X-A-N-D-E-R P-A-R-T 1

Visit Your Friend's Past, Present and Future


bet you guys are thinking how I am right? :D -so excited-

oh but I'll have another solo story after this, about B2ST'S JUNHYUNG!





colour coding for this chapter ONWARDS:






Third Person's P.O.V

" Wwwwwhhh... whhooo.. arrr...areee..yaaaa...yoouuu???" Eli stammered through his teeth.

The bright light slowly faded. A man in his early 20s was standing in the middle of the room. He was clad in kindergarten kids' clothing (kinda like what Taemin wore in Hello Baby Episode 1), while on a lollipop. A cheeky grin was plastered onto his face.

" Hello!~ My name is Alexander!~~~ I'm the ghost of best friend's past! " the figure spoke out of his mouth, still on the lollipop in between his words.


"Ggggg gghooossst???" Eli's teeth were chattering.

" Yep!~ You don't remember me? I'm Xander!~ From your kindergarten.. remember?" Xander squealed, leaning his face closer to Eli.

 " