
Notes To The New Girl~

~**Chanyeol's P.O.V**~ 

I woke up to the sound of Yuki and her body burning. I sat up to see what Luhan was doing and he was sleeping. "Luhan." I said shaking him. "Luhan! Luhan wake up! Somethings wrong with Yuki wake up!" He sat straight up as soon as I mentioned Yuki. "What's wrong?" The lights were off so I couldn't see his or Yuki's face but I knew he was worried and something wasn't right with Yuki. "She's and her body is burning. It's not the good kind of moans its the painful moans. What happened to the lights?" "I dunno but I found a flash light before we went to bed." Luhan clicked on the flashlight and shined it over Yuki. Her face was red like I guessed and she was sweating. She moaned and groaned frowing every now and then. "It looks like she's having a bad dream." I mumbled. "If it's just a bad dream why is she as hot as the sun?" Luhan asked. "She always looks like that." Luhan's face straightened. "I was talking about her temperature dumb ." He moved her hair from her face careful not to wake her up. 

"I wonder if she's finally feeling the full affect of her rib pains. Should we wake her up?" I nodded shaking her gently. "Yuki sweetie wake up." She woke up slowly looking around. "Hey babe what's up?" "Are you in any pain? You were and groaning in your sleep and burning like the sun what's wrong?" She felt her forehead. "I'm not hot I'm cold and I'm not in pain I'm numb. I can't feel anything right now. Why is my whole body numb?!" She asked loudly. I ran over to the light switch and flipped it on. Yuki's shirt was raised and there were purple bruises covering her. "Luhan what is this?" I asked. "How the hell should I know? Either someone gave her hickies or she was bit by something and it's spreading." Yuki groaned hitting her head on the floor. "Why is it always me?!" She yelled. 

"Don't hit your head you might hurt yourself." Luhan said stopping her. "I hate my life everything goes wrong. I probably got bit by something and I'm having an alergic reaction. Maybe this time something will finally kill me and I'll be put out of my misery! Now that I think about it Yoona pointed out some things to me. Why do I always smile there's no point. I'm always getting hurt, I've got stalkers and rapiests on my all the time, and every girl in school hates me!" 

Luhan hit her in . "Shut up." We both stared at him in surprise. "Don't look at me like that Chanyeol you know you wanted to hit her too. The only reason you didn't is because she's your girlfriend. Yuki no one hates you there are people who are jealous of you yes but no one hates you. Stalkers and rapiests haven't bothered you in a while and you've just got a bit of bad luck that's why you're hurt alot. Your life really isn't that bad so be quiet. I really am not trying to be mean but that is the only away I really know how to tell you what I'm trying to say." Yuki frowned and crossed her arms. 

"I guess I deserved it. Sorry I'm not being like my usual self I'm just upset about all of this. Luhan you're smart how can I get feeling back in my body?" He clicked his tongue shaking his head. "This time I'm just as lost as you two are. We've already checked around this whole store and there isn't any medicine or anything. Until Riku comes I guess you're just going to be numb." I pecked her lips curiously. "Did you feel that?" She shook her head pouting. "No but I wish I did." "Well maybe if we do something that surprises you it'll snap the feeling back into you! Do you think that'll work?" I asked nervously. "Maybe but what would surprise her? Other than touching her in inappropriate places!" Luhan said knowing what I was thinking. "y Chanyeol." Yuki mumbled laughing. 

"This really isn't the time for you two to get all googly eyed over each other. Do that once we find out what the hell is going on with Yuki's body." "It's probably just a bug bite don't worry about it. I don't feel like it's getting worse so unless I start freaking out or something don't worry about it." 

~**Luhan's P.O.V**~

Yuki sat up slowly and crawled over to Chanyeol. They started to kiss and I took that as my cue to leave. I walked to the front of the store thinking about leaving but didn't because it's dark. A car pulled up and a person got out. I ducked down just in case it was someone bad and peaked out from behind the wall to see it was Riku. Riku opened the door slowly and looked around "Luhan! Where's Yuki and Chaneyol?" He asked walking towards me. I stood up and brushed myself off. "Being idots in the back." I said angrily and stomped out to the car.

