New Year Special : Minho-Krystal (Chapter 31)

Suddenly In Love


Minho’s POV

                It was a day after Christmas and we were going to have breakfast together, as usual. I was the first one to wake up…since I had nothing to do on Christmas day. I sounded so pathetic, huh?

                Then suddenly Jonghyun and Key walked to the dining room, joining me for breakfast.

                “Good morning, Minho,” Key greeted as he plopped down on the seat next to me, and Jonghyun sat across Key.

                “Morning, Minho-gun,” Jonghyun greeted too and I greeted them good morning as well.

                “Is that a new bracelet?” Jonghyun suddenly pointed to Key who was busy spreading jam on his toast.

                “Oh, this?” Key pointed to the bracelet as well. “Yeah…”

                “Let me see it,” Jonghyun pulled Key’s arm to take away the bracelet, but Key just immediately pulled his arm away. Jonghyun gave him a look and he grinned sheepishly. Seeing his action, Jonghyun smirked teasingly at Key. “It’s from a girl, huh?”

                Key just rolled his eyes in response and continued spreading jam over his toast.

                “What did you get from a girl?” Onew suddenly joined the conversation as he was walking to the dining room.

                “A bracelet,” Jonghyun smirked. “But he didn’t let me look at it.”

                “Seems like from a special girl,” Onew joined Jonghyun’s teasing-Key-team.

                “So what if it’s from a girl, it’s not like only you guys can have the girls,” Key responded,                        taking a bite of his toast.

                “Good morning, everyone,” Taemin jumped into the scene with his sunshine smile. He took one of Key’s toasts and took a bite.

                “Yah, that’s my toast!” Key nagged at Taemin, but he just gave Key a puppy eyes look and Key groaned.

                “How was your date, Onew Hyung?” Taemin asked as soon as he sat at my left. “I heard from Sulli that you made Luna Noona mad.”

                “Even if my baby is angry, she won’t stay mad long enough to me,” Onew said dreamily and Key made a face.

                “Too much fluffs,” Key groaned.

                “Spoken from the man who protect his bracelet, which was given from a special lady,” Jonghyun said sarcastically and Key shot him a look.

                “Anyway, I heard Sulli’s name was mentioned a while ago, which reminds me of something,” Key smirked and fixed his gaze at Taemin. “You got anything to spill, mister?”

                Taemin grinned and his cheeks went red.

                “Sulli accepted me,” he said in a low voice and everyone cheered for him. We all congratulate him and his cheeks went redder and redder.

                “Oh! I heard yours went well with Jessica,” Onew nudged Jonghyun from his side.

                “Of course!” Jonghyun beamed at the name of his girlfriend. “Nothing went wrong, absolutely perfect! Too bad she had family dinner on the Christmas day.”

                “Really? What did you do?” Taemin asked curiosly.

                “No! Please don’t let him tell it again, I could die if he tells the story again!” Key raised his hands in defeat and Jonghyun chuckled.

                “I’ll tell you guys, next time,” Jonghyun grinned at Taemin and Onew.

                I feel left out somehow… This is my story, seriously! Why am I left out, being quiet and all!?

                But then, I have nothing to say… so yeah…

                “Speaking of Jessica Jung,” Key suddenly said, with an emphasizing on the word ‘Jung’. Okay, I take my words back, I want to feel left out instead. “What did you do with Krystal, Minho?”

                “She had to go for a family time, as Jonghyun said,” I replied before drinking my tea.

                “You can spend Christmas on the eve, like I did,” Jonghyun said and everyone else nodded in agreement.

                Waiting for my answer, everyone looked at me. But I had nothing to say, so I kept quiet. Just then, Key put his hand on my shoulder. “Dude, you’re a turtle,” he commented and I made a face at him.

                “Yeah, I can’t believe it that my soon-brother-in-law is a slowpoke like this,” Jonghyun added and I shot him a look as well.

                “I’m just taking everything slow, okay,” I defended myself and Key rolled his eyes in annoyance.

                “You see, Minho. This playboy already has Jessica,” Key pointed at Jonghyun, who was glaring at him for the ‘playboy’ comment, which Key ignored just like that. “This chicken-lover already has Luna. Even our maknae is already official with Sulli!”

                I stayed quiet at the comment and Key added, “Come on, Minho. Even I already confessed to A-.”

                “You confessed?” Jonghyun shrieked in shocked. Onew choked on his tea while Taemin and I just gave Key a disbelief look. Key realized on what he was about to spill, so he immediately shut up.    

                “Well yeah, I confessed. The conclusion is, aren’t you a bit too slow, Minho?” Key looked at me. “Wait, cross the bit. Aren’t you too slow?”

