First and Last Phase :P

Notes To The New Girl~

~**Yuki's P.O.V**~

"Morning!" I yelled walking into Chanyeol's house. Him and Luhan were sitting on the couch sipping coffee in front of the television. "Hey Yuki." Luhan mumbled staring at the TV. "What's so intresting on TV that you guys won't even say hi to me?" I asked walking over to the TV. "That's the guy that hit you yesterday. I guess someone told that he hit you and now he's on the news. Listen." Chanyeol said turning it up. "Umm yesterday was very scary for me. The girl was crossing the street and when I turned the corner I didn't see her and ran right into her. It was a complete accident and I'm glad to here that she's ok." The man said shakily. "Would you like to say a few words to the girl? She could be watching right now." "Umm Yuki, I think your name is, I just want to say I'm reallys sorry for hitting you. I didn't mean to and the accident was completely my fault. The boys that were with you did take care of you while you were unconcious so you should thank them. Once again I'm sorry and I'm glad to here you're ok." The man said before it changed to the weather forecast. "Well at least he apologized." I said happily. 

"Yeah I guess. Anyway goodmorning." Chanyeol said kissing my cheek. "Morning. Go fix your hair it's a mess." I said sticking his hair up in diffrent directions. He got up slowly stretching then shuffled into the bathroom. "So what's for breakfast?" I asked turning to Luhan. "Pancakes and eggs with orange juice and toast." He said fixing me a plate. "Why do you never eat breakfast at home?" Luhan asked setting my plate in front of me. "Because in the morning is when Riku and Key decide that." I shivered in disgust and started to eat.

Chanyeol came out of the bathroom and sat down next to me. "Is that why you always come over here early?" He asked taking a bite of my pancake. "Yeah. Every morning when I wake up all I hear is Riku and Key grunting just as loud as they can. It's like they don't even remember that I'm there. I understand being in love but can't they wait until after I leave to do such things?" I washed off my plate and put it in the sink. "Well anyway Luhan I have a plan on how you can get Yoona!" "Really?" He asked smiling wide. "Yeah. Ok so you know how the girls have gym class and then the boys are after? Well since I can't go to gym class and she doesn't really do anything anyway because the coach never picks her so I was thinking me and her go up to the locker room and you guys can talk." Luhan's face became straight and he just shook his head. 

"Why is it that you always end up having to sneak around? Plus up in the gym room guys walk around half ." "Well instead of that then how about you just talk to her at lunch?" Luhan nodded grabbing the car keys. "That's a better idea now let's get going." Chanyeol and I sat together in the back seat kissing and talking most of the ride. "Hey Yuki can I ask you something?" Chanyeol whispered. "What is it?" I asked kissing his neck. "What do we do if your parents don't aprove of us? I was thinking about it all night and I couldn't sleep. I'm afraid they aren't going to let us be together and make us break up." His grip tightened on me as he spoke. 

"I won't let that happen. We're going to be together no matter what. My grandma likes you and my mom is pretty easy going so as long as she likes you my dad can't break us up. My family is kinda like a two against one family. If everyone likes someone but just one person doesnt that persons vote doesnt really count. Don't worry about it my daddy loves me." Chanyeol smiled and  hugged me tight. "I love you so much." He said kissing my forehead. "I love you too. Do you want to walk me to gym class?" I asked swinging his arm around. "Of course I do." He rubbed my casted arm sighing deeply. "I'll be fine don't worry about me. Get to class before you're late. Oh umm during lunch can you talk to Yoona and put in a good word for him? I talked to her and she really does think he's a jerk."

Chanyeol nodded and turned around slowly. "Be careful Yuki." He said before running down the hallway. I walked into the gym and suddenly everyone was around me. "Yuki are you ok?!" "How are you feeling?" "Did that guy really hit you?!" "Are you feeling ok?" Everyone asked me. Wide eyed I backed up trying to get away from everyone. "I'm fine you guys. Yes he really hit me but it was an accident. Don't get to close to me please. Everyone just calm down and get back to work. Don't worry about me I'm really ok." I said pushing throw everyone. 