"Hey little Lu what's wrong?" Key asked as I slammed the car door shut. "Nothing." He turned around in his seat shaking his head. "Somethings wrong. You don't usually slam things unless something is wrong. Now come on and tell me. If it's a secret I won't tell anyone. I promise." He said holding out his pinky. I shook it and sighed "I'm just annoyed by Chanyeol and Yuki right now. They're my best friends but I just got dumped because this girl was just using me to get to Chanyeol and then that's how we ended up here. I was upset and just running and they followed me to make sure I was ok. Anyway though I'm still ticked about that and now on top of that I have to watch them get all googly eyed and . It's annoying!" I yelled angrily punching the seat. 

"I know how you feel. The only advise I can give you is to try and ignore it. They're probably acting like that because first of all they never get to do anything together and second they got into a little fight in the midst of your little thing that happened with the girl. They did get into a fight didn't they?" Key asked turning on the light in the car. I nodded wiping my face. 

"Don't cry this isn't anything to shed tears about." He said lifting my chin and wiping my face. "I'm not crying about that. I'm crying cause I feel like they never get to do anything because of me. I'm always the one without a girlfriend and since when we all hang out they've all got their couple I always feel a bit left out." "Well maybe it's not girls your ment to be with. Maybe you're gay. Have you ever thought about that?" 

My eyes widdened. "What? Eww no! What?!" Key laughed. "I acted the same way when I found out I was gay. Don't knock it until you try it Luhan. Being gay isn't that bad. Just try it out for a little bit. See if you can find any guy that you might consider dating. If it helps view them as if you were a girl. Look at me as if you were a girl and tell me what you think." I tried to think like a girl and looked at Key. "Ok umm you've got a cute face and your personality is good meaning you know how to treat a person. Your body is......good...I guess." "Don't think so much about it just say the first thing that comes to your mind." I scrunched up my face and shook my head. "No I don't think that's a good idea. The first thing that comes to mind is something I wouldn't like to say outloud it might be weird." Key's face became straight. "Luhan if a guy says something good about me I don't think it's weird I take it as a complement now tell me what you think of me." 

"Ok fine. I think you're cute and sweet but also physco. You are....attractive in some ways and Riku is lucky to have you." Key shook his head huffing. "You're still to awkward. Look this is how you're supposed to do it. Don't be scared to say how you feel or what you want. For example Riku my wonderful boyfriend is cute. When I first saw him all I could think about was how adorible he was and how much I wanted to.....well no I shouldn't say that it's a bit innapropriate." "Ok so if I think they're cute or whatever and I want to just have them scream my name or have them so deep in me I won't be able to walk tomorrow I'm gay?" 

Key's eyes grew wide as he burst into laugher. "Ahh I can't even believe you just said that. You don't always have to have those thoughts about someone to know your gay. It can just be little things like thinking he's cute and getting shy when he gets close to you." His voice became soft as he came closer. His face was so close to mine I thought he was going to kiss me so I closed me eyes and puckered my lips waiting for him. "Not tonight kiddo. Maybe some other time." He whispered running his finger under my chin. I opened my eyes not noticing I was pouting. 

"You really wanted me to kiss you didn't you?" I scoffed and looked away. "Why would I ever want you to kiss me? Where would you think such a thing?" "Well you're pouting and you sound a bit dissapointed. If you don't want me to kiss you why are you so red?" It sounded like he was moving back to his seat so I decided it was safe to turn around. Once I turned around I met his lips. I felt his tounge run over my bottom lip and pulled away quickly.

"I'm not gay. I can't be gay. I am NOT gay!" Key stared at me running his fingers through his hair. "What's wrong with being gay?" He asked biting his lip. "Nothing is wrong with being gay it's just that for some reason I'm not going to let myself be gay. I have a feeling that I might be gay but if I am I'm in troule." "Why? Do you like Chanyeol or something?" I turned away not wanting to answer. "You do? Well that's why you're getting so pissed off about him and Yuki! You're just jealous." Key laughed. 

