The promised date

Accidental Infinitization

Hayley P.O.V

"Hayley-sshi wake up" Someone whispered and gently shook me. "Stop it" I whine cause who ever that someone was, he was destroying my sweet sleep." Hayley-sshi. Please wake up" The voice beg. I opened my eyes a little and it was Woohyun. " What do you want?" I asked but pulled the blanket over my head so he would just go away. " He pulled the blanket away " Wake up" he said. I knew I wasn't going to away so I gave up and sat down. " What?" I said rubbing my eyes in a desperate attempt to come to my senses. " We need you to drive us some where" Woohyun said. WE? so, I looked up just to see Sunggyu standing infront of the bed room door. " You just need to freshen up. The clothes you are wearing is fine" Woohyun as he dragged me to the bathroom.
"What are these guys up to now." I thought to myself. I washed my face and check myself in the mirror. I fell asleep in my normal outdoor clothes. L must have brought me down from the terrace.I opened the bathroom door and woohyun grabbed my wrist and dragged me out from the dorm. He was careful enough not to make any noises, maybe he didn't wanted his other members to wake up. What ever they were up to, Woohyun was really excited about it.
" What are those coats for? It's not that cold" I asked as I saw he was carrying some coats in his hand." I will tell you later, now hurry up" he said as he runned to the car. Sunggyu was already in the backseat of the car."So where are we going?" I asked as I put the seat belt on." First we are going to pick up Bomi" His voice beamed. So thats why he was excited. I started the engine and drive. Woohyun explained to me what we were going to do. Sunggyu planed this whole thing to make it up to Woohyun as he didn't get to met Bomi yesterday. And also cause he took Hoya's side. So first we are going to pick Bomi up then, go to her favorite place where Woohyun and Bomi will get to spend quality time together. While Sunngyu and I will look out for them like stay on guard for them.
"But we are a little late. Cause you came home asleep and we had to wait for all the members to go to sleep. They would have gone to sleep a little earlier if you were awake as in they would have went inside there room earlier if you were there. But you were already asleep so they didn't care. And it was so hard to  wake you up" Woohyun complained. " Yah yah it's all my fault. Cause I'm stupid right" I said. Well the question was for someone else as well but no one answered. I must be still angry about the previous incident and Sunggyu must be too considering the fact that he hasn't spoken a word.
" Stop right here" Woohyun said. As I stopped I saw three girls on the roadside one of them was Bomi. Woohyun and Sunngyu got out of the car to exchange greeting. They talked for a while then the two other girl went back. Bomi got inside the car. " Hello Hayley-sshi, How have you been?" Bomi asked with a bright smile. " I'm good. How have you been?" I asked, her smile kinda cheers me up. " I'm fine too." Woohyun entered behind her and I looked infornt. I looked back again to see if all of them have entered. I saw  woohyun blocking Sunngyu from entering. He wanted Sunngyu to go to the front door. Sunngyu shaked his head like saying he didn't want to but Woohyun shut the door. When Sunngyu was seated in the front seat. I started driving.
 The people in backseat were having fun as I heard occasional Giggle and laugh coming from the back seat but for the people in the front seat it was just silent. One had her eyes glued to the road while one has his eye out side the window.
  After a while we reached our destination, A shopping mall. Don't tell me we are going to shopping cause I hate it. I mean even if Bomi likes it, what a lame way to spend a date. But I didn't complain cause I didn't want to destroy the mood. I mean I have learned to think before I speak more often now. A man came out from the side door, Sunggyu must be close to this man as they hugged. He led us to inside, it was dark , we followed Sunggyu and the manthrough the dark passage. Then the man stop and opened a door. Suddenly it was cold, Woohyun and bomi went inside holding hands. While the man went away. I was curious to what was in the room so I went to get a closer look. It was dark then suddenly all the light came on. My eyes took a moment to get used to those bright light. "It can't be" I thought to myself. We were in a ice skating rink. The place I swore I will never  ENTER was only a step away. I immediately back a few step while still looking how beautiful the placed looked.Bomi and Woohyun were standing in the middle of the ring. I bumped into Sunggyu when I was backing away. " Are you ok?" He asked. The cold breeze from the open door formed goossebump all over my body or maybe it was the memories flooding in my head related to this place. Ice skating once was my life." Hayley?" Sunggyu was now infront of me waving his hand around." HMM, yeah I am ok" I said and immediately turned away.