They all looked at me trying to figure out if they should leave me alone until coach walked in. "ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE GIRLS GET BACK TO WORK! YUKI FRONT AND CENTER!" She screamed. I scurried over to her nervously. "I heard you got hit yesterday. Are you ok?" "Yeah coach I'm fine it's just a broken wrist and a few ribs. I can't do anything in gym for a while though." The coach stared at me squinting then nodded. "I'd imagine so. Go sit on the bench next to Yoona." I skipped over to the bench happily and sat next to Yoona. "Hey Yoona!" I said happily. She looked over at me and waved. "Hey. I heard you got hit by a car yesterday are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine. As long as I'm alive everything is ok." Yonna laughed shaking her head. "I wish I could always be as happy as you are. How do you always smile? Almost every girl in the school hates you and you always seemed to be injured somehow weather its minor or severe don't you worry?" I nodded my teeth.

"Well of course I worry but it's my problem not everyone elses. I just want everyone to be happy so I always smile. When I was 5 I fell off my bike and cried for a long time until my mother told me that if I cried everyone else cried. I know it isn't true but it still makes me want to smile so no one will have to worry about me. Like I said before as long as I'm alive I don't really have any room to complain about anything. Life is short so why waste it worrying about things?" I held up a peace sign and winked smiling wide. Yoona laughed again. "Now I see why all the boys love you so much." She mumbled. "Oh speaking of boys what about Luhan? He's cute right? He's really sweet and can cook. What do you think of him?" 

"I think he's a player because he kisses every girl he lays eyes on. I would never date a guy like that no matter how incredibly cute he is." Her voice became soft as she talked more about Luhan.  "So you do like him? I knew it!" I sqealed excitedly. "No! I just said I don't!" She said shooting me a glare. "Well you say you don't like him but you're talking about him like you like him and your voice changes from normal to low and lovesick when you say stuff about him. I also see how you look at him when he passes through to come to gym class. Don't think I don't see how wide your eyes get and how they follow his every move." I provoked poking her arm. 

Her arms flew up in defeat and she sighed. "Ok fine I like him but I can't date him because he's a player and everyone would give me about it." "No he isn't a player those girls push themself onto him. He doesn't want to kiss anyone but you. He really likes you but he knows you'd never go out with him because of all the rumors going around about him." The gym bell rang and boys started to run in. Luhan looked over at us but turned away when he noticed Yoona looking at him. "I'll talk to you more at lunch."

Chanyeol caught me by my arm and pulled me to him. "Hey how did it go with Yoona?" "It went well. I found out she likes him too! Now all we need to do is get them to go on a date so they can fall in love and then they'll live happily ever after. Then when Yoona has Luhan's kids I can tell them they have me to thank!" I screamed and jumped around excitedly. "Ah before we start talking about their children we should at least get them together first." Chanyeol said holding me down. "In the mean time let's talk about our children." I whispered running my hands over his lower half. He moaned softly and moved my hand away. "Yuki don't do that here someone is going to see plus I might get hard. Get to class I'll talk to you at lunch." I blew him a kiss as I ran down the hallway and jumped down the stairs to get to class.

"Yuki I heard you got hit yesterday. Are you ok? Can you still paint?" My art teacher asked as I steped into the room. "Yeah I'm fine. My left wrist is the one that's broken I can still paint." He handed me a paint brush and smiled. "Good. Today we're going to paint dragons! The goal is to make them look as real and as life like as possible. When I see the painting I want to be able to feel scared that the dragons might pop out and grab me! Can you do that?" The teacher asked the class. "Neh!" We all replied. I carried my supplies over to the easil next to Kai. 

"Mornin!" I greeted sitting next to him. "Hey." He mumbled moving his brush against the paper carefully. I watched how carfully he painted and how concentraited he was. "I don't know how you stay so serious while your painting." I mumbled starting to paint. "Painting is supposed to be fun you aren't supposed to work so hard on it it looks like you're glaring a hole into th paper. Just relax your grip on the brush and let it glide across the paper." He watched me and tried to copy. "You're still working to hard." I said not looking away from my painting. "If I worked any less I wouldn't be moving!" Kai snapped. "Don't get all ticked at me I'm trying to help you. You're putting to much pressure on your wrist you're going to stress it out and then you won't be able to paint but whatever you work your way and I'll work my way." His expresion softened. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you I'm just on edge right now." "Why?" I asked looking over at him. He frowned and shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe it's because I didn't eat this morning. I get crancky when I'm hungry." I pulled a chocolate bar out of my pocket and handed it to him. "Why do you have chocolate in your pocket?" He asked taking it slowly. "Because I get hungry now hurry up and eat it before the teacher comes!" 