I kicked him angrily. "I don't like Chanyeol and I'm not gay!" I screamed at him. Before I could stop him he kissed me again. "Yes you are. You like Chanyeol and you're jealous of Yuki just admit it. Nothing is wrong with being gay. You might not even be gay you could be bi like Riku is. There isn't anything wrong with being either one."

"Yes there is. If I like Chanyeol then I'll keep getting mad at Yuki and then eventually she just wont want to be my friend and I don't want that to happen. Plus Chanyeol is always so close to me what if I try to do something to him without noticing. Then he's going to start getting distant and he's my bestfriend I can't let that happen. Me being straight is just how things have to be even if that means forcing myself to become straight." "So you're admiting you aren't straight?" I froze then hit myself on the head. 

"Damn. Look there isn't a guy anywhere that I like more then Chanyeol and that's a problem for me so I'm going to change it." Key pointed towards the store. Chanyeol was carying Yuki in his arms letting her nuzzle his neck. "Dirty little hoe." I mumbled crossing my arms. "Well that was pretty rude." Key said laughing and climbing into his seat. "I didn't mean to say it! It just came out without warning I couldn't stop myself from saying it." I opened the door for them and watched as he carefully slid her into the seat. It was almost morning the sun was half way up into the sky by the time we got home. 

Key pulled me to the side once we were home to talk to me again. "So are you going to tell him?" "Hell no!" I almost yelled. "Why not? Maybe he can help you find another guy." I felt my stomach jump when he said guy. "I don't want another guy I want Chanyeol. Key can you help me? I need to get over him quick!" Key shook his head no. "You'll figure something out eventually. Now why don't you go ahead and go to bed since it seems like none of you got much rest."

~**Yuki's P.O.V**~ 

I noticed Luhan walk in looking even more upset then he did before. I got up and ran over to him. "Luhannie! What's wrong hun?" He blinked at me and shook his head. "Nothing." "Liar." I growled moving closer. Luhan huffed and rolled his eyes. "It's me isn't it? What did I do wrong? Tell me so I can fix it." I pouted and did puppy eyes knowing he couldn't say no. "Stay away from my Chanyeol!" He yelled. I heard a gasp from around the corner and suddenly Luhan's eyes grew wide as if he just noticed what he said. I looked over at Chanyeol to see his eyes so wide they looked like they might pop out. Key ran from around the corner and dragged Luhan out of the room. 

I followed them quietly and hid behind the door to hear what they were saying. "What the hell?!" Key yelled at him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it she was just asking me what was wrong and I said nothing and then she did puppy eyes and I tried to ignore them but she just looked so cute I couldn't and then it just blurted out!" Luhan rambled shakily. "Well what are you going to tell them? You don't want them to know you're gay so how are you going to explain what you just said?" I stopped listening after Key said Luhan was gay and stared at the ground in shock.

"Chanyeol Luhan is gay!" I tried not to yell as I ran into the room. Chanyeol nodded biting his lip. "No he's bi. We dated for a little while but it was when we were in jr high and we were just testing it out. Turns out I wasn't gay so we ended the relationship. I thought he was over me." I clapped my hands together. "Aww you and Hannie dated? That's so cute oh my gosh you two would look so cute together. Was he your first kiss? Were you his first kiss? Oh my gosh you two are so good for each other!" Chanyeol looked at me with raised eyebrows. 

"Yes we were each others first kiss but that's not what we should be focused on. We need to find someone for Luhan." "Why? Why do you sound like we need to do it quick?" I walked over and sat on his lap. "Because we do need to do it fast. If we don't then you aren't going to want to be his friend. The thing with Luhan is that he really likes me. When we were dating he told me he loved me and I told him I loved him not knowing what it really ment.