                “Whoa, whoa, wait!” Jonghyun cut. “Who did you confess to?”

                “Does that even matter?” Key said.

                “I think he was going to say A-,” Key immediately shoved Taemin a toast so that he couldn’t continue his words.

                “We’re talking about Minho here,” Key defended and everyone shrugged the Key-confessed-to-a-girl topic off.

                Am I being too slow? Really?


                I arrived in front of the Jung’s residence that afternoon, hoping that Soojung was at her house. After a few moments waiting for her, a woman around 40s came out of the house and looked at me curiously. I guess she was her mom. So I bowed politely at her and she smiled at me.

                “Annyeonghaseyo, I am Choi Minho, Soojung’s friend,” I said politely and she opened the gate for me.

                “Come in, Soojung is upstairs with her sister. I’ll call her for you,” she said and I thanked her.

                I waited in her living room and a few moments later, she was already in front of me.

                “Hey,” I greeted and she greeted back.

                “What brings you here?” she said as she sat next to me.

                I took out a small box- around 10x10x10, and gave it to her, “Belated merry Christmas,” I grinned sheepishly and she blinked at me, before letting out a smile.

                “Thank you,” she took the box. “Belated merry Christmas too.”

                “Sorry I didn’t call for Christmas, I just thought you might be busy with your family,” I said and she assured me that it’s okay. “So how was your Christmas?” I asked, awkwardly.

                “It was okay, we just talk about things to catch up at the noon, with a family lunch- which was supposed to be only the four of us, but Jonghyun Oppa came, so it was family plus Jonghyun lunch time,” she said.

                “Jjong Hyung came?”

                “Yeah, he’s here to apologize to my parents for taking Sica Eonni away until midnight,” she answered before continuing, “And then we had a real family dinner, and then exchanging presents.”

                Her words made me feel guilty. I didn’t even call to say Merry Christmas, or text her, at least. Darn! I feel extremely stupid!


Krystal’s POV

                I was-truthfully, shocked to see Minho on this day. It’s a day after Christmas. Not any special occasion. Deep down, I was actually kinda mad at him. I mean, when my friends and I are on the phone, they all tell me about their dates. Even my sister’s boyfriend asked me to help their date. But hey, who am I to have the rights to get mad at him for not spending Christmas with me. I am not even her girlfriend. In the end, I just spent Christmas Eve with Sehun and Kai.

                “Well…,” he rubbed the back of his neck and I could see he was nervous. “You see, I wanted to take you out on Christmas, but since your family is here, I didn’t. I mean, your parents live in the States, and maybe you miss them.”

                I didn’t say anything in response.

                “And I think that you might don’t want to spend it with me,” Minho said.

                “Silly, of course I want to spend Christmas with you!” I blurted. But then I realized what I said. My eyes grew wide and he looked at me.

                “Really?” his face lit up.

                “Yeah, of course,” I grinned sheepishly. Why the heck I blurted that out?

                “Then… because we weren’t able to spend Christmas together, shall we spend New Year together instead?” he suggested and I agreed to his suggestion.


                “Mom, I’m going, okay?” I kissed my mom’s cheek and approached my dad. “Bye, Dad,” I kissed his cheek as well.

                “Look who’s going on a date on New Year’s,” Jessica Eonni skipped her way on the stairs as she was teasing me.

                “You’re going on a date?” my dad put down his newspaper he was reading earlier to eye me.

                “I thought you said you’re going to hang out with a friend,” my mom added and I glared at my sister playfully.

                “Oh yeah, a friend,” Jessica Eonni said. “A guy friend,” she added.

                “Then don’t go home late, like your sister did,” my dad said and I chuckled.

                “Dad! Jjong already apologize for it!” Sica Eonni said and my dad grinned.

                I skipped my way outside as I saw Minho was already waiting outside of the gate. He waved at me with a smile plastered on his face, I just smiled back at him as I was approaching him.

                “Should I ask for permission to your parents first?” he asked.

                “No way!” I immediately answered. “They would tease me to death,” I said and he smiled cheekily.

                “I’m just trying to be a gentleman here,” he said and I gave him a light punch on his arm.

                “Just be your un-gentleman-self, Minho,” I said and he chuckled.


                It was an ordinary hang out, I say. And it’s obviously not a date. We only went to watch a movie, and now we’re heading to a ddukbokki stall, which he said has the best ddukbokki ever. Sometimes I wonder if Minho’s doing all these things because he saw me as a good company, or because he really likes me. Because sometimes he acted like he really likes me, sometimes it’s just like… he only wants to own me, but no special feelings attached.

                He ordered a plate of ddukbokki for the two of us to share. As soon as the order came, he grabbed a pair of chopstick and gave it to me, before grabbing another pair for himself. I thanked him as I was taking the chopstick and he smiled in response.

