
It's All Because of You




Seohyun stood there, shocked. Cho Kyuhyun is in-front of her. The man who told her he wuld not make it to their 'appointment' is here. In the mall. Not to mention, with another girl!


"Who the heck is SHE?!" She hissed at the back of her head.


"H-hi," The 'Mighty' Cho Kyuhyun stuttered, earning a little smirk from Yonghwa.


"Hi," Seohyun answered coldly.


"Oppa~ Who is she?" The girl asked politely.


"I'm Seo Joo-hyun, and you?" Seohyun introduced herself as she stretched her hand for a shake.


"I'm Choi Sooyoung," The girl smiled as she took Seo's hand.


"And who's this?" Kyuhyun asked as she pointed to the man with brow's raised.


Seo Joo-hyun made an appointment with him but why is she with another guy? He already knows that he cannot make it to that appointment because of, well, Sooyoung. He expected her to call him non-stop and text him unlimited texts, cursing and telling him he's such and idiot and such. But all of his expectations were broken because here is Seo Joo-hyun, in the mall, with a guy, for goodness sake!


"I'm Jung Yonghwa," they guy uttered breaking off Kyuhyun's thoughts. 


"Seohyun's boyfriend," The 'Yonghwa' guy said, shocking not only Kyuhyun but also Seohyun.


"Oh, Boyfriend," Kyuhyun repeated as he tried to recompose himself.


"Boyfriend? When did this girl have a boyfriend?! But... Why do I care?! Aish!


"Ehem," Yonghwa faked a cough.


"Oh?" Kyuhyun finally tried to free his thoughts as he stretched his hand. "Cho Kyuhyun," He timidly uttered.


Yonghwa reached his hand and Kyuhyun can't help but notice the small smirk on the latter's face, slightly irritating him.


"Oppa, let's go," Sooyoung uttered as she scanned through her phone.


"I guess you're busy, Kyuhyun-ssi," Seohyun uttered, raising one of her brows looking at the oblivious girl beside him.


"Yes I am and I guess you are, too," Kyuhyun said, eyes went smaller than before forming a slight glare directing to Yonghwa who returned it smirk.


"I guess, we'll have to go now, we got a lot catching up to do," Yonghwa said holding Seohyun near him and Seohyun leaning her head on the latter's shoulder for effect.


"Oh, okay, Nice meeting you, Seohyun-ssi, Yonghwa-ssi," Sooyoung smiled at her as she took Kyuhyun's hand and drag him away.

Hi everyone~ Being confused? I'll clear it up next chappie~

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I missed you! I'm really sorry for not posting for ssssoooooooooooooo long!


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xorivxo #1
khunfany4414 #2
Chapter 9: nice story, author-nim
Chapter 27: wow the story is amazing! I love Kyuhyun's craziness here haha
Guixuxian0206 #4
Chapter 27: continue authornim.. nice
Betbet66 #5
Chapter 27: Omg you updated!! So many times!!! İam so glad you decided to come back! Please update soon!
geaseokyu #6
Chapter 26: kyuhyun oppa just realise that you like seohyun eonnie
before it's to late
you will be regret
hello I'm a new subscribe
I like your story
please update soon
sincerelydannie2 #7
Chapter 26: So cuteee~ new subscriber here o/ I'm already loving the story :-) SeoKyu fighting^^
Chapter 26: Awwwwwwwww so cute!!! Just be together already!!!
yoonfany_lover #9
Chapter 26: Ah finally you update! Seokyu's moments are so cute! Thanks for your update!
yoonfany_lover #10
Chapter 25: your story is daebak!!! waiting for your update! i just wonder why kyuhyun have to avoid falling in love with seo? pabo kyu!!