One day this girl started flirting with me and Luhan just went off on her. He gets jelous alot and will cuss you out. The girl cried so hard she got sick. He didn't care though he just didn't want anyone touching me or even looking at me if it wasn't him. When he told me he loved me he ment it and I didn't know that I thought he was just trying to be a good boyfriend." Chanyeol stopped when Luhan walked in. I noticed his fist ball up but he quickly unballed it and put on a smile.

"Yuki I'm hungry can we go make something?" Slowly I got up pulling Chanyeol with me into the kitchen. "I'll grant you one kiss." I said digging through the fridge. "I'm sorry what?" Luhan asked. I turned around with a knife and he jumped off his seat. "Clam down this is for cutting carrots sit back down. Anyway I know you're bi and you like Chanyeol and Chanyeol told me about when you two were dating and everything. Since you aparently are starting to hate me I'm doing this so you'll hate me less. I'll let you kiss him once."

Chanyeol's eyes grew wider and wider the longer I talked. "Chanyeol sweetie your eyes are going to fall out of your head if they get any larger." I said poking his cheeks. "Ah Yuki babe I don't think what you're doing is a good idea." He said through his teeth. "Why not?" "Because you aren't going to be happy when it's over that's why." I rolled my eyes and turned to Luhan. "One kiss just to get it out of your system. I have to run upstairs real quick I'll be right back."

~**Chanyeol's P.O.V**~

As soon as Yuki was upstairs Luhan leaned over and kissed me. It was a soft one not like I thought it would be. He pulled away for a bit so I thought he was done. Suddenly his lips were latched onto my neck. I bit my lip to keep from but Luhan didn't make it easy. "Come on just moan already I know it feels good. I miss hearing those delicious sounds. Does Yuki know your first was me? That the first time you had was with a boy? Or did you lie to her and tell her she was your first? There isn't anyway she believed that. You're too good to be a ." 

I let out a little wimper as he forcefully moved my neck to the side. "Luhan-ah if you don't stop Yuki will see. She has a knife remember? Please stop I told you I'm not into guys." "Shut up." Luhan growled angrily. He stole another kiss slipping his tounge into my mouth. Yuki came from the dining room and froze when she saw us. I saw her twirl her knife and became more nervous. She came behind Luhan and brought the knife up to his neck. 

"Luhannie I said one kiss not a kiss and a few hickies. He is my boyfriend remember? Now remove your lips from that beautiful neck of his or your adorible little neck gets cut off. I cut by the second. 1.....2....3......4......5...........6" Each second she said she cut a bit of his neck. Blood trickled down his neck. She stared at the blood and her lips. Luhan panicked and grabbed a towel to cover his cut."Yuki?" I said cautiously. She continued to stare at the blood and biting her lip like it looked good to her. Finally she snapped out of it. 

Luhan was glaring at her as he cleaned up the blood from his neck. "Yah Yuki what the hell?" He yelled. "I said one kiss and you made hickies. Don't on my boyfriend and I won't cut your neck deary it's a simple as that. Now you should've done that at your own risk knowing that I'm crazy and get jelous very easily." She got a wet cloth and carefully rubbed it across Luhan's cut removing every drop of blood. 

He moaned softly as she moved cloth over his cut and kissed it. "Your cut is going to be fine it's not even deep so it shouldn't leave much of a scar. I'm sorry I cut you please don't be mad at me for too long. You know I love you I was just a bit jealous crazed. I'll cut myself if you want me to. Or better yet you can do it to me." Luhan picked up the knife and gingerly slid it across . I watched nervously hoping Luhan didn't cut her whole neck off. Yuki didn't even flinch she just stood and let him do it. I watched the blood run down her neck and across her collarbone. 

"Yuki." I wimpered. "I'm fine babe don't worry." Luhan cut deeper when she said babe causing her to gasp and fall over. "Luhan!" I yelled falling to my knees. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" "Don't yell at him." Yuki said groaning and holding . "Hey luhan go get Riku for me." She whispered. Luhan scampered up the stares quickly. "Babe please don't die." I cried. A small smile played on her face as my tears fell on her face. 

