could it be .

That Should Be Me..

as SHINEe's schedules for the day comes to an end ..

you were feeling nervous .. 

because of what you saw earlier and what taemin has said..

really you are not that crazy to invite your rival but taemin quickly call her.

aish .. as you curse in your mind.

you were currently sitting with onew and key by your side,

jonghyun and minho behind you and taemin ..

who is veryyyy busy with his phone in the front seat.

the 'sitting arrangement' got change,

because .. as key said .. before the van starts.

and you quote 'i'm her 'boyfriend' but why am i not sitting with her?' 

end quote .. with a pout to you and sending a glare at taemin,

and by that it change.

you deeply sigh.

"oh, that one's deep .. is something bothering you?"

onew ask beside you.

you look at him.

he was giving you that .. concern with a smile expression of his.

you can't help but giggle .and shook your head.

key notice it, and send a warning at his hyung.

onew just raise his hands means of surrender .. he don't want to get nag by Key.

you notice it and look at key ..

who is now smiling innocently at you.

you just ignore him.


you cough.. ​what did he call me?

he said sweetly bumping his shoulder on yours..

"yeobo." he called again ..

the other guys want to laugh but they're trying hard not to.

"bowh ..?" you answered letting him be . his stubborn so shouting at him is just a waste of oxygen .. 

but ​yeobo???? ...!  .you are really pissed off .. ​control .. control.

"kibummie wants attention~"

using his aegyo.

onew, jonghyun and minho chuckle.

while taemin .. well he look .. just okay ..


​again? control .. control .. breath in breath out.

you continue on ignoring him.

"you mad?"

he asks .. peek at you.

he always do that..

at last you spare a glance at him.

he was fluttering his eyelashes at you.

you can't help but  laugh .. then pinch his cheeks.

he smile .. "oh, hyung .. i thought were going to but some foods?"

key ask at their manager.

when you notice the van as heading to your apartment.

"it's okay .. yuki .. texted me .she said not to bother buying foods .. her treat"


key gasp .. "woah your friend is great .."

you smile sweetly.

the van arrive at your apartment.

SHINEe went out quickly afraid to be notice.

the seven  of you including their manager are crowding at the door,

you search for your key at your bag but it's not there.

​i really put it here .. 

then you remember taking it out .. 

you scratch your head .. ​pabo .. where did i put it .. and why did i take it out.

the others might notice your dilemma,

"something's wrong minjee-ah?"

minho ask.

"huh .. ? ammmh .. the key .. i don't know where i--"

"you put it in your back pocket when you took it out earlier"

taemin's voice stunned everyone well as you.

but quickly search your back pockets and found the key there ..

you took it out.

while using it to opened the door your thoughts are busy thinking .. ​he .. knew .. where .. so he was watching me? he ..

​when the door opened.

"happy birtday!!!"

someone shouted.

you saw your sister with her fiancé and your friend.

your went over to them .. hugging your sister and yuki.

"thank you prepared a lot .. "

you said motioning to the food on the table .. that they set up at the living room.

"but this is not my table .."

"i brought it .. your table is kinda small .. so i brought one .. got some trouble bring it here but it's worth it"

yuki smile and hook her arms on yours.


minho exclaim by the door .. 

it got the attention of everyone. ​they're still outside?

you felt yuki tense .. of course .. minho's her bias.

"woah .. you must be well-off ..and pretty"

jonghyun's expression shocked you .. he was looking at yuki with .. admiration.

can't blame him though.. yuki's really beautiful.


flattered friend?

and smirk at her. she notice it .. "what?"

you shook your head.

"ammh .. can we come inside now?"

taemin asks.

"of course .." you shouted suddenly.

"you mad?"

yuki ask.

"onew-hyung .. you okay?"

you look at onew .. he was a little .. no .. he's disappointed over something he stared at the table.

"something wrong .. onew-sshi?"

yuki asks .. and drag you to onew who is now have his head low.

their manager was asking him but no answer ..

then ..


he shouted. all of you were surprise ..

after a while ..everyone burst out laughing.

"so that's why your disappointed?"

you aren't aware that it was taemin by your side ..

and just like old times.. you face him absentmindedly .. and he face you too .. and together .. 

you laugh .. giving high-five to each other .. he holding your hand.

the rest of the guys are still making fun of onew.. not even noticing .. you and taemin.

the door bell snap you back ... taemin look at you then to your clasp hands. 

he didn't let go .. so you let your heart dream a little .. 

"sulli-ah .. you c-came"

you heard jonhyun's voice and sulli's greeting..

​please don't let go .. 

​you silently .. wish ..

but ..


someone .. back hug taemin .. 

he let go .. you avert your gaze.

"i thought i'm ganna get lost .. it's good i called minho-oppa and ask him.. oh .. minjee-ah"

she called  .. as he went in front of you.

you face her ..smiling.

"happy birthday!" and gave you a hug.

you saw taemin's eyes turn away from you.

that's when sulli let go ..

and give you a present. 

"you shouldn't have .."

"i could have wrap taemin-oppa for you but ..i already receive him . i can't give something i got right?"

it was silent.

curse you.

"well .. your right however taemin-ah is not a present so i can always take him back .. "

her smile fell but it recovered in seconds .. you smile too.

yuki seems to have sense the tension .. that's she ..

"Onew-sshi .. we can order chicken by a phone call .. right .. will have it delivered ..okay?"

"oh .. your right .. !yehey .. CHICKEN !" onew happily jump up and down ..

you laugh again.

as everyone got settled you sneak to the kitchen ..

there you drank some cold water to cool you off.

you breath .. you want that moment with taemin to last long but it didn't ..

"really frustrating"

facing the sink .. 

then you felt arms hug you from behind.

you turn around just to be face-to-face with Key.

his face inches away from yours.

you heart was pounding .. as you stare at those sad eyes.

​why haven't i notice such .. handsome face before ..

​you were just silently watching him .. as touch your face with his thumb from your cheeks to your jaw then to your lips.

slowly ..

getting closer .. this feeling ..i felt it before .. could it be ..

you close you eyes ... 

then ..

anyeong ..

i hope my story's not that boring to you .. 

please let me know what you think ..

comments are reallyyyy appreciated .. and subscribe too .. 'kay ..

thank you ♥




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that should be me ... come to it's end . sad but happy .. thank you so much for reading it .. even if i'm still an amateur writer . thank you so so so mch


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Chapter 51: wow.. your love story is very cute..
Aoi1209 #2
Chapter 51: oh.. i almost forgot, Minjee reminds me of someone very close to me.... xD lol
Aoi1209 #3
Chapter 51: waaaaaaaah ! I love it soooooo much ! xD too bad it ended. T_T well, anyway... i also want the story of Miyuki !! xD i want to know who she'll end up to. xD can you, kouyou-chan???? please ...... ^o^
Chapter 16: soo excited authornim!>_< le daebak chappie!
Chapter 51: Great ending! No, we should be thanking you isntead for a great story ^^
Do you know how what time I slept because I was reading this? I slept 7 in the morning. No joke, I actually didn't sleep. I swear. Your story is too good. Keep up the good work.
dotfanfics #7
Chapter 20: Sometimes I think minjee cries too much. *sigh*
But Sulli is evil.
Taemin needs to love her back seriously.
Chapter 42: IT'S ENDING?? WAE!!??
Celinko #10
Chapter 41: Ok mind to update soon?