
Accidental Infinitization

"I'm back" I shouted. Hoya was still dancing around, I guess if he has nothing to do, he starts to dance. Sungyeol came out from his room he has changed into clothes that looked comfortable and Dongwoo was still sleeping. "Yahh, Dongwoo wake up, Food here" Hoya said as he kicked him. He didn't even twitch. "Wait wait, don't wake him up yet" Sunyeol from behind. I placed the food on the floor. And went toward Dongwoo. Sungyeol handed me a marker and one to Hoya. First I was confused, What am I suppose to do with it. Then I saw them staring to scrabble on Dongwoo face.

" Don't worry Noona, He won't get up. I guarantee"Sungyeol as he saW me standing there doing nothing. After few moments of hesitation I started to scrabble as well. An in a matter of minutes Dongwoo had a blue eye, A funny moustche, horn in his forhead, a big balck mole in his left check and an infinite sign in his chin. Sunyeol collected the pen and went inside to put them back.Hoya laughed so loudly when he saw the whole art of work that I thought he was going to wake up but no he didn't. We were giggling around, Hoya went to get the hot water and I started to take out the food. Sunyeol tried his best to wake Dongwoo. "Sniff sniff" sunyeol said excited " Noona you bought fish cake". I nodded as I took them out. Hoya hurried back and sat down quickly. "Dongwoo, Wake up or we will eat all the food" Sunyeol shaked Dongwoo violently. It was either the shake or the fact that we will EAT all the food that woke Dongwoo.
"I brought some baked sweet potatoes as well" I announced and they started cheering." These guys are really fun" I though to my self. Hoya, Sungyeol and I were trying hard not to laugh as we poured water on our ramen and started eating the fish cake. Then When we were going to start ramen. Hoya brust out with laughter, SunyeOl and I followed. We were literally rolling on the ground laughing hard. Dongwoo was shocked at first then he did an awkward laugh and went on eating. We somehow finished everything. I was free of the dishes duty as I went to market.Dongwoo was still walking around with the doodle face which resulted in occasional laugh outbrust from us. Dongwoo went inside his room to change.
" We are back" Sunggyu announced as he was talking off his shoes. Everyone else followed him. Hoya, sungyeol hurried to the living room as they wanted to see other members reaction to Dongwoo. Everyone sat around on the living room, some on the floor, some on sofa. I was between Hoya and Sungyeol eagerly waiting for Dongwoo's entry. Everyone else were just sitting around engaging on small conversation once in a while. Then Dongwoo's room doorknob started moving and we knew Dongwoo was coming out. "SHHH" sungyeol got everyone attention so he pointed toward the place where Dongwoo was bound to come. The sound after that was deafing. Everyone was laughing so hard even Mungsoo was laughing. The shocked face of Dongwoo didn't help much to calm us down.
Dongwoo finally got it that there was something in his face,so he rushed to the bathroom. The laughter slowly faded away and Hoya and Sungyeol were busy explaining how they did what they did. I decided to go check on Dongwoo. In my mind I though I would see and angry Dongwoo splashing water on his face to get the drawing.What I saw just blew my mind away.
He was taking a selca with them and laughing occasionally while looking at them. I have never seen some one take a prank with out any offence.Dongwoo saw me standing on the door, and motioned me to come in. I went infront of him eventhough I saw his reaction to our prank, I was still afraid of what he would say.
"let's take a picture, shall we?" he pointed his camera toward his face and told me to come near him. I went and smiled. once the picture was taken we checked if it looked good. I was satisfied with it so I told him to click another one. This time both of us showed all our teeth, making a rawr sound and even my hands did the claws. When we checked the picture Dongwoo had put a v sign above my head which looked liked horns. "I love this one" he said. "Me too, now let's get those masterpiece off your face, shall we?" I helped Dongwoo to remove them. "I will get back for this, you know"Dongwoo from behind the towel." Just to Hoya and Sungyeol right, not me" I asked as I was near the door ready to leave." let's see, but a piece of advice for you, cover your face while you sleep" he said with a evil smile on his face. I won't lie I was kinda scared I mean really scared and I guessed it showed in my face.