"Don't cry love. I'm fine he just cut me a bit deep that's all. I'm not going to die I promise. Even if I do you know I'll be watching over you." Her voice was soft as she spoke. "But I don't want you to watch over me I'm supposed to watch over you. I want to be able to hold you and feel your embrace. I love you." I leaned down and kissed her. Her hand cupped my cheek and she rubbed her thumb back and forth. 

I felt the blood from her hand rub off on my cheek but didn't mind. "I love you too and I always will. Sorry I got blood on your face." She tried to wipe it off but both of her hands were covered in blood. Riku, Key, and Luhan ran in quickly. "I'm surprised you aren't your hands right now." Riku mumbled wrapping a wet towel around her neck. "I was with Chanyeol I didn't even think about it." She said. I cocked my head to the side in confusion. "Luhan next time she offers to let you use a knife please don't the only one I trust with a knife in here is her and myself." 

"I'm sorry." He sniffled. "Don't cry you guys she's not going to die or anything it's just a cut. Just put a band aid on it and she'll be fine." Key said pulling out a box full of band aids. He out on her neck where she was cut deep and put some gel on the rest of the cut. "What's that?" I asked. "Soothing gel. Your neck burns doesn't it?" He asked Yuki. She nodded sitting up. "Kinda. Put some on Luhan's neck too." Luhan shook his head. "No mine doesn't burn but thanks. Key can you take me home?" Key grabbed the car keys and rushed out dragging Luhan with him. 

Riku stared at them frowning. "Key is just telling Luhan good ways to face the fact that he likes boys." I said trying to reassure him nothing was going on between them. "Oh. I'm going with them. Chanyeol I trust you so take care of my sister." He picked up his shoes and ran out to catch them. Yuki wrapped her little arms around my neck smiling. "Well today is the day!" She said happily. "What's today?" I asked swaying her hips. "My parents are going to be here soon! Don't worry they'll love you just like I do." She kissed me tenderly. 

"Oh yeah I forgot. Are you sure they're going to like me?" She nodded leading me into her room. "Chanyeol I'm feeling a bit deprived and I know you are too so I say we help each other out." I laid her on the bed excited she was finally letting me touch her. "We have school Yuki. Tell me now cause later on I won't be able to stop." She smiled playing with my hair. "No one said we have to go to school today. We didn't get much sleep while we were in that abandoned city anyway so if we go to school we'll end up falling asleep. I'll just ask Riku to write us absent slips later." That was all the convincing I needed before getting to it.

An Hour Later

"Kimochi!" Yuki squealed arching her back as I rubbed her faster. "I-Ikiso! Ahh!" She screamed. "You sound so adorable when you speak Japanese." I mumbled tiredly. "Sorry I speak Japanese when we do it I just forget how to speak Korean sometimes." She said catching her breath. "It's so cute I don't mind. Should I learn it so i know what you're saying or is it not important?" I asked kissing her. "All I say is the usual stuff you say when you do it. Like it feels good and stuff like that." "I'm guess ikiso means ?" She nodded. "What does kimochi mean? You say it alot." "That means it feels good. Do I say it that much? Do I annoy you? I worry I'm too loud sometimes and it annoys you. Am I to loud?" She asked biting her lip and playing with her fingers. "Yes you are!" Riku yelled through the door. 

"Why are you here?!" She snapped back. "I came to tell you I made you food! Jeez you ungrateful child don't yell at me." Hurt flashed across her face. "I'm not ungrateful you yelled first." She rolled over onto my chest. "God I'm tired." I sighed rubbing her back. "Umm babe I have to tell you something." I mumbled. She hummed tiredly. "Ok well remember how I told you me and Luhan dated?" "Yeah." My hands started to shake lightly. "What's wrong?" Yuki asked sitting up. 

"Umm ok well Luhan was very in love with me like I said and for a bit I thought I was in love too. One day we were just playing around and we....accidently rubbed against each other. After that Luhan wanted to try doing it. I said no but he pressured me into it." Yuki blinked at me. I covered my face with a pillow starting to cry. "Don't cry." 

