapter 27: Omg you updated!! So many times!!! İam so glad you decided to come back! Please update soon!
geaseokyu #6
Chapter 26: kyuhyun oppa just realise that you like seohyun eonnie
before it's to late
you will be regret
hello I'm a new subscribe
I like your story
please update soon
sincerelydannie2 #7
Chapter 26: So cuteee~ new subscriber here o/ I'm already loving the story :-) SeoKyu fighting^^
Chapter 26: Awwwwwwwww so cute!!! Just be together already!!!
yoonfany_lover #9
Chapter 26: Ah finally you update! Seokyu's moments are so cute! Thanks for your update!
yoonfany_lover #10
Chapter 25: your story is daebak!!! waiting for your update! i just wonder why kyuhyun have to avoid falling in love with seo? pabo kyu!!