
Notes To The New Girl~

~**Chanyeol's P.O.V**~

"Kai I told you to hurry up!" I cried opening the door for him and the guys. "Yeah and I told you I'd be a little while cause I was tired. I'm still tired so just be happy im here! Now what are you doing? Where is Yuki?" He asked laying sleepy Sehun down on the couch. "She's sleeping so you have to be quiet. Where is Kevin and Luhan?" I asked looking around the house. Suddenly there was a loud clanking noise echoing through the house. "These are so heavy! Kai why couldn't you help us with these?" Luhan whined loudly. 

"Shhhhhhhhh! Yuki is sleeping and she can't wake up until we're done! What is all of this?" Kevin helped Luhan put down pots, pans, and cake mix and other things. "Well you said you were going to cook for Yuki right? We stopped by the store and picked up all of her favorites. Why do you want to cook for her anyway?" He said. "Because she isn't eating and I know she's hungry. I'm not the best at cooking though so I need you guys to help me." Sehun groaned waking up slowly. 

"Hey babe why are we at Yuki's house? I swear we did it at home and not on the couch at Yuki's." Kai laughed. "Chanyeol needs help cooking so we came over here. I didn't want to wake you up so I didn't tell you." "Well everyone knows I can't cook so while they're over there doing that let's have some fun in here." I walked over and pulled Kai by his ear. 

"Yuki is sleeping first of all and second of all both of you are going to help me weather you can cook or not. I don't care if you're so hard it hurts you're going to pitch in with this now go get into the kitchen and grab an apron." I ordered them both. We got started cooking but it didn't go as planned. Yuki woke up before I expected her too. 

She stumbled down the steps tiredly stopping in the kitchen doorway abruptly. "Oh man I thought I woke up. Someone is in the house and I need to wake up." She mumbled pinching herself. "Yuki you are awake." Sehun grumbled stirring cake batter. "What are you guys doing?" "We're making you dinner! Your boyfriend thought it would be a genius idea to make you something." I laughed walking over to her. "Do I have flour on my face?" Yuki nodded pulling my face down to hersand the side of my face. 

"Heh you're shivering Chanyeol." She whispered making a hicky. "Y-Yuki quit it I have to make dinner." I whined pulling away from her. Everyone was staring at Yuki like a television. "What's everyone looking at?" I stood in front of Yuki hiding her from everyone. "If you don't remember Yuki you aren't wearing pants." "Oh Chanyeol calm down I've got underwear on." 

~**Yuki's P.O.V**~

I walked into the kitchen noticing Kevin and Sehun glancing over at me every once in a while. "So do you guys need any help?" They all shook their heads no continuing to cook. "Just sit somewhere and wait for us to finish cooking. You don't have to do anything tonight so just sit there and look pretty." Luhan said helping Kevin crack eggs for the cake. I watched Chanyeol cook smiling and laughing at how messy he was getting. Once they finally were finished everyone was messy with flour and everything else that was used while cooking. Kai and Kevin set up the table and Luhan carried me to my seat. "Luhan you didn't have to do that." 

He just smiled and walked out of the room. Sehun came in set down forks and spoons around the table as Chanyeol came in and set down the first dish in front of me. "Taste it! Kevin made this he said you love it. I'm not sure what it is but uhh yeah taste it." Kevin walked in and hugged my neck. "It tastes good right? You did teach me how to make it after all so it should be just right." I nodded turning to him. "Did you put my secret ingredeant? I don't taste it." He shook his head no pouting. "I wanted to but you didn't have any here. Why don't you have chocolate syrup here? I was going to sneak some into the cake so that you could have some chocolate before you start to blow up and you really start to starve yourself. Yuki why aren't you eating?" 

I shrugged shoving more fish into my mouth. "I'm trying to stay at least a little bit skinny. If I get too fat I won't even be able to wear Chanyeol's clothes to hide my stomach. Don't tell Chanyeol please. If he finds out he'll make me eat." Chanyeol kissed me and patted my head. "That's why I did all of this Yuki. I've already found out. Eat everything cause I know you're hungry. The next dish was made by Luhan." He set down a plate of mac and cheese infront of me smiling. "That's the only thing I know how to make." Luhan mumbled kicking the ground. 

~**Chanyeol's P.O.V**~

Kevin laughed and kissed Luhan. "I bet it's delicious." Everyone made something diffrent for me to eat that night except Sehun. He tried but burned his food so instead he just took half of the credit on Kai's dish. "Woah I didn't think you could eat everything. I expected you to be full by the third dish." She shrugged eating the cake they made. "It takes alot to fill three people up.  Isn't that right kids?" I watched Yuki talk to her stomach laughing and smiling as if the kids could really hear her and responding. "I'm going to use you guys as a table when you get big enough.....which should be soon since you two since to be growing quick." She mumbled eating more cake. 