   " She is not like her mother" " Her mother must be disappointed" " What a pity" Those words still sting like a third degree burn. I used to be a ice skater a good one if you take my mom's word " one of the best." She was a former U.S champ and I was following in her footstep. My coach, my mentor, my rolemodel and my mom. She was my everything. and my life went to a downward spiral when I lost her. It has already been 10 year. And 9 year since I quit skating.I tried my best to continue it after her, and fulfill our dream but the critics were too harsh and I couldn't take it anymore. There was no one to defend me and support my dream even Dad didn't give me a word of comfort. So I gave on my dreams.
 I was now sitting in on of those benches that they have around the ring watching Woohyun and Bomi skate around. Woohyun was having trouble but Bomi was really good at it.Sunggyu standing near the glasses that surrounds the ring. He is happy to see them having a good time. I kinda know what he was thinking, Inside he must be like " These kids" and feeling proud. He looked over me so I look away immediately.
  He came and sat besides me " Thank you" he said. I looked over to him. " For coming here" he added. He was looking infront. When I was about to look away, he looked straight into my eyes and said " For everything". What did he mean? " Hyung join us" Woohyun shouts from the door. Bomi come after him and said " Yeah join us." Both of them started making pupPy faces. Oh they are made for each other alright. 
"We don't even know how to skate" Sunngyu trying to avoid going inside. " I know" I blurted out. God, help me and my blabber mouth. I really don't wanna go inside there. Sunggyu looks at me with his WTH face. " YaU then Hayley sshi can teach hyung" Woohung shouts and goes back inside the ring.I think it's a good thing, I can't forever run away from this thing and it's better that I startf acing my fear now then before it takes over my life. So I don't complain much and went to get the skate shoes. " Yah I really don't wanna go" He whine while following me. " Why are you scared?" I " No, It's just I really don't want to" he said. " Don't worry, I used to be a champ" I said but those word didn't hurt as much as I thought they would. " But.." " Are you scared of what people will think, don't worry it's just us" I said I guess what you are is what you see. " No, I don't really care what people think. Life goes to waste if you care about they think but" I raise my eyebrow to ask what but " OK, ok I am really sacred" he said I just laughed it off.
  We were already entering. I took his hand and said "don't worry I won't let you fall". The same first word my Mom said when I first stepped into ICE SKATE RINK. I slowly instructed him on what to do and what not to never letting go of his hand. He slowly got the hang of it. Teaching him was helping me make peace with my past. He slowly let go of my hand. I clapped for him and his was kinda proud of himself.
After a while I grabbed his hand again " Are you ready to run , my friend?" I asked just like the day it was raining. I didn't wait for his answer and started skating real fast he followed. I felt alive after so long. I looked over to him. He was smiling so wide. Even if you don't know it But you have helped me so much " Thank you for being here, For everything" I said in my heart remembering what he said to me earlier. He looked at me and smiled. For a moment there I thought I must have said those word aloud cause he looked like he was saying " welcome". Then he skate past me.
" GRRR" MY stomach made the noise. In all this excitement I forgot I hadn't had my dinner yet and I am really hungry. Sunggyu came towards me " Is everything ok" he asked. Whenever he asks that the concern his face makes me want to blurt out all my problems infront of him. Cause he looks like he would do anything to solve all of them ." Nothing" I said I am getting better at controlling my blabber mouth. " GRRR" my stomach made that sound again. I was so embarrassed that my face was getting hot. Sunggyu laughed and placed his cold hand on my cheeks. He pressed them causing my lips to pout. He laughed even harder at the sight of that. I pushed his hand away but he was still laughing. " What was thatf or?" I asked. He was still laughing hard. " I I " he continued laughing in middle of his sentence. " I saw... I saw you Cheek get red SO.. sO I though I will help them cool by putting my cold hand" still trying hard not to laugh. Well that didn't help cause I was even more flustered then before but now I placed my own hand on my cheeks. " GRR" nOT again I thought to myself. Sunngyu skated toward Woohyun and said something after that he came back to me. " Let's go" he went  ahead. " Where?" I asked but followed him. " To get something to eat"