" I am joking, Hayley-sshi." he started laughing. I was stunned he came closer and whisper in my ear "Just help me take revenge. Promise" he extended his pinkie. And we did a pinky promise. I don't know what it is but this place really makes me feel like a child.
Both of us were taking about our revenge plan so we didn't notice the silence in the living room. When we finally reached there, everyone were waiting for us or may  I say for me. "What's wrong?" Dongwoo asked. " Just come sit beside me" Woohyun ordered him and He went and sat next to him.
I can see a sheet of paper infront of the table so I kneel down infront of the table. Woohyun who is right infront of now pushed the paper toward me and said These are the rule you need to follow when you stay here". I took the Paper and gave a look that said " when did this happen" to Hoya,Sunyeol and Dongwoo. They shook they head to say that they don't know. So, I assume Woohyun must have made it in there dinner break." You will have to sleep on the sofa and your stuff can stay in my and Sunngyu's room but only on some limited space." Woohyun continued. "So, I guess you have no problem with that.I am going to sleep" He got up and left. I am now sure that he actually hates me and I don't blame him, me first impression was quiet hateable.
I think the rules are quiet reasonable. Here are the rules all 5 of them
1) You are not allowed to go through anybody stuff or cell phone ( I guess the rule only apply to me cause if i did to everyone, Sunngyu has already broke this rule)
2)In the morning you are only allowed to use the bathroom after the 7 member are done with it
3)You aren't allowed to ask or mind other business as long as it doesn't affect your work. (This rule doesn't make anysense, as a manager I will have to know everything about their daily routine.
4)You will have to clean up your mess daily.( this is gonna be hard cause I am not that clean of a person. I mean you should have seen my previous room, clothes, book everwhere.I mean everything was everywhere)
5)If any member is physically harmed by your action, directly or indirectly you must be held liable for it and will be punished by the member. ( I guess he was referring to the incident with the wet floor here)
" I think it's unfair." Dongwoo complained to Hoya who were now sitting on my left handside." I think it's good that we have these rules. None of them are unfair." I said " Yeah see, she is ok with it" Sungyeol who is sitting on my right handside to Dongwoo."But are you really?" He whispers. I nod to confirm him. Only four of us in the sofa everybody else went to their rooms.I pass the paper to Dongwoo who insisted on reading it.I knock on sunggyu's room and enter to get my pajamas. Woohyun is already fast asleep and sunngyu is searching for something in the closet. I change and get back to the living room where Dongwoo, hoya and sungyeol are now watching the T.v. 
"Yahh you guys should go to sleep now" Sunggyu to them. Everyone get up, Sunngyu passed me  a pillow , he has a blanket in his hand. " Goodnight noona, Have a goodnights sleep" Sungyeol says to me with a smile. " Goodnight everyone" I wave at them. Once everyone inside the room, Sunggyu puts the blanket on the sofa and ask "Are you gonna be alright?" He asks standing infront of me. I set the pillow on the sofa getting ready to sleep, I look at him and reply " Yeah,I will be fine". He just keeps standing there,I though he will go at some point so I lay down and pull the blanket over my shoulder. Just when I am about to wish him goodnight. He comes and sits on the floor at the middle of the sofa.
 "Are you going to sing me a lullaby" I asked joking.
" What?" He is really taken back by my question. " No no i was just going to watch a Tv program and then go to sleep. I will keep the volume low, I swear" He explains. I keep smiling at his nervousness.
He quickly open the t.v and doesn't take his eyes off it. I can't help but stare at him, I know I will be in trouble if he catches me like this but I was ready to risk it. Then I hear the door knob turn so I quickly close my eyes. "Where are you going?" sunggyu asks. "Just going to get some air, I will be back in 5 minutes" woohyun replies. 
I open my eye and see woohyun leaving the dorm." I need to talk to him" I think to myself. As sunggyu is sitting kinda in the middle so I stand up in he sofa and get down so I won't hit him. I wear my shoes and get ready to follow " yahh where are you going now?" Sunngyu shouts. "I will be back, just 5 minutes" I say to him and run outside. I run for a while and see woohyun's back. I run after and reach his side for a second there I wasn't sure it was really him. He was wearing a face mask and also his jacket hood was on. All I could see was his eyes
He looked at me and his eyes went all big. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" He asked. " I just wanted to talk to you about somethings" He was walking too fast so I had to run to be in his pace." Can we talk about it later". "Nope " I said without taking a second.
