Chapter 8

The unexpected that changes us

Hyuna POV 

I opened my eyes and the first thing I take a look is the clock. It is 6.30am, thanks god I'm not late for work. I get up and stretched my hands. I went to washed up and slipped into a floral dress. The moment I am at the living room, I smell something really fragrance. I went into the kitchen and saw Junhyung cooking something. I'm curious what is he cooking. "Yah!" I squealed tapping on his shoulder. 

Junhyung POV 

I am cooking mushroom soup so both of us can have it for our breakfast. I am wondering if hyuna is awake, what if she asleep. I scratched my head while stirring the soup. "Yah!" A squealing sound I heard. Someone is tapping me, I bet it is hyuna for sure. I turn back and it's indeed her. "What are you doing? What are you cooking?" she asked. "Ahh I am cooking mushroom soup, you stay outside and I will serve you shortly." I said. "Woah someone is cooking." she said. "yea.." I replied. "Arraso! I will wait outside." she said. She peep at the soup and pouted before she left the kitchen. She must be hungry already. 

Hyuna POV 

It smells so nice and my stomach is growling already. Today I don't have to cook and here he is cooking for the first time. He came out with 2 bowls of soup. "Here our breakfast, Mushroom soup! Hope you will like it." he said. I take my first sipped and it taste really delicious. "How was it?" he asked. "Not bad!" I replied. He smiled in replied. Soon, we finished our breakfast and we leave the house to work. I get in the car and he start driving. "Yah! Why do you cook today, out of a sudden?" I asked. "Your alcohol tolerance is low right? You must be tired after drinking and I want you to rest more." He replied. "Kamsa junhyung-sshi." I said. "Not a problem a all." he said. 

Junhyung POV 

I hope hyuna is fine, although she didn't drink much. My phone rang and I answered it. "Yeobosaeyo." I said. "Oppa! Are you reaching office soon?" hara said. "yea.. I am reaching in a few more traffic. Help me with all the documents for today and I will see it later." I said. "Arraso! See you." she said. She then hanged the call. 

Hara POV 

I start sorting out the documents according to what Junhyung inform me. I brought out some documents and soon I saw him walking into the office. "Yay oppa is here!" I squealed and ran over to him. "Hyuna-sshi, go to your desk and you will be given things to do later." I heard him talking to that girl. They then went separate ways. "Hara, did you do what I told you?" he asked. "Yes, this is it." I answered. "Kamsa! Remember our date tonight with your family?" he asked. "Of course! My dad cannot wait to see you." I said. "Really? I cannot wait to see ahjusshi too." he said. "Yes. Why would I lie to you pabo." I said. "I didn't say you are lying." he said. 

Junhyung POV 

Tonight will be meeting ahjusshi and I am thinking what to give him as a gift. I should just give him a wine. While chatting happily with hara, I almost forgot to give hyuna things to do. Since there is a list of thing here that need to be sort out, I shall let her do it. "Hara, can you pass all these to hyuna and tell her what to do?" I asked. "Of course, but first tell me what is your feelings for her." she said. My feelings for her. I just think of her as my friend and someone that need help and protect. I thought to myself. "Is someone jealous?" I asked. "If you think I am then I am, don't try to tease me." she said. "Arraso. Go and do your work now. Once work is off, I will come find you." I said. She left my office and she look so cute when she is jealous. Hara don't failed to brighten up my morning and get ride of my working blues. 

Hara POV 

Look like they are getting closer but who cares and I shouldn't think so much. Why am I always so paranoid and why did he want me to inform hyuna all these when there is hana around. Oh well, I will just take it as I'm helping that girl and oppa. I walked to her desk and she seems to be dazing out. "Uhm hi. Oppa wants me to give this for you to do." I said. "Arraso. I will do it and thank you so much." she said. "Then I will leave now and when you are done just give it to hana." I said. As I am walking away, she hold me back. "Excuse me. Your name is hara right?" she asked. She sounds like she is really curious about me, or did oppa told her something about us. "Yea. Wae?" I replied. "Anniya. You should know my name and let's work happily from now onwards." She smiled. "Okay! I will go do my things now. Annyeong!" I said. She look friendly and nice but still I have to be cautious of things around. 

Hyuna POV 

Finally I got my documents to do, if not I will be real bored here doing nothing. Hara look friendly and gorgeous, hope we can get along well. I sit back and start doing my stuffs. After finish half of it, I stretched my arms and look at the time. It is 2pm already, I didn't realized I do it so slowly and time really do flies. I rest awhile and continue with it. 

Junhyung POV 

After finishing this much work, I went ahead to hyuna desk and see her doing her stuffs so attentively. I knocked on her table. "Hyuna-sshi.." I said. "Yah. Junhyung. Anything more to do?" she asked. "Nothing much already. Stop doing and rest, I will go pack lunch for you so what do you want?" I said. "Hmm why not we go eat together?" she asked. "Sorry but that wouldn't be good because of some reasons." I said. I feel so bad for not letting her to join us because I don't think hara will like it to have another person to join us in. "It's okay, just buy me a bibimbap or kimchi fried rice?" she answered. "Arraso. By the way, tonight go home by yourself because I'm going somewhere." I said. "Alright. Thanks." she said. I went off and both hara and I went to have our lunch. 