She said softly kissing my jawline. "But I lied to you why aren't you mad at me? Plus the worse part is that I bottomed. Luhan doesn't seem like the person who would top does he? You think you know Luhan and you do but you only know the nice side of him. When he's mad he's a and if you didn't see Luhan down in the kitchen he's kinda ual sometimes. Anyway though Luhan was my first. Are you mad at me cause I lied? Or disgusted with me?"

I asked still covering my face. Yuki didn't say anything for a while so I figured I was right. I started to cry harder. "Chanyeol stop crying I'm not mad." She finally said. I put the pillow down next to me and sat up. Yuki kissed my cheek and laid her head on my shoulder. "I don't care what you did in your past. If your first time was with a boy then I'm fine with it. Luhan taught you well. Even though you did lie to me I can understand why. You thought I would be repulsed by you having with a boy. Honestly I don't have a problem with it. 

If Luhan's was up your and you liked it that's your busness not mine." I kissed her carassing her cheek. "You're so understanding. If you have a problem with it you can tell me. Please just tell me." She shook her head and stood up. "I'm fine with it honestly. Thank you for not killing my lower half by the way." "I tried my best not to since your parents are coming and you limping wouldn't be the best thing." She laughed pulling on some sweat pants and a tank top and her hair back into a pony tail. 

~**Yuki's P.O.V**~ 

"Riku what food did you cook?" I yelled skipping down the stairs. "Bacon with pancakes come and get them before Key eats them all!" I stopped skipping and ran into the kitchen to steal Key's plate. "Not today." He said removing the plate from my reach. I jumped for it but he just kept shaking his head. "Oh you can actually move on your own?" Riku asked turning around. "Yeah Chanyeol went easy since mom and dad are coming today." I said breathless. Riku's eyes grew wide and he dropped everything he was holding. 

"T-That's today?" He stuttered. "That is exactly how I felt when Yuki rememinded me earlier." Chanyeol said walking down the stairs. His hair was up in little pony tail at the top of his head leaving some hair down. "Yuki hide me!" Riku yelled shaking me. "Ok ok please stop shaking me your making me sick!" I wined laying my head down on the table. "Why do you need to hide?" "Because dad is going to kill me when he finds out I'm gay! He's going to yell at me and then at Key and you know I hate being yelled at." He cried. I hugged him rubbing his back soothingly. 

"You can hide under my bed but he already knows to check there. As many times as we've hidden from that man he knows every place we might go. I'll be there with you and so will grandma, Key, and Chanyeol. Oh by the way how is Luhan?" Riku wiped off his face and crossed his arms. "Well while you two were upstairs ing like no tomorrow me and Key were trying to convince Luhan that it's ok to be bi or gay. Aparently he's in denial because after Chanyeol ripped his heart in two he gave up on guys and went to girls. His gay switch has been turned off for quiet sometime but on accident Key flipped it back on." Chanyeol hit his head on the desk.

"I didn't mean to hurt him so badly. I told him I didn't like boys and that I didn't think we should date anymore but he didn't accept the fact that I didn't like him like that. He cried so I hugged him trying to comfort him and we ended up doing it and after that I was tired and I hurt and I just wanted to go home. After I was finally able to catch my breath I left him. I knew he cried but I didn't care back then. I wish I went back." 

"Hey is Luhan good?" Riku asked biting his lip. Chanyeol kept his head down and slowly nodded. "I think you and Luhan need to talk about what happened." I rubbed Chanyeol's back and kissed his cheek. "I won't cut anyone this time I promise. Let's go I don't want him to keep crying like this. The least you could do is apologize for leaving him crying when you guys broke up. You don't have to do anything else I'll do the rest. I'm going to find a guy that's perfect. There's a new boy coming to my art class today and I have to show him around the school so maybe he and Luhan can get to know each other and one thing lead to another they're dating and awww Luhan's gonna be all smily and giggly and they're gonna be in love and oh my gosh it's going to be so cute!!!!!" I squealed. 

