So You're My Girlfriend Now?

Notes To The New Girl~

"Do you want to go out with me?" Sehun asked softly. I smile spread across your face and you jump into his arms. "Yes!" He smiled and swung you around. "Really? I didn't think you would actually say yes. Your brother scares me though. I'm so happy you said yes!" You smile at him happy to see him this excited. "So we're dating now. This might be a little surprizing but I've never had a boyfriend before."

He stopped bouncing and stared at you wide eyed. "Bwoh?! Never? Not even one of those boyfriends that you get when you're like four and all you guys do is sit and share juice boxes? Never?!" "Well yeah those little ones that lasted like three days. I had one last year but stalkers mess up relationships as you would probably guess." He hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek. "It doesn't matter how many relationships you have or haven't had as long as you're with me I'm happy. Come on let's get to gym." You hold his hand and point to your lips. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He smiled making his eyes turn into a cresent shape as his lips met yours.

You stay like that enjoying the feel of his lips on yours until you're interupted again. "Sehun? Yuki? Where did you guys go? Sehun-ah?!" Luhan yelled with a strained voice. "Where did you oh. I didn't mean to interupt." Sehun pulled away annoyed. "We were about to go to class anyway. It's fine hyung." Luhan crossed his arms and looked at us with an eyebrow raised.

"Sehun you shouldn't kiss girls you aren't dating." "We are dating Oppa! Me and Sehun just started dating and we're happy now!" You said bouncing like a bunny. Sehun watched you and smiled. "Yeah we're dating and happy now. So we're going to get to gym class before she's late I'll see you in class hyung." Luhan nodded and waved as we walked off. "I'm happy for you two!" He yelled down the hallway. "Arigato!" You yell back.

Sehun picks you up and runs until you reach the gym. Slowly and out of breath he puts you down. "You didn't have to do that." You mumble straightning out your clothes. "You're all tired now everyone will ask questions." "I'll just say I was almost late for class so I ran down some stairs and hallways it'll be fine. Now go on before the bell rings." You smile and kiss him quickly. "I'll see you later." He nodded happily and watched as you walked into the gym. "Alright ladies this isn't just any kind of gym class as you know! But the newbie doesn't know so I want someone to show her the ropes!

Teach her what we've learned so far and make sure she knows how to do them right. Who's going to volunteer?" No hands raised. The coach crossed her arms and glared at the room full of girls. "Come on ladies I knew you were babies but at least have the cojones to help the newbie out! Fine I'll just pick myself. Ji-eun come on and help Yuki learn the ropes." A girl with curly hair jumped onto stage and smiled. "I'm Ji-eun but everyone calls me IU what's your name?" "I'm Yuki but everyone calls me Yuki nice to meet you IU." She laughed and winked at you. "You're funny! Come with me and I'll teach you all you need to know." She leads you to a corner in the back of the room and takes a stance. "Come at me." You shake your head no and back away. "I'm not a fighter really if we have to fight I should've brought my brother." "No it's ok I'm not going to hurt you. This is like a self defence class. Just come at me with everything you've got I want to see which level you should start at." She took her stance again and smiled. "Can you just start me at level zero? I can't fight at all." You said shrugging. IU sighs and shakes her head. Suddenly she yells at you.

"LISTEN YOU LITTLE WORTHLESS TWIT YOU'RE GOING TO FIGHT WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! YOU'RE GOING TO GET ON THIS MAT AND SHOW ME WHAT YOU CAN DO BEFORE I THROW YOU ACROSS THIS ROOM GOT IT? YOUR BROTHER IS A WIMP I BET HE CAN'T DO ANYTHING BUT FAIL AT EVERYTHING HE DOES WHY WOULD YOU NEED HIM? FORGET ABOUT HIM!" Rage ran through you like a fraight train. "Dont talk about my brother like that you have no idea how much he gows through for me! I bet he could beat everyone in here with his eyes closed!" You yell hitting her in her jaw. She stumbled back and fell in shock. Your eyes grew wide as you notice what you did. "IU I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you!" She just laughed and looked up. "I thought you said you couldn't fight Yuki. Sure all you did was punch me but it was almost strong enough to break it. You have no skill but you have the strength. You only use it when you're mad though. Oh sorry for calling you a worthless twit and saying all that stuff about your brother I'm sure he's a great guy I was just trying to provoke you and man did it work. Well come on it's time to start training." 

Your eyes grow wide as she pulls out boxing gloves, mouth gaurds, helmets, and a few dummies. "Training?" You ask cluelessly putting the stuff on."Yeah training. To get your anger out this is one of the best ways. Think of everything that has ever made you mad and just take it out on the dummy." You think about Kai and how much he annoys you, your parents refusing to come with you so Korea, Riku and his impulsiveness sometimes and without realizing it you take out two dummies without issue. "Well that's a great strategy for you. It's time to practice with a real person. Bring it on Yuki this time I won't hold back." She smirked and ran towards you. You dodge easily and kick behind you. She catches your foot and twists it making you twirl around and fall.

She stands over you still holding your leg. With the other legs you trip her making her also fall. "Oww oww stop wait a second I hurt my back." She wailed in pain rolling around. You crawl over to her trying to get her to stay still. "Stop moving are you really hurt?" "Nope." She smiled evily and pinned you down wrapping your arm around your back. "IU stop I quit I think you broke my arm." You cry with your face pressed against the mat. "I'm not falling for it Yuki. I know you're strong now how are you going to get yourself out of this one without really breaking your arm?" Suddenly there was a crack and you scream in pain. "You really broke my arm!" You scream. IU lets you go and rolls you over trying to move your arm as least as possible. "I'm sorry i thought you were stronger. Let me go get the nurse so she can call an ambulance. Is there anyone you want to bring with you to keep you calm?" You nodd and ask to get up. "I can get the person myself don't worry." "No you should stay here just tell me who it is."

She insisted but you shot her a glare and she backed down. "At least let me come with you." You roll your eyes and walk to the door holding your arm in pain. "Fine just hurry up." Once you finally reach the classroom you lean against the wall out of breath. "Breaking a bone really slows down your body functions doesn't it? Open the door for me please." "I'll get the person.You're just a student the won't let you pull someone out of class but I'm the president of the school so they're ok with me just tell me who it is." Annoyed you lean against the wall again and slide down. "Get Sehun, Luhan, and Chanyeol." She noddded and went into the classroom. A second later she came out with the boys following quietly. As soon as the door closed they gathered around you and bombarded you with questions. "I'll answer everything later let's just go. I've got to call my brother and get to the nurse before..." And thats the last thing you remember before you pass out. 

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Sherinaaa #1
Chapter 26: woah *O*
I got my eyes tied! D:
but it's nice ♥
please update more ♥
HappyAngel #2
waiting for your next update!the plot is really nice~ :))
This is so good!
Ami-chan #4
I love this story sooo much! <3 update soon~
Unknown09 #5
Huhuhuhu riku is my hubbbby! Kanata Hongo *squeals*
Mariaaa #6
update sooooooooooonnnn plsssss
O.O update soon ~
Mariaaa #8
mwoh what happened!!! update soon!!! ^^