Who are you???

Living With A Weird Creature Named Do Kyungsoo!!

(Kyungsoo's POV)

"He's the guy that I love!!!" Kyurin told his oppa. Wait?? Did I just hear it right? Kyurin did talk about me, right?

"Who do you love more? Your own oppa or him?" I sensed that this will not end unless one of them give up.

"Oppa, please don't be like this..."

"You can't choose, huh? You're not my Kyurin anymore. You've changed."


"Don't ever talk to me even a word!!!" Chanyeol hyung was on his way to go out of the house when Kyurin was trying to stop him from doing that.

"Let go of me!!!" he yelled and pushed Kyurin until Kyurin fell down and hit her head on the stairs. Blood started to appear from her head.

"Kyurin....Kyurin...." I was out of energy to call her name loudly when I saw her blood on the floor. I ran towards her and tried to wake her up.

"Kyurin-ah, wake up....Kyurin-ah...I'm Kyungsoo...please...wake up..wake up!!!" I screamed.

"What have you done to her??!!!! She's your own dong-saeng!!!" I yelled at Chanyeol hyung. I don't care whether he's older than me or what, but he's the person that make Kyurin hurt. I can't tolerate with him anymore. He just kept quiet on the other side. He was frozen.

"If you don't want to help even a bit, then move off!!!" Once again, I yelled at Chanyeol hyung. I lifted Kyurin and brought her to the hospital.


It has been two days already since Kyurin fell down. She was still unconcious, making me felt more worry about her.

I grabbed her hand gently and kissed her hand.

"Kyurin-ah...please wake up...just wake up...I want to see your smile...don't worry about other things...I'll always be with you, supporting you and protecting you. I didn't have my chance yet to say that I love you. So, please, give me a chance to do that."

Then, someone came in. It was Chanyeol hyung. I quickly wiped away my tears and faced him.

"Are you alright?" he asked me.

"I'm...I'm okay..." I answered.

"I think you need some rest. Let me take care of her. After you have get enough rest, you can take care of her again."

"I think I should..." I was about to go out when Chanyeol hyung said something.

"I'm sorry, Kyungsoo. I know you're a good guy but I just love her so much. Because of that, I only think about myself. I never think that she needs someone to lean on besides her own oppa. Because of that too, all this happened. If only I didn't get mad at her, all this won't happen."

"Stop saying like that. Don't blame yourself continuously. Although she's unconcious now, but she still can hear what we're talking. She'll feel sad if you keep blaming yourself. All this happen for a reason. And I'm sorry...for yelling at you that day."

"Don't mention it. I know you're worried about her until you can't control yourself. I understand that."

"Thank you for understanding..."

"Right now, you just have to get some rest. Go have some sleep and eat some healthy food so you'll have energy to keep living."

"Thank you....hyung...."



"Yah, I need to talk to you." I said.

"Let's talk in my room." Yongguk replied. Then, both of us went upstairs to his room.

"You told him?" I started the conversation.

"Told who?" he asked.

"Told Kyurin's oppa."

"Told him what?"

"Don't act like you don't know a thing."

"I'm not acting..."

"Kyurin was trying so hard so that her oppa doesn't know a thing about it. But you ruined everything!!"

"Chanyeol should know about it. His dong-saeng is living with some unknown creature, just like alien."

"I don't care what you said about me. If you want to mock me, go ahead. I'll not go mad but don't involve Kyurin's matter just because you hate me."

"So, you do know I hate you, huh?"

"I hate you too, but I'm trying to control myself from hitting you just because of Kyurin..."

"Just hit me...come on!! You're such a coward, just because of a girl...a stupid girl..."

"How dare you said Kyurin is stupid..."

"Come on...she's stupid, alright..She has been liking me for years ever since we first met. She thinks that I'll like her back when I know her feelings towards me. Who wants to date a stupid girl like her?"

Without wasting any time, I punched him on the face.

"There's someone who wants to date her so much, so shut your mouth. You should think about yourself. I bet there's no one wants to date you, a guy who thinks about no one else besides himself."

He tried to punch me but I managed to avoid it. I punched him again. That was when Kyurin came in and saw us.


"Kyungsoo!!!! What are you doing??!!!" Kyurin yelled at me and ran to Yongguk's side. She pushed me and helped Yongguk to stand up.

"Oppa, are you alright?" she asked Yongguk.

"It's okay." he replied.

"You're bleeding. Your lips...."

"I'm fine, Kyurin."

"Kyungsoo, what are you thinking??!!! Have you gone nuts??!!! Are you crazy??!!!" she yelled at me once again.

"Yes!!! I'm crazy!!! Satisfied now???!!!!" I yelled at her back and went out from the room.

[End of Flashback]


I was buying drinks for me and Chanyeol hyung at the hospital. Chanyeol hyung was taking care of Kyurin at the ward. Then, my phone rang. *I know I shouldn't use the phone when I'm at the hospital..=_=' * It was from Chanyeol hyung. I answered the call.

"Hello..." I greeted.

"Kyungsoo, where are you??"

"I'm on my way back to the ward. Why hyung? Is there something happen to Kyurin?" I started to feel worry.

"She has gain her concious. She just woke up...Rush here now, Kyungsoo. Quick!"

Without saying anything, I ended the phone call and rushed to Kyurin's ward.

"Kyurin!!" That's the first thing I said when I saw her, sitting on her bed. I ran towards her and hugged her tightly, as tight as I can.

"Stop it! You're hurting me..." she said.

"Sorry, I was just being too happy to see your eyes are blinking again."

"Seriously, who are you??" she asked.

"What??" I was confused with her question.

"Oppa, who is he?" she asked Chanyeol hyung.

"Kyurin-ah, don't you remember him? Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I know you. You're Park Chanyeol, my oppa, the most handsome guy in this universe."

"Then, who is he?" Chanyeol hyung pointed at me.

"I don't know. Oppa, is he your friend?"



Haje's little word O_O :

So, here it is...my update..^^.. I hate to make Yongguk as the bad guy here..because he's my bias in B.A.P..T_T.. but I just need to do that...so, how??? comment guys...remember, if you have some idea on how you want this story to go, just inform me..i'll credit it to you and take your idea..^^..

Kyungsoo must be hurting to know Kyurin doesn't know him anymore.. T_T..crying for kyungsoo...

this saturday, i'll start to enroll in a university..wish me luck guys, to keep updating...^^..i'll try my best...

and i miss my boyfriend so much..=_='

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Chapter 19: :") a happy ending...wow..I love this story so much..makes me love Kyungsoo more...Hahaha ^____^ True love between Kyungsoo and Kyurin..Great story author-nim! :DDD
That. Is. Just. good
ArlynMLB #3
Chapter 17: please continue the story
ArlynMLB #4
Chapter 9: i love kyungsoo so please continue writing stories about him, it won't be boring if you write stories about him
chanloveExo21 #5
Chapter 17: I love the story Very much I love kyungsoo too!! :3

i'm imagining the scenes right now!!

huhh ilove it so much!! :)
Chapter 16: Poor kyungsoo. What have you done kyurin. Idk who to blame now.
EunKyung90 #7
Chapter 15: That. Is. Just. CUTE!!^^
Chapter 14: AWWWWW . CUTEEE <3
Chapter 13: finally I finish until chap. 13 ;)

Kyurin.. don't ignore Kyungsoo anymore!!