He shoved it into his mouth quickly and threw the wrapper behind him. "Yuki good job on your painting as usual. Your brush and color usage is perfect as usual. Class take a look! This is the work of a prodigy." The class gathered around my painting ooing and aweing at it. "How is it that you get your paintings to look so perfect?" A girl with glasses asked. "I just paint and relax. Honestly I barely try and it just comes out like this. I guess it's just a talent that I'm good at." I shrugged and hopped off my stool as the lunch bell rang. Yoona tried to run from me but I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the table. 

"Hey guys Yoona is eating lunch with us today!" I announced sitting her down in a chair. "Really? It looks more like she's being forced to sit here with us." Sehun said drinking his milk. Yoona nodded furiously. "Woman we aren't playing charades I didn't say you couldn't talk. Just sit here with us today please" I stuck out my lip holding my hands togther. "Ugh fine but only because it's impossible to say no to that face." She layed her head down groaning as Chanyeol and Luhan made their way to the table. I sat Luhan next to Yoona and pulled everyone from the table to leave them alone. "This isn't the best way to get them together. Luhan is really shy." Kai whispered watching from around the corner. 

"Just watch. There's a method to my madness I promise." Yoona stood up but Luhan said something and she sat back down. They started talking and eventually laughing. Luhan glanced over at us and motioned us to come back. We ran over excited to here the news. "We're dating!" He announced loudly. I jumped across the table squealing and hugged Luhan. "Yay my plan worked!" Chanyeol pulled me back and patted my head. "Ah you should stop doing that now that he's got a girlfriend." He mumbled. "Oh yeahh ok I get it. So Yoona how about you come hang out with us after school? We're going to the park to hang out." She laid her head on Luhan's shoulder and nodded. "Yeah sure sounds fun." 

The bell rang for our next class and everyone stood up quickly. We all kissed our partners goodbye and ran off to class. The rest of the day flew past and all I could think of was how fun the park was going to be. I ran out of class as soon as the bell rang and met everyone at the gate. "Is everyone ready to go?" I asked breathing heavily. "Uhh yeah why are you breathing so heavily?" Sehun asked raising an eyebrow. "I ran here cause I was so excited. Let's go!" We all walked happily to the park but once we got there we had nothing to do. "Welp I'm like out of ideas on what to do right now." I said looking at everyone. My eyes stopped on Sehun and Kai who were getting all lusty eyed at each other. 

"Ugh if you want to do that do it somewhere else." They stopped kissing and looked at me. "Kayy I'll talk to you guys tomorrow." Sehun waved being dragged off by Kai. I stared in diguest then shuffled over to the swings. "Someone push me!" I yelled. Chanyeol got up and ran over to me. "Yoona and Luhan make a good couple don't they?" He asked pushing me softly. "Yeah they're cute together but Luhan seems kinda weird. Is it just me or is Luhan acting weird lately?" "He's nervous. After he gets past the shock of actually dating Yoona he'll be back to his old self again." Luhan and Yoona walked over hand in hand smiling. "Chanyeol can I borrow Yuki for a second? I have to ask her something." He said softly. Chanyeol stopped the swing and helped me off. Luhan dragged me around the corner quickly and grabbed my shoulders. "Ah I'm so nervous I feel like my heart is going to explode!" 

He shook me wide eyed. "Ok ok first of all stop shaking me before I throw up my lunch. Second just try to relax she really seems to like you. If you feel really nervous just think of something funny and it'll relax you. Trust me it really works I get nervous a lot and everytime I do I just think of something funny and I'm relaxed. Plus if she sees you laughing she'll ask you what's so funny and it'll be a great conversation starter." 

~**Chanyeol's P.O.V**~

"So Luhan is a really good guy huh?" I asked sitting on the swing next to Yoona. She nodded quietly. "Yuki is a really good girl too, neh?" "Yeah she's really something isn't she? I'm glad I have her." I smiled and nodded. Yoona stood up suddenly and sat on my lap. "What are you doing?" I asked. She leaned down and kissed me. I pushed her off my lap gently so she wouldn't fall and wiped my lips. "Really. What are you doing and why? I thought you liked Luhan!" "Luhan is a good guy but I want someone more like you. You're tall and cute with a deep voice and a good sense of humor." I rolled my eyes. "First, Luhan is like my brother so I'm not going to do this. Second, I love Yuki and I would never dump her for you so could you just get off of me please? Yuki isn't very nice when she's mad and if she sees you she won't be happy." I asked trying to be as nice as possible. Yoona didn' get the message and kissed me again. 

