Visit Your Friend's Past, Present and Future

Imymeyours: oh hai :D /being random/ *waves*

(I'm having mental block oh no how to start this chapter D:)

Eli looks at the unconscious chap laying on the floor. He immediately fell to his knees, swiping his hand to the young Kevin's head, trying to lift his head up. His hand went right through. He tried again, subconsciously aware of Xander's warnings that they were ghosts. Eli swung his head back to face the stranger noona, to beg her, no wait, yelling at her to call for an ambulance. The noona was shaking as she dialled the number for the nearest hospital. Her free hand alternated between Kevin's forehead and in front of , still in shock that someone had fainted in front of her. Eli kept yelling at her to do something, knowing full well that she could not hear him.

Eli continued to beg the young Kevin to wake up, to open his eyes. Worry filled every inch of his heart as each second passed and Kevin was still lying on the ground. In the distance, a faint ambulance siren could be heard. Eli placed his hand on to young Kevin's.

"Kevin please wake up I beg of you! The ambulance will be here soon. Please be alright. " Eli pleaded, extreme guilt continue to build up. If he only knew that this happened to Kevin, he would have surely went with Kevin to the doctor's.

Eli felt like face-palming him for all the foolish decisions he had made in the past.

The paramedics whizzed by Eli while he was deep in thoughts. Picking up the delicate boy on the ground, they strapped him safely at the back of the white vehicle. The noona went up the ambulance to accompany the lad to the hospital. Eli followed suit till a force held him back. Eli turned around to come face to face with the opposing force.

" Where do you think you are going? " Xander asked Eli.

" To the hospital of course! " Eli replied Xander forcefully.

" Nope. You're not. We're leaving." Xander rolled his eyes at Eli's answer.

" But but what about Kevin?" Eli asked worriedly.

" Well, he survived didn't he? That's why he's alive today right? Let's go. " Xander rolled his eyes one more time before creating another portal out of no where.

Eli swore if Xander continued to roll his eyes like that, his eyeballs are going to fall off one day.

" YOU COMING?! " Xander shouted back impatiently.

" neehhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Eli answered meekly, wondering if Xander could read minds too.

Back at the white room, Xander turned back to the smiley Alexander again. Talk about mood swings.

" My adventure with you ends here~~ I'm going to go now!~~ Wait here, the ghost of best friend's present will be here soon~~ ANNYEONG! " Xander sayed with a smile and vanished.

Eli could only blink twice before he was by himself, all alone in the white room. Noticing a couch that appeared from thin air, Eli propped himself down on the couch.

10 minutes passed.

20 minutes passed.

30 minutes passed.



Imymeyours's corner: OMO WHO COULD IT BE?! :D

Sorry for the short chapter T___T

and my mood swings while writing the chappie.

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OMG such a beautiful story :'D <3<br />
Make a sequel, make a sequel!!! :D
winterflowr #2
So cute!!! I wish you could do a one-shot sequel or something :)
Sequel pleaseeeee :D
osmnelly #4
yay!! SEQUEL!!!~~!~!~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PWEASE!!!! :D
eternalove #5
sequel, please ~~ >.<
I really really want a sequel ><<br />
pls, i want a sequel!
eunhae1307 #9
I nailed it!! the future was really Kibum... :D<br />
<br />
this was cliff hanger ending if the story but in any ways, I like it.. ^^
ilinh1991 #10
it's described as a "tall" guy and broad shoulders? hmm... hahah my guess would either be Kibum or AJ, because AJ is tall and broad shoulders, I'm not quite sure... but he seems to have a manly shoulders like Eli hahah but yeah. And another choice can be Kibum since he's Kevin's best friend in real life. So yes, my guess is either AJ or Kibum... and I hope that guy who's next to Kevin is Eli~^^ I'm really shipping this couple, I love them<3 my two biases hahah