Goodbye Broken Arm

Notes To The New Girl~

"Sehun! Sehunnie! Hunnie! Sehun wake up! Wake up Sehunnie!" You yell shaking him from side to side repeatidly. Suddenly he raised his arms and pulled you down so that  your face was pressed against his neck. "Who is the naughty person waking me up so early in the morning especially after such a tiring night?" He asked kissing your forehead. "It's me of course! Guess what today is!" You yell sitting up and sitting on his stomach. His breath left his body with a 'oof!' sound making him sound funny. "Sunday?" He asked slowly falling back a sleep. "No! It's the day I get my cast off! I'll finally be able to use this useless arm again and it won't be useless anymore. Chanyeol and Luhan won't have to write for me anymore isn't that great? They'll be so happy!" You get your phone from the side table and quickly punch in a few numbers. "Yawbosehyo?" Chanyeol answered in a deep sleepy voice. "Oh! I woke you up didn't I? Sorry. I forget that not everybody wakes up as early as I do." You mumble puffing up your cheeks and bowing out the air. Chanyeol laughed. "No it's ok I should've been awake by now anyway. So what's up?"

"Well I get my cast off today and I was wondering if you can Luhan could come to see it get taken off and then afterwards we could go get something to ear or something." He hummed for a little while thinking it over. "Yeah sure we can do that. I'll text Luhan and tell him about it and we'll meet you guys up there ok? It's the same place we went last time right?" You nod like he can see you. "Yeah! Meet us up there in about 45 minutes or so, ok?" "Neh I'll see you later." He said kissing the phone. You kiss it back and hang up. Not sitting up Sehun stares at you with an eyebrow raised. "Kisses throught the phone? That's kinda weird." You put the phone back on the side table and peck his lips. "It's our little thing we started a few weeks ago. I think it's cute. Stop being so jealous all the time, ok? You're always worried I might be seeing someone else but I'm not. We've been together for like a month or two now and we're living in the same house already. If I was going to leave you don't you think I would've at least kicked you out first?" You ask getting up to shower. "I'm sorry it's just that there are so many other people you could date it's just amazing you picked me. Where are you going?" Sehun asked finally sitting up. "To go shower. While I'm doing that can you make some breakfast?" He nodded walking over to you. 

He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer. Your arms slinked around his neck as you stand on your tip toes to reach his lips. The two of you stay like that kissing and hugging until Riku walks in. "You know you two should really warn people when you're going to start doing these little lovey dovey moments." He said putting his hands on his hips. Sehun lets you go and you slowly return to the floor. "You entered my room it's not my fault you have bad timeing. Anyway what's up?" You ask grabbing a towel and some clean clothes. "I was just coming to make sure you guys where up so we wouldn't be late for your oppointment. Don't take too long in the shower like you usually do!" He walked out leaving the door open. You head off to the shower happily stepping into the warm water. 

~**Sehun's P.O.V**~

"Riku can you help me cook breafast? Yuki asked me to do it but I'm not a very good cook if you recall the last time I tried to cook." I said to Riku catching him before he went into his room. He looked up at me and shrugged. "Sure just let me change real quick and I'll be right down. Oh and about what happened last night when Yuki was drunk Key feels really sorry. He's not to happy you kissed me but I convinced him to get over it. Are you still mad at him?" Every word he said about Key came through one ear and went out the other. "A bit. I'll get over it I just don't want to talk about it." He bit his lip furiously. "Maybe we can talk more down stairs." I walked to the kitchen and pulled out the pancake mix. "Ok Sehun it's not that hard to make pancakes. All I have to do it put the batter with milk then put it in the pan and flip it." The batter mixed with the milk smoothly and easily slid out of the bowl onto the pan. "You put too much batter for one pancake Sehun we aren't making pancakes for a giant."

Riku said looking over my sholder. I jumped and dropped the bowl into the pan immideaty setting it on fire. "!" I yelled grabbing the pan and running it under water. After the fire was out I dropped the pan and held my hand in pain. Riku touched it making me wince and groan in pain. "Don't touch it!" I wined. His hand retreated quickly. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Oh yeah I'm fine my hand is just burned and stinging like hell but yeah I'm fine." I said sarcastically. "Don't talk to me with that tone." Riku snapped yanking my arm and running cold water on my hand. My hand stung and hurt worse. Yuki walked down the stairs singing and drying her hair off happily until she saw me and Riku. "What happened?" She asked running over to us. "You told me to cook so I tried to make pancakes but Riku scared me and I dropped the bowl into the pan and it set on fire so I took it off the stove and put the fire out but in the process I also burned my hand." I mumbled trying not to cry. "Aww baby I'm sorry I forgot you can't cook. How bad does it hurt?" "Enough to bring tears to his eyes so I'd say pretty badly. Yuki can you bring the wrap bandage thingies?" She nodded and ran off to get them. I pulled my hand from under the water while he was distracted and followed Yuki. She turned around to come back to the kitchen and jumped when she saw me. "When did you get behind me?" She asked picking up the thing she dropped. "I followed you to get away from Riku.

