Chapter 2

Look At Me!!


“You’re so lucky you have a car.” I said while gawking at the driver. He giggled and looked at me for only a second before he turned his eyes back to the road. “I’m wondering why a rich kid like you doesn’t have a car.” He snickered. I looked back and saw that Luhan was talking to Sehun, in a low voice because he didn’t want to disturb our conversation in the front, and Sehun was totally spaced off just gazing at him while he spoke. When I was sure they weren’t paying attention to us, I decided to kick it into charmer mode.

I looked back at Kyungsoo and placed one hand in his head. I started gently playing with his short, soft black hair. “Well maybe if I learn to drive, my parents will get me a car. Will you teach me?” I said in a flirty voice. He nodded his head in understanding. “If that’s the case, of course I’ll teach you!” He said with a bright smile, completely missing the point. I wanted to tell him that I already knew how to drive and that my parents would never buy me things anymore because they didn’t want anything to do with me. After I entered that university, they basically disowned me. But of course I didn’t explain that.

I guess I had to be a little more obvious than that. I moved my hand from his head and rested it on his thigh. He didn’t flinch. I kept staring at him, hoping he would notice my desperate efforts but it was no use. I was about to do something else when he suddenly looked at me. My heart started beating fast. Did he notice? He had a big smile on his face. “Everyone, were here!” He said excitedly. I looked to the front and saw that we were parked in front of the mall. I wanted to rip my hair out. I began to think he was ignoring me on purpose.

We were walking into the cinema and as I agreed, I let Sehun choose the seats. The lights were still on in the theatre and most of the people were still finding their seats. “Why did you have to pick the seats that were farthest back?” Kyungsoo asked Sehun in a pout. Sehun didn’t have to answer, he just glared intensely at Kyungsoo and all was understood. He glanced at Luhan then pulled an apologetic face on Sehun “Oh, Sorry” He mouthed to him.

Sehun sat to my left Kyungsoo to my right. Luhan was beside Sehun and they were sharing popcorn. Kyungsoo got a big bucket and offered to share some with me but I declined. I was frustrated, so I just sat there, pouting to myself. Even when someone tried to talk to me, I would ignore them. I was in a bad mood so through most of the movie I just sulked. I was good at charming people, why wasn’t it working on Kyungsoo? I glanced at the other pair and saw that they were fast asleep.

Luhans was rested on Sehuns shoulder and Sehun had his head rested on Luhans. I couldn’t help but think how picture perfect they looked with each other. I got a little jealous at the sight of them so I turned to Kyungsoo. He had put his popcorn on the floor and he was falling asleep too. Was the movie that boring? I wasn’t paying any attention. I leaned in closer “It’s OK to sleep. I will wake you up when it’s done.” I whispered to him. He nodded to me then rested his head back on the chair and slowly let himself close his eyes.

I couldn’t help but stare at his beautiful face. After a couple of minutes, I was sure he was asleep. He looked so perfect to me; I just had to touch him. I reached over and played with his hair. Being with him made me realize how childish I was acting. I was upset because he didn’t understand my feelings for him but it wasn’t his fault. I was just glad to be around him. I moved my hand to his and held it tight. I didn’t want to ever let go of it.

I couldn’t resist, I crept my face towards his and kissed his cheek. His face was soft as a baby’s. I started to worry, what if he never understands my feelings? I thought about what might’ve happened if I confessed to him. What if he rejects me? Then I thought of something even worse. What if he never speaks to me again? The thought of ruining our friendship made me queasy. But then again, the thought of keeping my true feelings hidden made me feel even worse. I was torn. I didn’t know what to do. I gripped his hand tighter and spun completely to face him. I leaned forward and turned my head to kiss his lips, I was just inches away from his face, I could feel his light breath, but I pulled away before making contact.

I am going to tell him how I feel. Straight forward, no more games. I shook my head in attempt to straighten out my thoughts. I didn’t want to kiss him just yet. When I kiss you, I want it to be because I already have you. I smiled to myself and couldn’t help but think how cute he would be when we kissed. I’m sure our first kiss will be magical. I was glad everyone was asleep so they couldn’t see the embarrassing, goofy smile I was pulling. I couldn’t wait.

