Hectic hangover


The living room is tensed. Seven boys gather in there. Onew is threading Mir's hair, as the unconscious boy is laying on his lap. Yoseob is sitting next to Onew, as he steals a peak on Junhyung. Joon is standing, trying hard to keep his emotion in check. Junhyung is sitting comfortably on the opposite sofa with Jonghyun who is smiling like a love sick teenager to Onew. Dongwoon is annoyed as Joon keeps sending hatred looks toward them.


"Mind to tell me how the hell did Mir become like this?!"


Onew rolls his eyes. It just so typical Joon's question. Beside that, Onew is annoyed. There's a certain someone, sitting in front of him, keeps at smiling like an idiot.


"Hey Onew.. You have a good place.. I think I can get use to this apartment.. You don't mind if I crush here right?"


"No!!! You're not allowed!!!"


"Yaahh!!! I don't talk to you, ahjussi!!"


"You, dino face!!! What did you just call me? And you, why did you touch Mir like that? Huh?!"


"Hey!!! You should say thank you!!! I was his savior, you know!!!"


"You savior my !!! And why the hell do you bring your friends like-gangster, if you're helping him, huh? You wanna attack this place?"


"Yah, I have no problem with you!! Why did you point at me while you're saying something about gangster huh?!"


"I can say...."


"All of you.. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!"


All of the shouts are stopped. Everyone look at Yoesob after he yelled loudly. Joon's mouth is hanging open, while the three guests are just blinking. They are surprised to hear Yoseob's outrage. As for Onew, he left the place in the middle of the shouting contest unnoticed., while he piggy backed Mir and tugged him into his bed. He was in the kitchen, preparing some hot tea for Mir, when he heard Yoseob shout. He just sigh as he shakes his head.


"Joon should see this coming. Yoseob is frightening whe he is angry.."


Back to the living room, Yoseob is now standing. His chest is up and down of the hard breathing. He is annoyed, tired as , confused, and curious. He doesn't know why these four almost grown up men are having a shouting contest. Where do they think they are? In the jungle?! What if the neighbors start to come and think there's a fire here or something?


"You!! Joon. Back to your room. I expect you lock your door when I check on you."


"Yah!!! You..."


"Shut up Joon. And all of you. Thank you for bringing Mir home. But please get out now."


"But Yoseob..."


"Later Junhyung. I would like to have a word with the three of you about Mir. But now, please leave."


"Can you bring Onew when you're interrogating us later?"


"Yah dino face!! Don't you dare saying Onew's name like you've known him!!!"


"JOON... Your room. Now!!"


Joon's eyes twitch as he once again hears Yoseob's words. No one is messing with Yoseob when he is angry. Joon turns around defeated and goes to his room. But he manages to send one last glare to the guests.


"And you, I don't know your name, I think Onew will be there but I can't promise it. Now please leave. It's almost midnight."


Yoseob ushers them out and locks the door. He lets go a long sigh before he proceeds to walk toward Mir's room.




Mir is having the worst hangover in the morning. His head is like pinned by an axe repeatedly. His body is sore all over. As he observes the surrounding, he comes to a conclusion thath he is in his bedroom. He tries to recall what happened last night.




The class is over. I don't know what should I do. I really want to talk to Onew hyung, but I'm afraid if he will blame himself for this. I still can see Joon's expression back then when I broke up with him. It hurts. to break up with him. We've come so long and in the end, when I start to feel that we were meant to be, it had to come to a dead end. All I ask is a little of his time for me. he didn't even call, sent any message, or came to my place after Onew's accident. Is it wrong for me to ask that tiny attention from him? Am I the bad guy here? I really hate to put Onew hyung in this kind of situation. But still, in the deepest shade of my heart, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that Joon will leave me and choose Onew hyung. Because from the start I already knew that Onew Hyung meant the world for Joon.


"Are you crying?"


I startle at the question. Without I realise, I walk into this big park, a different park from the one in our neighborhood. I look at the source of the voice to find the kid from my class, Dongwoon, Key's bestfriend. What did he just say? Crying? Me? I touch my cheeks only to feel a wet surface. yes indeed I cry. How couldn't I not cry when I just break up with someone I love so dearly? The tears keep coming. However I erase the fallen liquid, it keeps pouring down my face. I can't control it anymore. I collapse to the ground and start sobbing. My heart is hurt. My head is hurt. My vision is blurred by the tears. I can feel Dongwoon tries to calm me down by embracing me. But it's not the embrace that I want. I want Joon, to be here, and saying that everything is okay between them. All I want is for Joon to see how desperately in love I am to him. All I want is for Joon to love me back as much as I love him. stupid. I'm so stupid to be completely falling over heels for someone like Joon. I hate Joon. I hate his smile that can easily calm me down. I hate my addiction to his presence that makes me a weak rag doll, I hate his voice, I hate him!!! But, I hate myself more for falling over him.


"Come on, stand up. Let's find a seat."


The next thing I know that I am sitting in the bench. Alone. My tear stops falling. I can see Dongwoon's bag beside me. But I cant see him anywhere. I chack my phone to find several missed calls and messages, but I choose to ignore it. Yoseob is going to give me an earful lecture for me, later, for not giving any notification of my lateness. I shudder at the thought of having the samll boy shouting. He is scary when he is angry.