That water was making it sting worse. Can you just put the bandages on here? I have a feeling Key is going to come out soon and I don't really want to talk to him." I sat down on the floor and watched as she carefully wrapped the bandage around my hand. "You know you can't stay mad forever. Technically it wasn't even his fault it was mine so if you're going to be mad be mad at me not him." She mumbled still looking at my hand. "When I walked in he was on top of you not the other way around." I said angrily. She didn't say anything and sighed. "My heart was pounding when that happened. Doki Doki Doki Doki! (japanese heart beat sounds) Is all that I was paying attention to since I didn't have any say in what I was doing. Then you walked in and it's like my heart stopped. You looked so hurt when you saw what was going on. I would've jumped up into your arms and said it's not what it looks like but I couldn't and it was what it looked like. Doki Doki Doki Doki....." 

She repeated the sound of her heartbeat staring at the floor and drawing symbols in the dust. I pulled her up off the ground and hugged her. "Do you hear my heartbeat?" She nodded. "Your heart beat is diffrent from mine. It's faster. Do-Doki Do-Doki. Why?" "I'm just nervous when I'm alone with you that's why. I'm not that upset at Key it just upsets me a bit to think about it. Let's go before we miss breakfast and your oppointment." 

~**Your P.O.V**~

Sehun pulled me out into the livingroom and stopped when he heard glass break. "Key I thought you were gay." Riku said in a shakey voice. "I am sweetie I told you." "Why'd you make a move on my sister yesterday? You weren't drunk so you can't say you didn't know what you were doing or you don't remember." Key took his hand but Riku pulled away harshly. "I wasn't making a move on her. She was trying to my clothes off and I put her on bottem and pinner her down to make her stop. Sehun walked in and got the wrong idea. The second time was me being weak. She was seductive and strong and I was a bit tipsy so I just let her do it. Mianhe Riku saranghae. I only love you." Key said kissing Riku. Riku tried to push away but Key just held his hand making him stop. When they finally pulled from each other for air Riku was crying. 

He hit him and crossed his arms. "That's for making me think you didn't love me." Key's eyes widdened. "Why would you think that?" "Because you said your gay but then it looked like you were making a move on my sister meaning your not gay and if your not gay you don't like boys which is what I am meaning you don't love me." You roll your eyes and pull Sehun with you into the kitchen. "What's for breakfast we've got to leave soon?" You ask butting in. "We can go out and just get something from starbucks on the way there." Sehun suggested happily. Everyone nodded and piled into the car.

At The Hospital

You walk in and sitting there drinking coffee tiredly is Luhan and Chanyeol waiting for you. Chanyeol is the one to notice your first and smiles when you walk over. "Hey!" He said happily waving. "Harrow! ;D" You said taking another sip of your tea. "Is that coffee?" You ask pointing to his cup. He nodded and handed it to you. "Want some?" You nod and take a drink from his cup. "Yuki!" Luhan yells happily hugging you. "Luhan Oppa hey! How long have you been here?" "About 15 minutes. We thought you might get here early so we came a little bit earlier. I got hot chocolate! Want some?" Luhan asked offering you his cup. You hand Chanyeol his cup and take Luhan's sipping it gingerly. Sehun walked over and waved at everyone. "So what's up with the cup switches?" He asked watching me hand Luhan his cup and him taking mine. "I wanted some coffee so I had some of Chanyeol's then I wanted hot chocolate so I had some of Luhan's and they both wanted some tea so they took some of mine." You explain pointing at everyone while you talk. Sehun nodded slowly. Riku and Key walked over quietly. "Hey Riku long time no see."

