Visit Your Friend's Past, Present and Future

Imymeyours's corner: Ohai I'm back :D still coughing like a mad person but yeah I'M BACK.


Don't worry, I will still continue to write fics :D support me kay? ><


*SLAPS* A loud thud echo-ed throughout the whole room.

" Ouchie.. WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! " Eli barked at the stranger only to be taken aback by the sight of the new person.

The stranger was clothed in a black cloak, he had broad shoulders and was extremely tall, and his face was covered by the shadow of his hood. The stature of the stranger was frightening that Eli almost pee-ed in his pants.

" I'm the GHOST OF BEST FRIEND'S FUTURE. I apologise for the slap just now but I just couldn't seem to wake you up. Slapping seemed to be the only option. " the stranger talked with a low voice.

" Okay... May I see your face? " Eli asked cautiously, not wanting to offend the humongersaur.

" I'm sorry but I can't show you my face. As I said, I'm the ghost of the future. I'm someone you may or may not meet in the future. " the black clothed guy said.

" Oh okay.. " Eli replied softly, looking down at his feet. " Well, are you going to show me I don't know something?! "

" Oh yes. Please follow me. " the stranger motioned Eli to follow him. He seemed to be the friendliest ghost among all 3, apart from the slap.

The stranger clapped his 2 hands together, and whoopeee, another portal appeared. The 2 men strolled into the portal and came out to a beautiful place. The town scenery was so pretty that Eli just gawked at the scene with his mouth open. There were foreigners everywhere so Eli concluded that they were no longer in Korea. Eli's eyes continued their exploration of this new place until he laid his eyes on a famous landmark. The Eiffel Tower. Paris.

Paris. Where Kevin was moving to.

Or he had already moved to.

Eli looked towards the stranger, who then motioned him to follow him. Eli followed like a blind bat.

They arrived at a peaceful park just at the outskirts of town. Eli continued to marvel at the amazing environment of the country as they walked down the path.

The stranger suddenly stopped in his tracks and Eli stopped too. Looking up, he saw a familiar figure sitting on the park bench.

There, sat a much more mature-looking Kevin. He seemed to be waiting for someone. A man walked over to Kevin and sat down next to him. They kept talking for ages, Eli grew tired of watching them blabble away that he sat down on the grass.

After 2 hours of watching the 2 talk, the surroundings started to shimmer away.

" whhaa whaatt izz haaa haapppeeenn happeenninggg? " Eli was baffled. He immediately turned to look at the black figure.

The stranger just stood rooted to ground and motioned Eli to wait. And so he did.

The surroundings changed to the top of the Eiffel tower!


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OMG such a beautiful story :'D <3<br />
Make a sequel, make a sequel!!! :D
winterflowr #2
So cute!!! I wish you could do a one-shot sequel or something :)
Sequel pleaseeeee :D
osmnelly #4
yay!! SEQUEL!!!~~!~!~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PWEASE!!!! :D
eternalove #5
sequel, please ~~ >.<
I really really want a sequel ><<br />
pls, i want a sequel!
eunhae1307 #9
I nailed it!! the future was really Kibum... :D<br />
<br />
this was cliff hanger ending if the story but in any ways, I like it.. ^^
ilinh1991 #10
it's described as a "tall" guy and broad shoulders? hmm... hahah my guess would either be Kibum or AJ, because AJ is tall and broad shoulders, I'm not quite sure... but he seems to have a manly shoulders like Eli hahah but yeah. And another choice can be Kibum since he's Kevin's best friend in real life. So yes, my guess is either AJ or Kibum... and I hope that guy who's next to Kevin is Eli~^^ I'm really shipping this couple, I love them<3 my two biases hahah