After the movie finished, I woke everyone up and we left the cinema. “Can we walk around for a bit? If I drive now I will fall asleep” Kyungsoo said with a small chuckle. My heart fluttered at the sound of his sleepy laugh. I didn’t know why I was suddenly so hyper-aware of everything he did. “Yeah, let’s do something! I’m all pumped up!” I said enthusiastically. The rest glumly agreed. They were all half asleep.

I noticed they were all just following after me, so I led them to the arcade. After half an hour of playing games, everyone was wide awake. Sehun and I started playing a dancing game and I did my best to show off in front of Kyungsoo. The whole time I couldn’t keep my hands off him. I would play with his hair, or clutch onto his shirt. Just any excuse I could find to touch him. When we were walking back to the car, I had my arm around his shoulder. We were chatting and laughing and my free hand went to grab his. I started playing with his fingers, all while still talking to him. My hand had just moved on its own, I didn’t even notice my actions until he pointed it out.

“What’s with you today?” He asked with a laugh. I was a bit confused but when I looked down at my hand, I realized I had laced my fingers with his. I immediately let go of him and took my arm from around his shoulder. I felt so embarrassed of what I just did. “What’s wrong?” He asked, then looked back to make sure the other two were far back enough so they couldn’t hear us. “It’s OK, you can tell me. I will keep it a secret.” He said with a reassuring smile.

I saw his big brown expectant eyes staring at me and I just couldn’t take the pressure. I started walking, quickening my pace. He stayed where he was for a moment, lokking a litlle befuddled, then jogged to catch up with me. He grabbed my arm. “Hey, come on. Don’t be sad! Just tell me what’s wrong.” He said while putting his hand on my face and looking straight into my eyes. My body froze at his touch. He didn’t know how much that little gesture meant to me.

I placed my hand on the one he had on my face and shut my eyes tightly. It was too hard being around him, knowing that he didn’t have a clue of how I felt. It was too much to bear. I couldn’t keep it in. I had to tell him how I felt. He had to know. I forced the words out of my mouth. “I like you!” 


*Thank you for reading! Sorry for the cliffhanger and please comment!*

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OKAY!! So I finally got back what was lost! *Refer to Chapter 16* My final HunHan chapter is back


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Chapter 4: Fine author-nim just go ahead and send me to deaths door with all of this cute fluffy rainbow having exploding glittery unicorns you have going on in this fic.
Chapter 3: YAY I FINALLY FOUND A FIC WITH FLUFFY NON ANGSTY KAISOO(at least so far) sitting here making Kai grabby hands as he explains how he feels to dense Soo.
Chapter 19: Oh almost forgot!........HUNHAN were so freaking cute and adorable.
Such a sweet sugary couple...aaaahh.:)
Okay that's all.Bye!
Chapter 19: I'm drying up my tears right now while telling you;you great author how much I loved this.It was fantastic and I am totally satisfied with the KaiSoo in here.I was really surprised when it ended but it was a very sweet ending.No offense to this story(I really do love it a lot)but I loved BaekYeol's story more.Matbe it's just cause I love baekyeol more.Author-nim you've got talent,keep on with it!By the way I'm really sorry I read this late.I was busy and I wanted to read with nothing else on my mind.Anyways thanks for writing these wonderful fics and bye!:)
naww loved every chapter!
the fluff made me go craycray in a good way :L
misskenie #6
This is such a nice story...I really cried a lot but still giggle with the fluffiness.You are a beautiful writer!thumbs up!:)
OH MY GOD. That was AMAZING ^^ I read this fic a while ago and I noticed hunhan just kinda left.. But then I found chapter 16 and wow, this fic is beautiful WELL DONE!!!
I NEEDD MOOOOOREEEEEEEEEE AUTHORNIIIIMMMMMM~ /rolling to the edge of cliff /dying
Milchfrau #9
Thank you.
I read this and.... Seriously i can't explain how much i loved ;-;
I melted really hard and ;-------------;
You're perfect and sorry i really really can't explain in simple words hou much i loved this fanfic ;-;