Accidental Infinitization
Hayley P.O.V 
" Are you ok?" Sunggyu as he rubs my back. This guy is really something one moment he is fighting with s and not letting them eat properly, acts like a child, the other moment he his so thoughtful and order to save food for the one who is left out. I nod to him to say that I am ok but I still have the expression that asks " what are you?" As our eyes meet he just smiles.

 Woohyun barges in ending my little though and passes me a small bag as I take out the wrapped box.I notice Sunggyu is now impatient like he has to go somewhere important and will run this moment. I unwrap the gift and open the box and there it was  a very pretty looking watch. It was simple but was really pretty. I look over to woohyun who is busy eating. I look at the watch again and remember that Woohyun was watching me yesterday night when I looked at my wrist watch and it wasn't there. He must have noticed it.I was really touched. 

Sunngyu P.O.V

"Position everyone, she is coming" Gonam Hyung hurries inside the practice room. We all take our positions. We had another day off today. So we went to visit Hywon hyung who is feeling much better now. Hayley talked to C.E.Onim. Now we are in our practice room . Hayley is getting us some water, so we took the chance to prepare ourselves. 

" Hayley nonna, sit here" Hoya guide Hayley to the chair that is right in the middle of the mirrors where we practice our dance. He runs back to his position. She has no idea what's going on. " I present to you" manager hyung started to present us from the side.She slowly puts the water bottles down to her side, but doesn't takes her eye off of us. " The boy band with 99.99% synchronization". He presses the play button. 

We performed the dance routine to " Be mine".This songs mean a lot to me, to us and every time we perform it, I hope the people can see it. I love these kids. I may not like them sometimes but I love them with all my heart. Sungjong give me a little smile when our eyes meet. They may not like me most of the time but I know they love me as much as I do. My eyes fall on Hayley who eyes are trying to capture this moment as much as possible. Every formation change, every dance move ,every member her eyes wants to capture it all.

Wait a minute the look in her eye, it's different from the look of fans or just general public. it's the look of a critic. The music stops. And it interrupts my thought as well. Everyone gatherers around her as if her opinon, will decide the end of the world. She is thinking, Thank god for that. Cause if we have 99.99%synchronization, She is 99.99% blabbermouth. A smile automatically appear when I think about that. I cover my mouth with my hand and look to the side.

L is staring at me. I raise my eyebrow to ask him "what?". He just turns to Hayley with his poker face. " Debak" Hayley shouts and all hell breaks lose even L is smiling. These kid are really silly, I mean it's just hayley that so. I try hard to lie to myself but damn even I am really happy right now.

Practice continues for 6-7 more hours. Gonam hyung and Hayley sit around  and watch us the whole time and sometime even engage in small conversation. " Ok, Gyu I will be leaving then" Gonam hyung get up and walks toward the door.

"Hyung stay for dinner" Hoya says. " No, C.E.Onim has dinner planned already" He waved and bid goodbye. " Ride safe" "Take care" random shouts until the door is locked. After the long hours of practice every body is sitting or lying in the ground.Dongwoo,L,Hoya and I gather around the stereo. Hoya shows us some moves he learned.

" Woohyun hyung, you really don't buy us anything" Sungjong whine loudly. " Yeah and you bought Hayley noona a gift" Sunyeol takes Hayley's hand and brings it near Woohyung face. Hayley has a huge grin in her face like she is part of the plan. " Ok, ok Todays dinner my treat and who wants PIZZA" " YES" Sungjong jumps with joy. 

Everyone gets ready to go home and order the pizza. Dongwoo whos beside me whispers " Woohyun is really trying hard to impress Hayley sshi isn't he?". I try to shake it off but those words did something to me. When we reach inside the dorm I ask Hayley if she could drive me to somewhere and it was real important.  I told the boys we will be back soon and asked them to save us our share." We will see" Hoya's reply to my request.

After driving for about 40 minutes. I ask Hayley to stop and wait for me there." I will be back in 15 minutes" I rush off, I won't be able to answer any of her question even if she asked them , so I give her no chance to ask them.My destination is still couple of blocks away from where our car stopped. So I run and after a turn there it is.

" Thank You" I push the door as I bow goodbye to the ahujusshi one more time. It took longer than i thought it would. I stayed there for maybe 30 minutes cause the job wasn't done. I check the phone, no call from Hayley." I hope she isn't angry" I said to myself as I run. I reach the car but she isn't inside. I look around and still no sign of her. I decide to wait for a while. I check my phone it's around 8:00pm and I think it's about to rain. " I will just call her" I dial her number but before the call can go, I cut it cause I. " I think I know where she is." I talk to myself as I run. 