                “So, do you have anywhere you wanna go after this?” he asked, with his eyes focused on the ddukbokki which he struggled to take.

                I swallowed my piece before answering him, “I don’t know. Do you have anywhere in mind?”

                “Actually… no,” he said as he looked at me in the eye. “Wherever I go, as long as it’s with you, I’ll be happy.”

                My face flushed in red as soon as he said it. I froze at the moment, unable to move. I blinked my eyes a couple times before hearing him chuckling.

                “Why are you turning red?” he asked and I cleared my throat on purpose, because it suddenly feels dry. I grabbed my tea and drank it.

                “You’re too cheesy, Choi Minho,” I said and he grinned.

                “I’m trying to say something sweet, and you called it cheesy,” he faked a pout and I made a face at him.

                “You look bad when you pout like that,” I said.

                “What? I thought I looked cute,” he pouted even more and I shook my head quickly.

                “Sehun is the only guy I know that is cute when he pouts,” I commented and he pouted. This time, it’s a real pout.

                “Taemin has a cute pout too,” he said and I nodded.

                “Oh yeah! Taemin Oppa does too,” I added and his eyebrows furrowed.

                “Soojung ah,” he suddenly called, with a deep-serious voice. His voice was light a few seconds ago, but suddenly it changed. “Don’t talk about Sehun when you’re with me, don’t even think about him. Even when you’re not with me, don’t think about him. Think about me instead.”

                I was going to say that he is crazy for saying such words, but words won’t come out of my throat, so I kept silent, with mouth hanging open.

                “Don’t call Taemin with ‘Oppa’, don’t call anyone else with ‘Oppa’, you can only call me with ‘Oppa’,” he continued and I unconsciously smiled-faintly at his words. I knew where this is heading to, he was jealous because I talk about Sehun and also because I called Taemin with ‘Oppa’. And I just thought that the way he said it… it was sweet.

                He gulped as he looked down.

                I smiled wider.

                “Minho Oppa,” I called cutely, bending down a little so that I could see his face.

                He lifted his face and looked at me. I could see a faint blush on his cheeks, and I held out a chuckle.

                “Doesn’t sound that bad,” I commented. “I’ll call you Minho Oppa then.”

                Then he smiled at me, with his eyes twinkling.

                I finally let out the chuckle. “I don’t get why girls call you the Charismatic-Minho, when you’re actually really dorky,” I said and he frowned.

                “I am actually very charismatic, okay? I am full of charisma,” he defended himself and I pretended to check him up from head to toe and shook my head. “Oh come on, I am overloading with charisma!”

                “Nah, you’re dorky, not charismatic,” I said as I took another bite of the ddukbokki.

                He didn’t defend himself this time. Instead he grinned at me and said, “Fine, I am dorky, but only to you. I’m only me when I’m with you” He added a wink at the end of the sentence.







it was supposed to be christmas special, but then I couldn't post the christmas version bcs i was abroad, so I changed it to New Year's special xPP but I still couldnt post it on time bcs I was still abroad. I just got home last night, around 1 am >< so yeah~~ xP

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check out my new fic, feauturing EXO : Learning How to Love ^^/


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Chapter 43: I definitely enjoyed my time reading this story! It was so well thought out & just amazing honestly. The last chapter could've brought me to tears. I was so happy for Minho & Krystal and I pretty much jumped from joy because of the Kai & Yoona scene ahhhhh ♡
jungsister #2
Chapter 8: i really love this story haha daebaak! ithis is my fav ff. thankyou so much for making this ff. i wait for your next story
risantiica #3
Chapter 30: omoooo jinki so asdcasdfghjklaaajsgrirj >,<
Chapter 46: ohh yaay ouo
Chapter 44: PINK! Haha ohmygod I can't imagine a man wearing pink tux on his wedding-_-
Normally its black or white.
I love Key in white!
Haha, and nice ending for keyber
kachan08 #6
Chapter 44: Ahhh nice ending.. Sweet.. How I wish I can see them all get married as the epilogue but this will do.. Can't wait for ur next mintal story..
Chapter 44: ohmagod. don't wear pink, key XD
Chapter 43: This is really sweet. Though I don't ship kaiyoon, it's still cute xD and the keyber couple, you should make a little sequel.

And and I can't imagine the lunew wedding xD full with chicken XD

And omooo minstal is so sweet. But they are old already XD
MinSoojung #9
Chapter 43: minho so sweet :))
dee2dazee #10
Chapter 43: Wow it's finished. That was a great story, love it :) I like the epilogue, always love marriages :p thanks for writing this fiction ^^