"Yuki you know the kids can't hear you right?" Kevin asked grabbing Yuki's head and shaking it. "I don't care if they can't hear me I'm still going to pretend they can. I'm serious about the table thing too. Once I get a big enough stomach I'm going to carry everything on it! Chanyeol why are you staring at me like that?" I tore my gaze from Yuki laughing shyly. "Uhh it's just cause you looked really cute when you were talking to your stomach and smiling and everything and yeahh...." She laughed poking her own cheeks and winking. "I am cute aren't I?" Everyone including me nodded smiling. 

"You guys are so sweet. Hmm I guess I should go put on some pants before we go." I frowned confused. "Go where?" "Shopping! I need pregnant clothes I already told you! Kevin and Kai go choose an outfit for me I don't feel like getting up and you two dress nicely....wait no nevermind Luhan just you go up and choose an outfit for me." Luhan scurried up the stairs and into my room quickly coming back down with sweat pants and a t-shirt. "You'll be more comfortable in these clothes and you look gorgeous in anything you wear so you don't have to worry about your apperance." She pulled on the sweat pants and started to pull of her shirt before I stopped her. 

"Yuki you are not the only one in this room. You know that right?" Yuki looked up at me with wide eyes frowning for a second but as soon as it came it was gone and replaced with a smile. "Ok I'll just keep your shirt on. Let's go!" Luhan handed Yuki her shoes laughing. "Why are you so forgetful today?" He asked rustling Yuki's hair. "I guess I'm just still tired. Can you get me a hair tie and some clips?" She asked shoving her foot into her shoe. Kevin ran upstairs and was back in a flash with a hair tie and about five clips. While Yuki was bent over putting on her shoes he walked over and did her hair. He put it in a pony tail at the top of her head and clipped her bangs back so that it didn't look messy. "What did you do to my hair this time?" Yuki asked standing up. "Pebbles." Kevin simply answered winking at her. 

I slipped my hand into Yuki's shyly like when we'd first started dating and pulled her out to the car. The guys followed hand in hand with their boyfriend talking and laughing and smiling. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked following Yuki to the back of the van. "My stomach hurts." She groaned laying on my chest. "Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine. Sehun take a left here!" Yuki laid down on my lap biting her lip and rubbing her stomach. I moved her hands away and lifted her shirt up just enough to see her stomach. It was larger then what I saw earlier when she was at the doctor. 

I leaned down and kissed her stomach a few times before starting to rub it. "Feel better?" She nodded smiling. "Hey Yuki aren't all of those preggo clothes ugly?" Kai asked turning around. His eyes became wide then he looked up and squinted at me. "What are you doing?" "Her stomach hurt geez man I wouldn't just do that in the back of a car.....unless no one was here." I mumbled the last part making Yuki laugh. Sehun parked in the mall parking lot and quickly got out. 

As Yuki walked out I noticed how large my shirt was on her. I stopped her and folded her sleeves down so I could see her hands. "Chanyeol I'm not a baby." She mumbled. "I know I just think you look better if you have your sleeves folded back like that. It's cute." I smiled goofily asI brushed Yuki's hair back behind her ear and kissed her forehead. "Come on you two!" Kevin and Kai yelled looking back at us. We held each others hand tightly as we walked through the store looking at clothes for Yuki to wear. 

"So do you see anything you like?" A lady in a short tan skirt and a tight shirt that was ed down just above her bra. "No not really." Yuki mumbled looking around. While Yuki wasn't looking the girl in the suit waltz over and winked at me running her hand up and down my chest. "So how about you and me go somewhere and hang out tonight." She whispered. Yuki turned around and growled at the girl so quickly I didn't even know what happened. "He's mine back off!" The girl backed off her teeth. "Seemed like he was taking a liking to me." She smiled winking at me again. 

Luhan walked over and smiled at the girl sweetly. "Hi umm can you go away? If you haven't noticed Yuki is pregnant and the father is the boy you were flirting with. If he didn't love her he wouldn't be with her here right now so just go away. I know you're desperate and alone and sad seeing all these girls happy with their boyfriends or husbands and pregnant while you're alone but don't go starting fights. I'm trying to be nice before it gets ugly so just go somewhere else." The girl groaned and stomped off. "Calm down and keep looking for clothes. She's gone and she knows not to come back, don't worry." Luhan hugged Yuki tight kissing and nuzzling her cheek. 

