please ..-__-

That Should Be Me..

the recording for 'star king' was full of laughter ..

from where you are sitting beside the other staffs SHINEe ,f(x) and many other guests were really having fun,

even you was silently laughing.

taemin and sulli were seated at the bottom while key,minho,jonghyun and key were a seat above them.

they are really amusing to look at.

"you know taemin-sshi and sulli-sshi .. look good together"

you heard two staffs beside you whisper.

and you can only agree..

​no i object ..

well, 'good' was an understatement ..

so what?

you sigh ..

you watch the two exchange smiles from time to time ..

love radiates from them .. it makes you envy sulli even more.

you set your eyes on taemin who was happy but not?

his expression was cheerful .. but his eyes .. it seems zoom out.

like he was there physically but emotionally absent ..

​what's wrong with him.

a few minutes's done.

SHINEe immediately went to you ..

except for taemin who excuse himself.

"what's wrong with him?"

onew ask

you shrug.

then you receive a message from taemin.

you head to the dressing room as what he told you.

"tell me oppa .. that your over her .. because from what i observe now .. the way you look at her after you knew she and key-oppa are together .. you seems ..hurt. it's odd ..i .. don't know ."

you heard Sulli's voice. the door was slightly open.

you don't want to eavesdrop but ..

you slowly peek inside.

taemin has his back on you.

"i ..don't love her anymore okay .."

"i don't believe you .. i know your hesitating .. if you want to be with her then tell me directly .. not like you make me think that you still love me!"

you gasp as taemin kiss her . it was a short kiss .. but still it's a kiss .. !! then he hug her.

you feel your heart tighten .. 

you put your hand on your now pounding chest..then you silently cry.

right before you walk away your hear him say those three words you longed for.

"i love you sulli .. only you"



he succeeded on hiding his thoughts while on recording ..

he was thinking of you his hyung .. this stupid feeling of 'getting you back'

it's making him confuse ..

that he decided on talking to you after the recording ..

when he excused .. he directly went to the dressing room, arriving there he sent you a message ..

telling you that he wants to talk to you privately along with where he is.

he was waiting ..pacing back and forth complementing of what he'll say to you ..

​i want her back but i don't ?

​your afraid of hurting again even if it's not her fault and you knew about it,

​your a coward .. admit that ..

​he shook his head ..

"i am not .."

that's when the door open .. he was expecting it was you but it was Sulli.

he was .. disappointed?

​why .. she's my girlfriend .. why am i feeling..

"sulli-sh .. why are you here.?"

"why are you expecting someone else?"

he sigh .. but nod.

"is i-it minjee?"

he nod.

"do you ..are your feelings back? are you going to ..leave me and be with her again?"

he look at sulli .. he don't want to see her crying ..

"tell me oppa .. that your over her .. because from what i have observe now .. the way you look at her after you knew she and key-oppa are together .. you seems ..hurt. it's odd ..i .. don't know ."

​she notice it? am i that transparent?

​she deserves to know the truth .. however when he look at those pleading eyes again .. he lose.


"i ..don't love her anymore okay .."

it was a lie .. he knew it was.

"i don't believe you .. i know your hesitating .. if you want to be with her then tell me directly .. not like you make me think that you still love me!"

he was stunned what he did when she utter those words ..

he just grab her neck and kiss her.

he want to feel that electricity feeling ..the 'love' he once felt for her ..

but there is none he just kiss her nothing else .. just a mere ..brief .. touching of lips ..

​i .. still love her .. sulli .. sorry .. ​he want to say .. but ended up with..


"i love you sulli .. only you"

you have your head low that you didn't notice it when you bump on soemone..

"watch it ..minjee-sh .. are you"

you knew that voice .. 

"key-oppa .. please take me out of here"

he encircle his arms around you and pull you with him to the parking lot ..

he open the van and let you in ..

as he sat beside you.

you cry your heart out.

he was flinching in every sound you make.

he was hurting too ..

you look at him tears stung your eyes.

"oppa .. please help me forget. help me to get over him .. i'm loving him for as long as i can remember.. i'm waiting for him to look back at me .. just a glimpse .. but "you shook your head .. "i don't want to be like this forever .. please .." 

you don't what you are saying but you know your hurt .. it's too much .. you have enough .. "please make me fall in love with you .."

key was astound .. your pleading eyes was unbearable look at. he know you are just saying it because your hurt , your in pain .. 

his selfish side was winning over him .. he want you ..he love you .. 

he wants you to be happy so he have to know the truth .. but before that he have to take this chance to be with you ..

taemin-ah .. i'm really ganna shake everything out from you .. later .. 

​for now.

he hug you.

"for you minjee-ah, i'm willing to risk it all .. i love you"

and planted a soft kiss on your head.


please tell me it's not boring ..

i don't know -__-


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that should be me ... come to it's end . sad but happy .. thank you so much for reading it .. even if i'm still an amateur writer . thank you so so so mch


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Chapter 51: wow.. your love story is very cute..
Aoi1209 #2
Chapter 51: oh.. i almost forgot, Minjee reminds me of someone very close to me.... xD lol
Aoi1209 #3
Chapter 51: waaaaaaaah ! I love it soooooo much ! xD too bad it ended. T_T well, anyway... i also want the story of Miyuki !! xD i want to know who she'll end up to. xD can you, kouyou-chan???? please ...... ^o^
Chapter 16: soo excited authornim!>_< le daebak chappie!
Chapter 51: Great ending! No, we should be thanking you isntead for a great story ^^
Do you know how what time I slept because I was reading this? I slept 7 in the morning. No joke, I actually didn't sleep. I swear. Your story is too good. Keep up the good work.
dotfanfics #7
Chapter 20: Sometimes I think minjee cries too much. *sigh*
But Sulli is evil.
Taemin needs to love her back seriously.
Chapter 42: IT'S ENDING?? WAE!!??
Celinko #10
Chapter 41: Ok mind to update soon?