Hayley P.O.V

I bend down to check one last time. No it's not there. I take a sit to calm my self. " How can you still think it might be here after three days, you fool" I scold myself. It's getting windy. I rub my arms to make those goose bump go away. My phone ring. I take it out, it's Sunngyu. I completely forgot that I am here with Sunngyu. I pick the phone and stand up to run. "I'm on my......" " Stay there" Sunggyu cuts my sentence and I pause. " Now look behind" his voice as calm as ever. I look behind and he is there. How did he know? Hayley P.OV

 " How did you know?" I asked as I slowly walked toward him. " I just knew" he pops up his shoulder and puts it's down instantly. Suddenly, it's starts raining. Both of us run for cover."The bus stop" Sunngyu shouts and runs toward it. We brush our clothe and hair off to dry them off. It's raining heavily." What were you doing her" he says coming near me. " I ..I .." I don't know how to answer him. " Were you looking for this" He takes a watch out from his pocket. I snatch it immediately. " You found it, you found my mom's watch" I looked up to him after examining it. " Well, it was in my ..." I hugged him, cutting his sentence on the middle. ' Thank you" I said still in his embrace. "We should probably not stay here" he whispers. I open my eyes to see that the bus stop has gather some people . And it's just a matter of time before sunngyu got noticed. It's a good thing sunngyu is blocked by wall from the other side and my head while I am hugging him. The rain isn't as heavy as it was. 
" Are you ready to run, my friend" I asked him. " Huh.." he let go of the hug and we are face to face. I wink as he stares. I grab his hand and dash towards our car in the pouring rain. I think it will take 15 minutes to reach there. Sunggyu is running besides me now. He looks toward me, smiling so brightly that I can barely see his eyes. Then in an instant he rushes ahead. I follow him clueless of what's going on his mind. But when I realize it, it's too late. 
" Don't " I shout. I face away so the water doesn't hit my face. My back gets wet, as if it wasn't already. He jumps in the puddle one more time and then runs off. I run after him. " Yah, You... you stop right there" But he doesn't even slow down.The streets are empty maybe because of the heave rain.
" Aish , he is just too fast" i think to myself. " aah my feet" I sit down instantly, grabbing my feet. Sunggyu is immediately infront of me." Are you ok?" he bendsdown to touch my ankle. " It hurts" I shouted. " Can you try standing up?" He takes my hand and puts it in his shoulder. I lean on him. after few steps limping, I see the perfect opportunity.
" Yah, Kim sunggyu, never mess with me" I boast as I pushed him in a puddle on the side.He seemed shocked for a moment then shakes his head with a smile like he couldn't believe he fell for that trick.
When we reached the car, the rain had almost stopped but both of us were drenched. " dry, your hair" I said as I covered his head with the towel I found on the backseat.
" Aish, you are doing it all wrong" I snatch the towel from his hand and start patting his head dry. " I don't want you falling sick now, do I ?" He doesn't complain. " Cause i have taken your full responsibility, so I need to take care of you". That's when our eyes meet.
I quickly cover his eyes when I realize I am staring at them. I put the towel back in his hand and sit properly in the driver's seat. " I'm your manager that's why I need to take care of you" I said more to myself then to him.I start the car and rest of the way not a word is exchanged.
The dorm is a mess. Used tissue paper, Empty cold drinks can, pizza boxes everywhere. " Why, is it so silent?" Sunngyu to everyone. Their faces are all upset and grim. " Yah, kids" Sunngyu commands. Then the noise erupts. Everyone is talking at once. Woohyun and Hoya are pointing at each other and shouting. Everyone is complaining but non of them can be understood.
" EVERYBODY QUIET" Sunngyu looks scary when he is angry. " One by one" he says calmly.
" Woohyun hyung wanted to go out but it was raining so Hoya hyung didn't let him." Sungjong began.
" Woohyun said he would take an umbrella and will be careful, still Hoya wanted him to stay put" Dongwoo sounded like he favoured Woohyun
" Hoya asked the reason Woohyun Hyung wanted to go out so bad but he didn't have any"Sunyeaol was with Hoya
" But it stopped raining a while ago and still he didn't let me go" Woohyun stands and points a finger at Hoya. " it was already late" Hoya defends himself. From the looks of it the fight would have been violent if the members weren't present.
" It really is late" Sunggyu says trying not to seem bias but the damage was done.