Hayley's P.O.V

We found a place that sold fish cake near the mall. The whole walk there I whined how nothing will be open at this hour but Sunggyu said it will be open as he used to come here at this hour in his trainee years and neither less it was there. Sunggyu shot me a see I told you look and greeted the Ajushiss. " Sunngyu how have you been?" The ajushiss hugged him. They continued to talked while I gulped down the fish cake.

" Your girlfriend has quiet an appetite" Ajushiss said looking toward me. I choked on the fish cake. Sunggyu patted me on the back and gave me some water. " Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded to tell me I was fine. " She is not my girlfriend" he said looking toward the ajushiss. " yeah yeah Ok. I believe you" but by his tune I don't think ajushiss believed it. After sometimes we greeted him goodbye. Sunngyu hurried as some other people were approaching the stall. I bowed one more time and was about to follow Sunngyu when the ashjussi called me. I looked toward him " He is a keeper" he said and gave me a thumbs up. I guess he didin't believe Sunggyu after all. I hurried by Sunngyu's side. We walked in silence for a while. 

Did ajushiss really believe that I was his girlfriend? I mean and ordinary girl like me and he is a celebrity who is always around girl that are as pretty as goddess.  mean there is a very low possibility if there is any. " ahh After so long it feels good coming here" Sunngyu interrupts my thought. " Well it's all thanks to Woohyun" I looked toward him and he kicked a stone that was on his path. " What do you mean?" he asked still looking down. Before i could answer he started again " It so unfair that I don't get the credit;t I deserve. I mean I planned the whole thing" is it just me or he actually sounded quiet hurt. I skipped in front of him and looked back to be face to face.  " it's just I don't think you would anything romantic" I said as soon as I said it, I knew I have made another mistake. How was that suppose to make him feel better. He walked away from me. " Ok then if you don't think I'm romantic give me one chance and I will prove you wrong" he was walking infront of me. " I accept" I said without even thinking twice. I just wanted to make it up to him. He looked toward me " You don't even know what I was going to say" he said. " No worry I am ok with everything" " Oh really" he raised his eyebrow. I knew that he was planning something evil. " If you back out now you will have to face punishment" he said. " Don't worry about it, just tell me what are you going to do to prove yourself" I sounded confident on the outside but  inside I was nervous as hell.


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yuu_sama #1
Chapter 5: Kyaaa...
why is Sunggyu so sweet in this story!????
JUST IMAGINE! He sacrificed himself sleeping in the livingroom for Hayley only! I mean... I even can't imagine Sunggyu doing this in the real life, but Sunggyu here... is just so irresistibly sweeeeeettttt!!!!
Sorry if I comment so overly in every chapter, but I just express what I feel after reading it... and...
Hayleyyyy... the first one she was looking for after she got up from bed is... SUNGGYU!!!
Oh, calm down, girl ^^
yuu_sama #2
Chapter 4: Sunggyu, you're really my maaaaaaaannnn...
I'm really touched by his sincerity and patience to accompany her finding her lost watch... despite of his annoying traits, but I love it when he's there to help her out of the bad situation.
Sunggyu is indeed a Superman! I affirm it! ^^
Oh, I imagine her in Sunggyu's embrace and crying... this moment is soooo much precious...
really love this chapter!!! :)
yuu_sama #3
Chapter 3: Oh, Hayley, you're really lucky, girl...
Is that accidental? Sunggyu suddenly got back to get her to give her the notebook... oh, did he just secretly follow her because he's worried about her?
Sunggyu and Hayley's chemistry is sooo daebak...
hahahaha, their hate-and-normal relationship ^^
You just said the right thing, Hayley! At least, Sunggyu now will take you to Infinite's dorm! Regardless of how brat he is! yeah Hayley, I agree with your decision to go with him!
yuu_sama #4
Chapter 2: Oh, wait...
So, Hayley said "HAMSTER GUY" in English???
wow, she's so lucky that Gyu didnt understand English! I really feel a relief for her ^^
I'm happy that they treated her so well...
and get well soon, manager hyung!!! :)
yuu_sama #5
Chapter 1: Hello, author-nim...
I just got back from a very long disappearance, hehe ^^
I directly travelled into your fanfic,
mmm... can I ask you something?
Is there something changed in this fanfic?
I'm trying to read from the first chapter again, but I feel like something different from I'd read in the past... or is it just my mistaken feeling?
But whatever it is, I LIKE IT NOW!!!
What's happening with Hayley actually? She's involved in a kind of accident, isn't she? Oh, I'm so glad to see Jungyeop boss-nim there! Hahahaha, he's such a hillarious person in the reality! XD
I love the part... "HAMSTER GUY"!!!
She said it in reflex without even realizing it! ha, Gyu must be so mad at her right now...
I'm wondering what will happen to her :)
yuu_sama #6
Thank you for the update :)
I love this chapter so much! They are so sweet together!
oooooooo!!! Those two are so cute together:) I hope they tell each other how they feel soon!!!!!
New reader here!
I read all the 19 chaps in 2 hours, I can't stop lol
The plot is really nice, it's not 'too fantasy-like' even though she works as infinite manager kkk and i like hayley character. She's such a funny girl.
And the last four sentences of chapter 19...gaah so sweet!
yuu_sama #9
Hayle is so innocent...
ha ha ha, Sung Gyu is just kidding!!? >_<
Now, they will be dating for 24 hours!!!! I'm so excited!!!
AWWWW!! Ice skating seemed like fun! I wish I could ice skate like them:) I hope Sunggyu moves on someone much better has entered his life