"Feeling better?"


I look up and find Dongwoon, then I nod. He brings a packful of plastic bag. I eye it curiously.


"What is that?"


"Let me introduce you to the greatest medicine of broken heart."


"I'm not broken....."


I am caught by surprise when Dongwoon starts to take out the content of the bag. There are alot of beer cans and snacks. How the hell did he manage to by all of these?


"Are you serious?!"


Dongwoon just smiles at me. He takes one of the can and opens it, before giving it to me.


"Drink this. I know it's not the best place to drink. But as long as you can tone down the number of beers you drink, I think it's okay."




"Just trust me, okay.. Everything is going to be okay. You have me here."


My heart hurts hearing that words. The words that I desperately want to hear from Joon are easily said by someone I just know. I don't know why, i start to open my heart for this stranger. If he is the only one I have now, why should I regret his offer. I start to drink. One can turns to two, three, four. I remember in the middle of the drink fest, I start to babling. I remember Jonghyun hyung comes with a new guy, Junhyung, joining us. This might be the best day of my life. Broke up with Joon and have a drink fest in the middle of the park with a bunch of strangers.


End of Flashback


"Oh my God, I'm screwed!!!"


"Yes, you are."

Mir shrieks. He lets out a small high pitch scream when he hears someone talking back to him.


"Hyung!!! You surprised me!!!!"


Onew stands on the door stand. His hands crosses on his chest. Seeing Onew's strict epression, Mir is gulping.


"How do you feel?"


"Like hell..."


Onew snickers at Mir's answer. He walks toward the bed, where Mir is haing his head low. He pities his dongsaeng. He is still surprised at the desicion Mir's take. And he can't just walk around pretending that it has nothing to do with him. He is not that pathetic.


"You're lucky Yoseob is out for grocery."




"And Joon is out with Changmin hyung. CHangmin hyung is going to be pissed if he know this."


"Did he say anything, hyung?"


"Let's not talk about it now, okay. Here, drink some medicine. These pills are best for hangover."


"I'm sorry hyung... I really am.."


"Oh yes you have to be, young man!!!! You have plenty to explain. Thanks God it's saturday, so we have PLEEEEENTY times to catch up. Now spill.."


Mir once again gulping. there, in the door frame, Yoseob is standing with both of his hands on his slim waist. He looks back to Onew, trying to find some protection, but Onew just shrugging his shoulder as he mutters that it serves him right.






Hey guuuuuuys......

Firstly, please accept my apology for being a mute author and not updating. #deepbowtotheearth

Here is the new chapter.. Hope you like it..


The next chapter is goiing to be Daebak!!!!! I'll try to finish it as soon as I can. Here is some spoiler for the next chapter...



"What? Choi company? You should notifiy me before."


"I don't know what happen to you in the past Onew. But I would like to be the one who erase that bad memory. I know you can't easily like me. At least please open your heart for me. I'll try my best to heal any scar in it. We are having a big competition this month. I hope you will be there, Onew.."


"ONEW!!!!! Wait!!!!"

"Min... Minho?"



Khekhekhekheee... I love spoiler..... See you on the next chapter......




ONEW FTW!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

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Masquerade ch 22 is up!!!


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Zimmy02 #1
Chapter 36: thank you so much for this story! I love this story so much
I like the plot and the characters of this story, specially jinki!
thank you again for this great story
Chapter 36: hi.. did i ever comment on this story? no? fml. i must have forgotten to do that -_- i've been reading this story again and again.. anyways. the story is so awesome, i legit cried when onho broke up and when jinki rejects taemin (politely) T_T ah poor boys. thank you for the story!
Chapter 36: bows to author-nim util my heads touches my feet thank you for this bitter sweet fic
waah waah waah this is all that came from my mouth initially
Chapter 36: You're really a great writer..
Can't wait to hear more from you chingu ^^
Keep writing especially for Jongyu..
My bias is Onew and yet I adore Jongyu so much!
Yes you make my feeling mixed up but wonderful..keep it up!
Chapter 36: This was such a great story!!xD
The ending was so adorable!! Lovey dovey JongYu and the troll Minho!!xD
Aww I sort of feel bad for Tae baby and key!!
Keep up the good work author-nim!!^^
pradiv1819 #6
Chapter 36: wow...i loved t...so mny twists nd turns...superb...
jinkiesa #7
Chapter 36: this is ssoooooo cool...
i love this story so much...
and i love you for making this story...
thank you si much for this story...

cant wait for your another masterpiece
Chapter 36: Oh my i cried at the last part of taemin's message.. i hope that time will come soon, yeah? I love how you make them all have their happy endings (well, except minho but i think he would find another jinki -onew?- there)

Thank you soo much for bringing this story to us, it's been a fun reading from you^^
renchop #9
Chapter 36: Woah this is the end? Curious on how's between taekey doing now~ spin off maybe for them?._.
Chapter 36: awwww it ended.... i loveeeeeeddd ending......cutieee jongyuuuu and naughty minhoooo.... i hope teakey will find their own happiness soon<3<3<3