Chanyeol picked me up off of the chair and carried me out to the car. "Hey you're shaking. Are you that scared of Luhan?" My face scrunched up in confusion and worry. "Yes." Chanyeol mumbled gripping the weel tighter. His knuckles were white as snow the whole ride. By the time we got to Luhan's house Chanyeol looked like he was ready to pass out at any minute. "You look like your about to pass out. There is no reason you should be this scared unless he tramatized you or something. What did he do that made you so scared of him?" "Nothing let's just go in." 

Luhan opened the front door and stood there just staring at us. "Yes?" He asked softly. I hugged him burrowing my face in his neck. "Stop crying." He started to sniffle and hugged me back. "I can't!" He cried. We walked in quietly and sat on the couch. Luhan and Chanyeol sat on opposite sides of the room not looking at each other once. "Chanyeol I think you have something to say to Luhan." I said breaking the silence. He shook his head no but I stood up and he agreed in fear. "Luhan I'm sorry for leaving you when we were back in jr high. The way I broke up with you was wrong and I wish I didn't do it that way. Can you forgive me? 

Tears swam in Luhan's eyes just begging to be let go. "No. You left me there alone and crying. How the hell would I be able to forgive you for that?! Do you even have the slightest clue how strong my feelings are towards you? I've kept them bottled up for years and all that time I've been happy but, not knowing what he was doing, Key opened that bottle up and everything spilled out. Now I can't stop crying and that day repeats in my head while you and Yuki just live happily ever after. 

I know it sounds horrible but I wish you never even met her. I wish you loved me like you love her." I felt tears spring into my eyes. "What if I do a redo? I'll redo the break up but this time nicer. I don't want to leave our relationship like this. I want my bestfriend/brother Luhan back." Chanyeol sat next to Luhan and took his hand. "Luhannie I have something to tell you." He mumbled biting his lip. Luhan sighed and turned around criscrossing his legs. "Hmm?" "Umm well you know how we were testing out how it is to be gay? I don't think it's the thing for me." Luhan's facial expressions turned from upset to pissed immideatly. "What are you saying?" Chanyeol scooted away then continued. "I don't think we should go out anymore. I just want us to be brothers not boyfriends." Still looking pissed he started to cry. Chanyeol hugged him whispering things to Luhan. 

They kissed for a second before Luhan pulled away and ran over to me. "Help me find someone before I become an drug addict!" I stared at him for a bit then shrugged. "Sure I've got the perfect boy. He's korean but he was living in Japan for a while he's an old friend of mine. He just transfered to our school. I was texting him earlier he should be here in about one minute." We all stared at the door until someone knocked. I jumped up and ran over to the door. 

"Hey cutie haven't seen you in a while! I see you're still as short as ever." The boy said hugging me. "I see you're still as insensitive as ever also." I shot back. "Hoe." He said hitting my head. "." I mumbled punching his stomach. "I love you." He kissed my cheek. "I love you too!" Luhan and Chanyeol stared at us. "You're friends?" Luhan asked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah that's just how we say hi to each other it's this thing we started back in 6th grade's a long story I'll tell it later. Anyway though Chanyeol and Luhan I would like you to meet Kevin!"

TA-DAH! ;D Heehee I just wanted to write something that would make you go WOW so here it is. I spent days on it because everyone kept wanting me to go places so if it's not very good that's why. I kept forgetting and losing parts and bits of it. DX But yeah I think it's ok. Btw it's Kevin from U-Kiss <3 ;) 



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Sherinaaa #1
Chapter 26: woah *O*
I got my eyes tied! D:
but it's nice ♥
please update more ♥
HappyAngel #2
waiting for your next update!the plot is really nice~ :))
This is so good!
Ami-chan #4
I love this story sooo much! <3 update soon~
Unknown09 #5
Huhuhuhu riku is my hubbbby! Kanata Hongo *squeals*
Mariaaa #6
update sooooooooooonnnn plsssss
O.O update soon ~
Mariaaa #8
mwoh what happened!!! update soon!!! ^^