Chanyeol said smiling. Riku smiled back and nodded. "Hey." He said softly. "What's wrong? Oh Yuki I heard a stalker got you and Sehun and he you are you ok?" Luhan asked wide eyed. Your body freezes and your eyes widden. "H-How did you know that? Who told you?!" You say a little too loudly. "Sehun called me because he couldn't sleep. He said he was worried and suddenly spilled out the whole thing. Are you ok?" Luhan asked again sitting you down. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." You say putting on a fake smile. "Hey Key can I see your gun real quick?" Key shook his head no. "If people hear gun shots the cops will be out and around here before you know it." You hold out your hand. "Gun! Now!" You order glaring at him. He sighed and handed you his gun. You slip it up your shirt and walk outside into the ally back where no one ever was. You walk to the very end of it hoping it'd be deep enough to muffle the noises. The gun clicks as you load it. Your hand shakes a bit as you hold it up to the wall imagining it was Yong Guk. "Yuki what are you doing?" Chanyeol asked running behind you and holding your arm keeping you from shooting your target. "Let go please." You say shakily. "First tell me what you're doing." He persauded. "Luhan reminded me of what happened and I need to cool off. I'm not mad at him or anything I just need to cool off." "How do you forget something like that?" Chanyeol asked in genuine curiosity.

"I got drunk that's how." His grip faultered. "We're not even legal though." "Yes I know but I do it anyway. It's a bad habit I have. Can you let my arm go now?" He let your arm go and watched as you shot five holes in the wall. You turn away shoving the gun back up your shirt. "Do I annoy you Yuki?" Chanyeol asked trailing behind you. "No. Your like my best friend why would you ask that?" You ask turning to face him. "I don't know. You just seem annoyed right now and it seems like it might've been because of me." He mumbled kicking the ground. "No it's not becuase of you. I'm just annoyed about all these damn stalkers and stuff always on my . It's flattering to know people like you but it's also scary to know that they're watching you and everything you do. Taking notes and just planning to steal you away one day so that they can have you all to themselves. Knowing all of that and having to live with it pretending everything is alright it hard. That's part of the reason I started drinking. That and because it tastes so delicious! It's like dancing on clouds and flying on rainbows." Chanyeol's eyes widdened as he started to laugh. "I'm not sure if it's that good. I drink a little bit too but only when I'm upset." "And by a little bit you mean everything you can find right?" You ask smiling. He nodded laughing a bit. You also laugh and hug him. "We should go drink together some time. One night when we don't have to worry about school for a long time and don't have to worry about going to school with a hangover we should just go out and party! We can clear out the bar together, neh?"

Chanyeol nodded and hugged you back tightly. "Yeah we should. Next time we have a break or something. Hey don't we have a break sometime next week?" He asked walking towards the door not letting go of you. "Yeah. Next week we get out on wednsday and don't have to go back until Monday. So how about me and you go out somewhere and just drink on thursday? We can wash our worries away in one of the most helpfull delicious ways." He nodded finally letting you go. "It's a date. Not like a romantic date but like a friend date, you know?" He asked petting your head. "Yeah I know. Stop petting me I'm not an animal! You know I hate that!" You yell walking into the hospital. "Which is exactly why I do it." He said finishing the converstation as we walked up to the other guys. Everyone stared at us. You take the gun from under your shirt and hand it back to Key. "Thanks." You say. There was an awkward silence for a while until Luhan runs into you repeatidly saying sorry. "I didn't mean to make you mad I swear! I was just curious because we're friends and all, you know? I just wanted to know know if you were ok." He said pouting. "Luhan it's ok I'm not mad at you. I just need to let off a little steam after thinking about him. You know how when you let the water boil too long it starts to overflow?" You ask picking up his chin. "Yeah." "That's how I felt after remembering him. Afterwards when you turn the heat down the water goes back to normal right? Well that's how I was feeling right then that's all. You didn't know so I'm not mad at you. Calm down." You say hugging him. 

He hugged back and quickly moved away. Sehun walked over and kissed you hugging your waist from behind. "So where is the doctor?" He asked. Everyone laughed long and loud pointing at Sehun. "What did I do?" He wined. "Dude you're so jealous and it's so obvious. Yuki shared drinks with us, spent time with me, and hugged Luhan-hyung while you're standing here wanting to kick us for it. Isn't that right?" Chanyeol teased. Sehun's face turned red in embarrasment. "No I just wanted a kiss. It's normal." "Not the way you did it. As soon as Luhan walked away you kissed her so quickly she didn't even have time to react." Riku said still laughing. Yuki laughed softly and patted Sehun's chest. "How many times do I have to tell you that you have nothing to worry about! I'm not leaving you."

