Another typical day. Or not ?

I hate you, but I love you.



Your POV

“Oh my gosh, is that Chanyeol ? He’s so handsome !” the girls squealed.

“Hey Ha Neul, wouldn’t you want to see Prince Chanyeol walking down the aisle ? Oh gosh, he’s so hot that I think I can boil water on him !”

Prince ? Prince who ? He’s not even from the royal family, nor even a close relative of them.

And what ? He’s so hot that you think you can boil water on him ? Girl, you need to use the time you spent spazzing about Chanyeol and use it to improve your literary skills.

“No thank you” I coldly replied and walked away from the scene.

I let out a loud sigh and stared out the window, wondering if this is how I will spend my high school life. Filling my ears with the squealing and screeching sound of the hormonal rabid fangirls dolphin voice drooling and calling out over Chanyeol.

Park Chanyeol. The school’s kingka. I can say he’s a flower boy.He has an anime character-like face. With his big round dreamy eyes, pink lips, high cheekbones, and nicely shaped nose, and not to mention he is very tall too, he can mix well with the basketball club guys and people will mistaken him for a member of the club. To be brief, he’s the ideal boyfriend type.

Sure, he have all of the eligibility to be an ullzang. Or should I just say he’s an ullzang ? He is one anyway, according to their fangirls. But, I just don’t get the hype he gets. He is too overrated. Too overrated that it gets annoying.

For your information, I didn’t quite favour mainstream and overrated things, so I just try my best to stay out of all of this Chanyeol thingy that my schoolmates are hyping about.

So, the best place to get out off all these noises, I make my way to the library. As I stepped in the library, I can feel my heart at peace.  Finally, I can ease my ears from all those high-pitched voices.

I headed to the horror and supernatural corner to search for this new book that I’ve been anticipating to read.  I was going through searching for the books for roughly 5 minutes and finally, a book caught my eyes, it’s the book that I wanted !

Unfortunately, luck hates me. It was on the topmost level of the book rack. I let out a small whine and went to search for a ladder. Lucky me the ladder was no where near 50 steps from the spot. I grabbed the ladder and quickly made my way to the top of the book rack, ‘lusting’ for the book that will accompany me this summer holiday.

And again, I guess luck really hates me. The ladder was unstable and my legs started to wobble. I was swaying right and left and my feet lost its grip and I fell. I was closing my eyes and I covered my head as I was expecting myself to fall on the hard concrete floor. But for some odd reason, the surface I fell on felt soft, and it somehow have a nice fragrance too.

I slowly raised my head to clear out my curiosity. Oh, I fell on a boy. WAIT.


It took some time for my brain to process the image I am seeing. Blame the junk food.

My body started to stiffened when I finally recognize the face. Could it be that I just fell on HIM ?! I subconsciously looked into his eyes and I was slowly drowning into his stares. I have to admit, his eyes are very beautiful.

Before my cheeks could get any redder from the embarrassment or probably..admiration  ? I’ll just assume I’m embarrassed. I quickly turned my head and stood up from the awkward position. Before I could open my mouth to apologize,

“Hey, are you blind ? You just fell on me and you didn’t even say sorry !” Chanyeol said angrily while glaring at me

“What? I was just about to apologize and you cut me off” I replied in disbelief.

“You could’ve used your time staring at me like a creeper and apologize” He said sarcastically.

This guy, is really a jerk.

“For your information, I am not staring at you. I am just slow at recognizing people. And you’re not even qualified to be stare at by me ! “ I yelled out at him and gave him my death glare.

“Heh, I guess you’re dumb then. You couldn’t even recognize this handsome Chanyeol in a split second ?”

I was about to throw all my anger at him when I realized I was in the library. I cancelled my intention and stomped out of the library angrily and gave him my infamous death glare

He mocked my glare and said from afar

“And please, lose some weight, I could feel my back bone is crying out from the sore, fatty”

THIS IS IT. I lost all my temper and went to him to stomp his foot. I stepped on his foot with my full force.

“Yah ! What are you thinking you’re doing ?!” He yelled while hopping up and down in agony rubbing his foot trying to soothe the pain.

A smile tainted on my face. Satisfied with my action, I made my way to my class as the recess was already over.


He was screaming on the top of his lungs trying to make me come back to him, which obviously would never happen. I waved at him sarcastically and rushed to my classroom.


Chanyeol’s POV

What the heck what that ?! Did she just stepped on me ?! On PARK CHANYEOL ?! She clearly doesn’t have any idea of what she’s doing and the consequences that she’ll be facing by doing so.

I was running in the corridor hastily, I am already 10 minutes late.

I apologized to Miss Stephanie which is my English teacher hoping that she would forgive me. She beat me to it and let me off easily. I guess that’s not really a surprise since I’m the school’s eye candy and even the teacher couldn’t avoid my charisma.

Heh. I chuckled.

My face started to frown again when I think about the girl earlier who stepped on me. She has some guts doesn’t she ?

Just you wait, I’ll make sure you’ll come back begging for my apology. I was thinking of all possible ways to make a revenge and let her taste my vengeance.

Suddenly, I felt all eyes are staring at me. Yeah, judge me people.

“Chanyeol, can you please stop daydreaming and pay attention to class ?” Miss Stephanie asked me strictly with a stern face.

“K” I replied shortly while playing with my pen.

“So students,  me and a few of other teachers had discussed. We decided to make a joint class with the class at the end of the corridor, downstairs. We’ll pair you up in a couple and you have to do your task or project that we told you to do together.” Miss Stephanie beamed as she said this.

After she’s done with her talking. I could hear the students are quite unsatisfy with it. Small whines everywhere, showing that there are against it.


“Im so lazy.”

“Ughh, why do we have to do that ?”

“Ooohh, they have lots of pretty girls !”

“And hot boys too !”

“Shut up guys”

Honestly, I don’t really care about this. I can pair up with anyone since everyone are dying to be pair up with me. Or not… ?


Your POV

Ugh. The teacher’s idea is clearly not brilliant at all. Why would we want to have a joint class with the class upstairs ?

I hate pairings ! Moreover, Im not really close with them. Luckily, the teacher is the one who’s doing the pairings.

I hope everything turns out right. And I hope this person in my mind right now wouldn’t be in that class.



Walah !

So this is the first chapter. I hope all of you will like it. :')

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Chapter 15: plz... update soon..
cant wait it :D
yeollie12 #2
Chapter 15: update soon..i cant wait..
Chapter 15: Update sooooooon!!!
Chapter 15: Ahh~ you make my bias changing again keke
zatie92 #5
I am new reader. This story is so cute. Update soon
hanahana #6
Chapter 11: this one chapter is just exactly like kaichou-wa-maid-sama!!!
i just noticed XD
poor luhan:(
ayemwhyyyy #7
Chapter 15: Yes! Chanyeol must be referring to himself!
Chapter 15: update please
ParkChae #9
Chapter 15: Wah~ he admitte it! Somewhat! XD update again soon~
mustaches #10
update please!