~**Yuki's P.O.V**~

I pulled Luhan farther away from Chanyeol and hugged him tight. "How come everytime someone hits on Chanyeol he never does anything? He just stands there and let's them do it! It pisses me off!" I cried on his shoulder. Luhan rubbed my back in soothing circles. "I don't know why he does that. Just keep doing what you're doing and eventually everyone will stop. Now stop crying so we can go back with everyone else." He wiped my face off with his sleeve and pulled the corners of my mouth upwards.  "Smile Yuki you're going to have kids! Isn't that exciting?" I shook my head no. "It's painful but I guess it's cool.You're lucky you don't have to worry about getting pregnant." I mumbled walking back to where the guys were. 

Kai and Kevin where fighting over which shirt looked better on me while Sehun was sleeping on the bench and Chanyeol was just looking around aimlessly. "Luhan right this shirt would look better on Yuki?" Kai asked pushing Kevin away. "No this shirt would look way better! It matches with everything and it's green! Her favorite color." I looked at both of the shirts and shook my head no. "They're both pretty. Chanyeol get over here!" Chanyeol hurried over dropping everything he was holding. I pulled him down by his shirt and pressed my lips against his. "Don't forget one of these babies is yours and I'm your one and only girlfriend. Don't let anyone touch you but me ok? I'm not trying to sound mean like one of those girlfriends that just order you around but I really hate it when people hit on you and you don't do anything but stand there and let them do it. It annoys me and I just want to make sure that you only think about me when you think of the person you love.....other than family of course." 

Chanyeol smiled patting my head. "Of course you're the only one I love. I'm sorry I don't do anything when people hit on me it's just because I'm not sure how to react to it. I ask them to stop but they don't and I don't want to do anything like push them away cause if I hurt them I'd be in trouble." "Push them down! Who cares if they get hurt? They shouldn't be acting like little s!" Luhan yelled angrily. Everyone stared at him wide eyed and open mouthed. "I-I mean no don't hurt girls that's not a good thing to do." 

"Luhan?" Kevin asked staring at him. "I don't like girls. When I was little they would take my money and beat me up just because I was the smallest kid there." Luhan mumbled quietly. "Aww you used to get picked on? I've never been picked on before. Was it scary?" I asked bouncing around him. "Give me your money!" I yelled in Luhan's face grabbing his shirt. Luhan cowered trying to protect his face. "Don't hurt me!" He cried. I let him go straightening his shirt out for him. 

Kevin glared at me before hugging his boyfriend tight nuzzling his cheek. "Bad memories." Luhan mumbled sniffling and wiping his face off. "I'm sorry Luhan I didn't know you were going to be that scared of me. You know I would never really hurt you, don't you?" I asked with an apologetic tone. He nodded holding onto Kevin tightly. "Come on let's go. I decided I'm just going to keep wearing Chanyeol's clothes. They're warmer and cuter than everything here." I held my arms out to Chanyeol looking up at him. He stared at me for a while before picking me up like a baby, kissing me before walking out to the car. 

~**Luhan's P.O.V**~

"Yuki's been very clingy to Chanyeol lately." I mumbled still trying to calm my heart down from the sudden attack Yuki did. "Probably cause she's pregnant. Girls hormones get all weird when they're pregnant. They get cramps and throw up and have mood swings and yeah once all that kicks in I think we should stay as far away from Yuki as possible. Not that I don't want to be with her to help her get through this but even though I've fought and won against Yuki I'm still kinda scared of her when she's upset." 

Kevin sighed closing his eyes as we sat next to each other in the back of the van. "I know this must be difficult for you." I whispered as I laid on his chest. "Not really. I think I'm over Yuki. Though I still like her a little bit I love you now. So what do you think about this whole thing? How do you think it's going to work out?" "I think something big is going to happen soon. Well maybe not soon but in the near future. We shouldn't talk about it right now though." My heart had finally calmed down enough for it to be able to start to race again as I thought about what would happen if Kevin still liked Yuki.

Tears sprang into my eyes as thoughts filled my head. I turned from Kevin trying to hide my face. Me and Chanyeol's break up came to mind and I started to cry harder. "Luhan? What's wrong?" Kevin asked trying to turn me towards him. I shooed him away shaking my head no. "I'm fine." I mumbled. "I'm just crying about something stupid." "If it made you cry it isn't stupid. It must be important somehow." He wiped my face off with his thumb smiling. 