Hyuna POV 

I will be all alone tonight. I wonder where is Junhyung going but it is none of my business anyways. Tonight I will probably go home early and cook for myself or maybe pack food for myself. I saw some work left and I continue doing. In just a short while, I complete all of it. "Hyuna, you are done right?" hana asked. "Yes, I am done." I said. "That is it for you today according to ceo." she said. "Then what can I do now?" I asked. "You can go now." she said. "Okay thanks." I said. It's only 4pm and Junhyung isn't in the office. My so called lunch isn't here yet and it is going to be dinner time already. I go ahead to text junhyung that he don't need to buy already. I packed my stuffs and leave the office. 

Junhyung POV 

After having lunch with Hara and I am back here in the office. I walked to hyuna desk and find her missing. "Hana-sshi, where is hyuna?" I asked. "She left already since she had done all the work." She said. "Why she left without me knowing?" I asked. "She did text you that she is leaving." she answered. "Arraso. Thanks." I said. I took out my phone and saw her text. 'Junhyung-ah i'm done with all the work and leaving already. The food you don't have to buy already. -Hyuna' I didn't replied her. Holding on to the food. How am I going to do with it. I thought to myself. I think I shall give it to hana. 

Hara POV 

After finishing off all the work and there is nothing already, I went out with my handbag and find Junhyung. "Oppa! We are done for the day. Can we go now?" I said. "Sure. Let's go." he said. We walked to the carpark and we went to get his car. We then left the office to my house. I'm going to make oppa happy tonight. I smiled to myself. 

Junhyung POV 

While I am driving, going to hara house I wonder how is hyuna going to managed herself and will she be alone. I hope not, since she got her own life and friends too. I shall not worried too much and enjoy with my little princess hara tonight. We reached her house and we head to the dinning room. Hara umma and appa is there waiting for us already. Annyeohasaeyo ahjussi and ahjumma, it had been a long time." I bowed. "Nae. Both of you sit down and let's dine in." Hara umma said. 

Hara POV 

We reached home and after junhyung paying some respect for umma and appa, we finally dined in. I am so hungry and the food taste so nice. "The food taste so good, it had been so long since I taste all of it." Junhyung said. "Of course! My home cooked food is the best." I said. I take a piece of meat and put on junhyung bowl. "Ahh thank you" he said. He then grabbed a piece of sashimi to my bowl. "That's your favourite, eat more." he said. "Both of you ahh, when are your going to get married?" Appa said. I laughed in responsed. 

Junhyung POV 

I choked upon what hara appa said. "Ahjussi are you joking with us?" I said. "Anniya, both are you ain't young anymore so quickly get married." hara appa replied. "Ahh appa, don't say such stuffs. You scare oppa already." Hara said. Both of the parents was laughing away. What was my feelings for hara. I questioned myself. 

Hara POV 

We had a lot of fun chatting while eating. After we had eaten, I brought Junhyung to my room so we can have some time spend together. "Woah you still keep those pictures when we are young." Junhyung said. I feel so awkward. Yes, he saw all the photo frames in my room. Those with our cute photos we took when we are child until now. True enough that I love him. 

Junhyung POV 

I was dumbfounded when I saw those pictures. Yes, among all the frames in her room. Mostly of them are photo of us. I feel touched in a sudden. Hara was looking at me while she is sitting on her bed. I went to hugged her. I cannot help myself. "Pabo give me some time to think of us okay?" I said. I let go of the hug and kiss her on her forehead. "Anniya kwenchena. Don't take my parents words seriously, they are like this." she answered. I can feel that she said it with pain but I couldn't help it. 

Hyuna POV 

All I do after I get home is cook for myself some food and watching tv. Waiting for time to passed so Junhyung will be back soon. It is 10pm already but he isn't home yet. I just want to wait for him before I could go to sleep since he didn't reply my text. I sat on the sofa and continue watching the tv while waiting. 

Hara POV 

All the words from me, make me feel assured but at the same time I feel pain too. The hugged from him is so warm. I can feel the heart wrenching tension between us but I just cannot do anything. The time is getting later, I should tell him to go home too because there is still work tomorrow. "Ain't you going home yet? It is so late already." I said. "I shall leave now. Take care and see you tomorrow." he said. Before he leave, he gave me another hugged. " Sleep well tonight and don't think too much." he whispered to my ears. I was speechless. We stayed like this for quite awhile before he really left. 

Junhyung POV 

I gave her another hug before I leave. I hope she won't feel burdened by what I said. Soon, I drive my car back home. 


Hi ~ So how was this [long] chapter? It had been weeks since I updated but yeah I am back. 

Can you feel that something is going to unfold and those plot twist is coming? 


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Hey I updated chapter 7. Sorry if the fonts some small and some big cause I updated using my itouch. If not hope everyone will like this chapter. Thanks (:


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Chapter 68: I miss this story!
anasilvia #2
Chapter 68: Oh Junhyung-ah pali pali get your memories back soon!
htetooyan95 #3
Chapter 67: I like your story soo,keep updating
firstzyx #4
Chapter 67: woooo so nice
Chapter 67: Hynseung is not cruel Hara. You're the one who is cruel.
*Best update!
Chapter 67: nice chap...
thanks for update..
BabyJoQueen #7
Chapter 67: Uhh.. I want JunAh authornim ><
Chapter 66: Oh god yes have junhyung go home and see signs of hyuna there please!!!!!
BabyJoQueen #9
Chapter 66: JunAh moment please :(
firstzyx #10
Chapter 65: ah naughty junhyung, i want to see drama pls update soom