"Is there a Yuki asked?" The doctor asked interrupting. "Oh I'm right here!" You yell happily running over to him. He smiled and took you to a room down the hall. Everyone followed and watched him take off the cast. You try to move your arm a little bit and whimper. "Does your arm hurt?" The doctor asked carefully moving it. "No it's fine. It's just because I haven't moved it in so long the muscles cramped up a bit." You say moving it around on your own now. "Ok. If it starts to hurt anymore just come on back and we'll have it checked on for you." You hop off the bench and smile. "Omg do I get a lolipop?" You ask happily. "Yuki this isn't a childrens hospital its an adult one let's go. Don't you want to have lunch with your friends?" Riku asked pulling me out of the door. "Oh yeah! Hey guys where are we going to eat at?" "Where ever you want to." The three boys said in unison. You laugh and hug them. "How about we go to a sushi place? Everyone likes sushi right?" You ask in a huddle. The boys nodded smiling. "Alright then it's settled! Now who's going to drive? I don't feel like driving." Sehun took the keys and spun them around on his finger.

"Let's go you guys. We're taking your car right Chanyeol? That way Key and Riku can get home." Chanyeol nodded and headed for the door. Luhan and Sehun sat in the front talking about random things while you and Chanyeol planned your thursday night. "Ok so we're going at what time? It's got to be late because drinking early is boring." Chanyeol said thinking hard. "What about 10:30? We meet up there and drink all night. We can have fun and just hang out together." You suggest. "Yeah ok. Which bar are we going to? The one up on 31st street or the one in down town?" "The one on 31st street. I heard the one down town and creepers." Chanyeol nodded sighing. "For some reason that doesn't surprise me. Anyway ok so we're going to meet at 10:30 up at the bar on 31st street. Are you driving or do you want me to pick you up?" He asked a bit softer. "Can you pick me up? I don't want to use anyone's car and then not be able to get it back." You say biting your lip. "Yeah sure. Ok so I'll be there by 10:20pm. Don't be late ok?" He said winking. You smile and nodd not noticing Luhan listening to everything. The car came to a stop and you were in front of a pretty purple place with a big peice of sushi on top. "Oh my gosh we're here! I'm so happy I get to have some sushi finally! It tastes so good I missed it so much!"

You yell happily jumping around. Sehun puts a hand on your head making you stop. "Sehun-ah don't touch my head I hate that! It messes up my hair after it takes so long to get it right." You grumble fixing your hair. "Well that was quick mood change." Luhan mumbled. "Let's go inside what are we waiting for I'm starving!" You grab the three boys hands and pull them inside the resturaunt. "Four people." You say to the man standing at the desk. "Right this way." He says leading you to your table. "Can I start you off with some drinks?" He asked. "Can I have a margarita?" You whisper to Sehun. "No we aren't old enough." He said back. You groan and look again. "Orange juice please." Luhan tells the waiter. "Same for me." Sehun says. "Cranberry juice for me please." You say watching the waiter take notes. "Coke." Chanyeol mumbled frowning at his phone. "What's wrong Chanyeol?" You ask trying to see his phone screen. "Nothing don't worry about it." Chanyeol said looking up and smiling at you. "Ok. So after this what do you guys want to do?" You ask taking your drink from the waiter. "I'm busy after this sorry Yuki." Luhan said. "Yeah me too. We're going to visit Kai hyung today." Chanyeol sipped his drink still smiling. Sehun glanced up at the mention of Kai's name excitedly but you ignore it thinking it's just because he's his friend. "Are you guys ready to order?" The waiter asked. You all nod and order quickly. Everyone finished their food and moved on with their day quickly. "Alright goodbye you guys!" You say happily waving as Chanyeol and Sehun drove off. "Let's go home and take a nap." You suggest looking up at Sehun. He nodded smiling. "Yeah let's go." 

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Sherinaaa #1
Chapter 26: woah *O*
I got my eyes tied! D:
but it's nice ♥
please update more ♥
HappyAngel #2
waiting for your next update!the plot is really nice~ :))
This is so good!
Ami-chan #4
I love this story sooo much! <3 update soon~
Unknown09 #5
Huhuhuhu riku is my hubbbby! Kanata Hongo *squeals*
Mariaaa #6
update sooooooooooonnnn plsssss
O.O update soon ~
Mariaaa #8
mwoh what happened!!! update soon!!! ^^