A Surprising Meeting
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My semester break just begins. I’m going to spend this whole break at my grandmother’s house. Well, I actually have nothing to do for like 3 months and a half, so my mom suggested that I should babysit some kids. You can guess how my reaction was. Oh My God. Babysitting is the last job that I want to do. Dealing with kids, not really what I am looking for. But I end up listening to her since the parents for the kids are paying quite a lot.

The family of the kids is my grandmother’s acquaintance. The kids’ kindergarten closes without any notice. That’s why the parents really need someone to take care of their children when they’re at work.

I’ve been sitting in front of my laptop for hours. I sign in into the chatting website. I stare at the screen-doing nothing. Truth to be told, I’m actually holding back myself from clicking the chat box. This dilemma has lies under the carpet for quite a long time. I don’t want to chat with him. No, not ever.

This all happened for almost like, 5 months ago. I stopped myself from making any conversation with him. You want to know why? Because I was telling him a lie that was eating me up. Urgh! I was stupid.

So, this is what happened. It’s common when people are using fake username in a social website right? Yes, I did the same. I used ‘Jelly’ as my username (childish huh?). But I use my real photo for the default picture.

Then I got a friend request from someone. The default picture of that person was an infinite sign. I checked his profile;

Username: Peanut Butter

Gender: Male

Age: 20

That’s all. He didn’t give any other information about him. He was using ‘peanut butter’ as his username. Cute. I thought I was the only person who used that kind of weird name. He didn’t seem like he’s a bad person. I accepted his friend request and then we started to chat every single day. Mostly, he was the one who started it.

Somehow, he attracted me just by his words. I know nothing about him but my heart raced every time I’m in a conversation with him and peanut butter jelly crossed my mind sometime. You know what I meant. Peanut Butter plus Jelly. Make a good combination right?

After months, we’re getting closer. I asked him what exactly he does for his work. He told me he’s a singer, but he doesn’t use his real name when on stage. Yeah right. Like I’m going to believe that. As a result I told him that I was a singer too, but a rookie. At first I thought it was a joke but then from the way he’s describing about h

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hey there~ i just signed up for a website called ask.fm the link is at my profile. Do check it out okay :D and feel free to ask me anything!


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Chapter 18: love it!!!!! fluffy!!!
Chapter 16: its sad,,, leaving Minjung and Hyunri..
Chapter 14: no no no... Myungsooo ... i hate you Dani...,**teary eyes...***
Chapter 12: i HATE YOU!!! DANI!!!..
Chapter 11: kekekekeke...so fluffy...
Chapter 8: hehehe...i thought im going to be in trouble....love it..
Chapter 6: hehehe... nice!!! sweet!!!!
Chapter 2: kekeke... omg!!!!! i love it,,,,****omg!!! am i blushing???***
LEElulu #9
Chapter 1: i just started reading it n i like it i hope i found it earlier :)