" Ok I will give you Five minutes" He was still walking. " You're time starts now" I gather all my thought and begin. " I'M sorry, I talked to you like that when we first met,I'm sorry i was the reason for your embarrassment today. I'm really really sorry. I think we need to start over again so We can live together peacefully.Cause I am really really sorry and I didn't mean any of those things. I don't know if you'll forgive me but can you give me another chance" I stopped on my tracks. But he didn't, he kept walking. I guess he won't forgive me that easily so I turned around to go back home.
" Hayley, where are you going?" I turned around Woohyun was waiting for me. " Follow me" he said so I ran to his side. "I forgive you and to show you that I truly forgive you. I will tell you one of my biggest secrets that I haven't told anyone yet."
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yuu_sama #1
Chapter 5: Kyaaa...
why is Sunggyu so sweet in this story!????
JUST IMAGINE! He sacrificed himself sleeping in the livingroom for Hayley only! I mean... I even can't imagine Sunggyu doing this in the real life, but Sunggyu here... is just so irresistibly sweeeeeettttt!!!!
Sorry if I comment so overly in every chapter, but I just express what I feel after reading it... and...
Hayleyyyy... the first one she was looking for after she got up from bed is... SUNGGYU!!!
Oh, calm down, girl ^^
yuu_sama #2
Chapter 4: Sunggyu, you're really my maaaaaaaannnn...
I'm really touched by his sincerity and patience to accompany her finding her lost watch... despite of his annoying traits, but I love it when he's there to help her out of the bad situation.
Sunggyu is indeed a Superman! I affirm it! ^^
Oh, I imagine her in Sunggyu's embrace and crying... this moment is soooo much precious...
really love this chapter!!! :)
yuu_sama #3
Chapter 3: Oh, Hayley, you're really lucky, girl...
Is that accidental? Sunggyu suddenly got back to get her to give her the notebook... oh, did he just secretly follow her because he's worried about her?
Sunggyu and Hayley's chemistry is sooo daebak...
hahahaha, their hate-and-normal relationship ^^
You just said the right thing, Hayley! At least, Sunggyu now will take you to Infinite's dorm! Regardless of how brat he is! yeah Hayley, I agree with your decision to go with him!
yuu_sama #4
Chapter 2: Oh, wait...
So, Hayley said "HAMSTER GUY" in English???
wow, she's so lucky that Gyu didnt understand English! I really feel a relief for her ^^
I'm happy that they treated her so well...
and get well soon, manager hyung!!! :)
yuu_sama #5
Chapter 1: Hello, author-nim...
I just got back from a very long disappearance, hehe ^^
I directly travelled into your fanfic,
mmm... can I ask you something?
Is there something changed in this fanfic?
I'm trying to read from the first chapter again, but I feel like something different from I'd read in the past... or is it just my mistaken feeling?
But whatever it is, I LIKE IT NOW!!!
What's happening with Hayley actually? She's involved in a kind of accident, isn't she? Oh, I'm so glad to see Jungyeop boss-nim there! Hahahaha, he's such a hillarious person in the reality! XD
I love the part... "HAMSTER GUY"!!!
She said it in reflex without even realizing it! ha, Gyu must be so mad at her right now...
I'm wondering what will happen to her :)
yuu_sama #6
Thank you for the update :)
I love this chapter so much! They are so sweet together!
oooooooo!!! Those two are so cute together:) I hope they tell each other how they feel soon!!!!!
New reader here!
I read all the 19 chaps in 2 hours, I can't stop lol
The plot is really nice, it's not 'too fantasy-like' even though she works as infinite manager kkk and i like hayley character. She's such a funny girl.
And the last four sentences of chapter 19...gaah so sweet!
yuu_sama #9
Hayle is so innocent...
ha ha ha, Sung Gyu is just kidding!!? >_<
Now, they will be dating for 24 hours!!!! I'm so excited!!!
AWWWW!! Ice skating seemed like fun! I wish I could ice skate like them:) I hope Sunggyu moves on someone much better has entered his life