"It really wasn't anything important it was stupid. I was just thinking of what would happen if one day Yuki and you got back together and then I thought about how Chanyeol broke up with me and got even more upset." Kevin smiled so wide it took up his whole face. "Me being upset excites you?" He shook his head no and smiled. "I'm just happy that you care so much about me you would cry just thinking about us breaking up." My eyebrows shot up to my hairline in surprise when he kissed my cheek. "Hey I have something to ask you. You're a aren't you?" I asked softly. 

Kevin's body stiffened before he pulled away from my arms quickly. "Yeah...." He mumbled. "Are you that shy about it?" Luhan asked grabbing my arm. I pulled away quickly, breathing heavily and shakily. "Umm Kevin?" He asked. I started to shake as fear took over my body. "Yuki something's wrong with Kevin!" I panicked. She turned around tiredly yawning. "What's he doing?"

"He's breathing heavily and shaking and he won't let me touch him." Yuki groaned standing up. "I am too damn tired for this. Luhan go sit up there with Chanyeol I have to talk to Kevin in private." I whimpered wanting to stay with him but did as Yuki told me to and sat with Chanyeol.

~**Kevin's P.O.V**~

Yuki sat down next to me not saying or anything. She knew what I was freaking out about just as well as I did. "Kevin are you ok?" She asked softly. I shook my head no breathing so loudly I thought the whole car could hear me. Yuki touched my shoulder quickly catching my arm before I could push her away. "I'm not going to do anything to you. No one around you is going to do anything to you. Not like he did." She whispered hugging me tight. 

"You have no idea how I feel right now." I cried on her shoulder. "I do." "No you don't." Yuki's grip tightened on me. "I do! I was kidnapped and ealier this year. I know how horrible the experiance is." "Why didn't you tell me about that? You never even mentioned anything about it. I thought you told me everything." 

Yuki bit her lip looking down at the floor. "Sorry. I was scared and horrified and everytime I or someone talks about it I just want to smash and destroy everything just to show everyone how pissed off I am!" She turned red and started to ball her fists repeatedly. "Calm down Yuki! Right now is not the time to go she-hulk. Thank you for calming me down." I whispered in her ear. 

We sat together hugging until both Luhan and Chanyeol were staring at us looking as angry as bulls. "Don't say unless you know !" Yuki growled pulling from my grasp. "Just go and comfort him. If he starts to freak out again tell me. Until then I'm going to bed so no one talk to me." Her body was still shivering a bit but no one seemed to notice but me. She curled up in Chanyeol's lap and kissed him before drifting off to sleep. 

"Are you ok?" Luhan asked snapping me out of my trance. I turned to him smiling. "Yeah I'm fine. It was nothing don't worry about it. I won't tell you even if you ask so don't ask." Luhan frowned staring at me sadly. "I just don't want to talk about it. It's something I've only told my parents, Yuki, and Riku. It's not that I don't trust you or anything like that......I just....don't want to talk about it." I mumbled nervously scratching at my arm. 

Luhan moved my hand from my arm smiling as he leaned up to kiss me. "I get it. If you don't want to talk about it I understand. Once the right time comes you'll tell me. If that time never comes then I know it was something that was either not important or there never was a right time to tell me. Don't be so nervous." His eyes searched mine as he spoke. "When you look at me like that it makes me nervous! Your eyes do something to me that makes me feel weird it's like you're looking through me." 

I whined looking away. Luhan laughed laying on my chest. "You say things on accident when you're nervous. I know when I make eye contact you get nervous so I was hoping that you would tell me what was wrong but no I should stop doing that. I'm going to take a nap." As soon as he was finished talking it seemed like fell asleep right after. I moved his bangs back from his face and kissed his forehead. "I love you and only you. Luhan."

A/N: Ok I know I haven't updated in a LOOOOONNNNGGG time and I am SO SO SORRY! But school just started for me so I've been busy. I won't be updating as usual but I will be trying to update when I can. cute_yoseob_waving_gif.gif

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Sherinaaa #1
Chapter 26: woah *O*
I got my eyes tied! D:
but it's nice ♥
please update more ♥
HappyAngel #2
waiting for your next update!the plot is really nice~ :))
This is so good!
Ami-chan #4
I love this story sooo much! <3 update soon~
Unknown09 #5
Huhuhuhu riku is my hubbbby! Kanata Hongo *squeals*
Mariaaa #6
update sooooooooooonnnn plsssss
O.O update soon ~
Mariaaa #8
mwoh what happened!!! update soon!!! ^^