*Bang* Woohyun slams the door to his room. He must have really wanted to meet Bomi But Hoya was only looking out for him. I feel like I am pulled to both sides. So I don't speak a word. Sunngyu is the one who is being pulled apart. Everyone looked worried. " Kid's don't worry. I will take care of it. just go to sleep now. We have schedule tomorrow" The way he said kids was really adorable.
I pull the blanket over my head, hoping that sleep will come. It doesn't. So I put the blanket away and stand up. I hear some noises coming from sunngyu and woohyun's room. I grab my phone and send a text to Sunggyu.
Sunggyu P.O.V
"you're welcome, now stop jumping around and go to sleep" I said to Woohyun. He is not some one who gets angry easily but when he  get angry I know just how to cool him down. When I'm angry he does the same. I have talked him into apolozing to Hoya tomorrow morning. My phone lights up. I grab it and lay down in my bed. Woohyun climbs up to his bed and wishes me goodnight and reminds me not to forget my promise. " Goodnight" I said as I opened the text from Hayley. " Not asleep yet?" 
"OH Woohyun just being a greasy tree. He's mood is ok now. Why aren't you asleep?" I replied. We talk for hours about how I found her watch in my pocket, hOw i think it got there when she bumped into me in the hospital and today i went to get the watch back from the repairmen. We talked about Infinite, life and everything there is to talk about. The best part of the conversation was she got me. She understood what I meant perfectly only few people understood me the way she did.
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yuu_sama #1
Chapter 5: Kyaaa...
why is Sunggyu so sweet in this story!????
JUST IMAGINE! He sacrificed himself sleeping in the livingroom for Hayley only! I mean... I even can't imagine Sunggyu doing this in the real life, but Sunggyu here... is just so irresistibly sweeeeeettttt!!!!
Sorry if I comment so overly in every chapter, but I just express what I feel after reading it... and...
Hayleyyyy... the first one she was looking for after she got up from bed is... SUNGGYU!!!
Oh, calm down, girl ^^
yuu_sama #2
Chapter 4: Sunggyu, you're really my maaaaaaaannnn...
I'm really touched by his sincerity and patience to accompany her finding her lost watch... despite of his annoying traits, but I love it when he's there to help her out of the bad situation.
Sunggyu is indeed a Superman! I affirm it! ^^
Oh, I imagine her in Sunggyu's embrace and crying... this moment is soooo much precious...
really love this chapter!!! :)
yuu_sama #3
Chapter 3: Oh, Hayley, you're really lucky, girl...
Is that accidental? Sunggyu suddenly got back to get her to give her the notebook... oh, did he just secretly follow her because he's worried about her?
Sunggyu and Hayley's chemistry is sooo daebak...
hahahaha, their hate-and-normal relationship ^^
You just said the right thing, Hayley! At least, Sunggyu now will take you to Infinite's dorm! Regardless of how brat he is! yeah Hayley, I agree with your decision to go with him!
yuu_sama #4
Chapter 2: Oh, wait...
So, Hayley said "HAMSTER GUY" in English???
wow, she's so lucky that Gyu didnt understand English! I really feel a relief for her ^^
I'm happy that they treated her so well...
and get well soon, manager hyung!!! :)
yuu_sama #5
Chapter 1: Hello, author-nim...
I just got back from a very long disappearance, hehe ^^
I directly travelled into your fanfic,
mmm... can I ask you something?
Is there something changed in this fanfic?
I'm trying to read from the first chapter again, but I feel like something different from I'd read in the past... or is it just my mistaken feeling?
But whatever it is, I LIKE IT NOW!!!
What's happening with Hayley actually? She's involved in a kind of accident, isn't she? Oh, I'm so glad to see Jungyeop boss-nim there! Hahahaha, he's such a hillarious person in the reality! XD
I love the part... "HAMSTER GUY"!!!
She said it in reflex without even realizing it! ha, Gyu must be so mad at her right now...
I'm wondering what will happen to her :)
yuu_sama #6
Thank you for the update :)
I love this chapter so much! They are so sweet together!
oooooooo!!! Those two are so cute together:) I hope they tell each other how they feel soon!!!!!
New reader here!
I read all the 19 chaps in 2 hours, I can't stop lol
The plot is really nice, it's not 'too fantasy-like' even though she works as infinite manager kkk and i like hayley character. She's such a funny girl.
And the last four sentences of chapter 19...gaah so sweet!
yuu_sama #9
Hayle is so innocent...
ha ha ha, Sung Gyu is just kidding!!? >_<
Now, they will be dating for 24 hours!!!! I'm so excited!!!
AWWWW!! Ice skating seemed like fun! I wish I could ice skate like them:) I hope Sunggyu moves on someone much better has entered his life