I tried to push her away but she held onto me. Yuki and Luhan walked around the corner and stopped at what they saw. I noticed Luhan's smile turn into a frown and Yuki's face turn red. She stomped over to us and grabbed a chunk of Yoona's hair. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked smiling. "Kissing Chanyeol what are you going to do about it? You've got a broken wrist and broken ribs if you start a fight you might end up being seriously injured." Yoona said releasing Yuki's grip on her hair. "A fight? Oh honey I am not that simple. A fight would be too easy of a punishment for what you've done. You kissed my boyfriend and you hurt Luhan. Now go say sorry to Luhan." Yuki ordered pointing at Luhan. Yoona crossed her arms and shook her head. "I don't want to." 

"Well you're going to." Yuki yanked on Yoona's hair and pulled her over to Luhan by the ear. Luhan's face was red and he was crying. "Say you're sorry!" "No." "Say you're sorry or I'll tell everyone in school that you're the biggest hoe in the school and that no one should ever talk to you again. Since I run the place everyone will listen your reputation will be ruined and hopefully you'll move away. Do you want that?" Yuki threatened pulling on Yoona's hair harder. Yoona started crying and grabbed her head. "No please don't. Luhan I'm sorry. Please forgive me." 

Luhan shot her a glare and stomped off. Yuki threw Yoona onto the ground and stepped on her stomach. "Now about you kissing Chanyeol. I know he's the perfect guy but he's mine right now I don't like it that your lips were on his. Don't ever do that again or I will snap your pretty little neck LIKE A TWIG!" Yuki screamed. I ran over and removed Yuki's foot from Yoona's chest. Yoona brushed her self off and ran away. "Don't touch me!" Yuki said pulling away harshly. "Yuki I swear I didn't like her kiss it was sloppy and just ugh. She kissed me I was trying to push her away but she was holding onto me to tightly. Please believe me." 

She turned around with tears swiming in her eyes. "Why? Why should I believe you? No reason? I didn't think so. you. I knew I couldn't trust anyone anymore." She turned to walk away but I pulled her back. "Please Yuki. I told you I only love you and won't leave you. I only want you. Why would I like a girl like Yoona anyway? You saw how she acted! She's mean and manipulative I would hate to date someone like that." Yuki's fist balled up and flew towards my face. Before she hit me she stopped and dropped her fist. 

"Chanyeol I love you alot. After being broken by Sehun I'm fragile.....even more so than before and seeing you kiss Yoona hurt. Ah I know I sound foolish right now but I'm really upset about this right now." She wiped her face off laughing softly. I picked up her chin and kissed her. She didn't move away or anything for a while suddenly she started crying again. "Why are you crying Yuki?" I asked hugging her. "I don't know anymore. I'm trying to be mad at you but you're making it really difficult for me. Plus Luhan is somewhere crying and I'm worried about him and know I should go find him and comfort him but I just want to be alone with you right now. None of this would've happened if I had just left everything alone. This is all my fault." She said starting to cry more. 

"You were just trying to help this isn't your fault. Luhan asked for your help and you just thought you were doing a good thing don't blame this all on yourself. Let's go fine Luhan." I took her hand and looked down at her. Her face was red and so were her eyes from all the crying. She looked up at me and smiled a little smile. "Thank you." She mumbled. "For what?" I asked confused. "For not leaving me. I put you through all this and even though you want to be alone you always come with me and hang out with the guys. So I'm sorry and thank you." 

"It's ok as long as we're together. Saranghaeyo." Yuki's grip tightened on my hand. "I love you too Chanyeol." 

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Sherinaaa #1
Chapter 26: woah *O*
I got my eyes tied! D:
but it's nice ♥
please update more ♥
HappyAngel #2
waiting for your next update!the plot is really nice~ :))
This is so good!
Ami-chan #4
I love this story sooo much! <3 update soon~
Unknown09 #5
Huhuhuhu riku is my hubbbby! Kanata Hongo *squeals*
Mariaaa #6
update sooooooooooonnnn plsssss
O.O update soon ~
Mariaaa #8
mwoh what happened!!! update soon!!! ^^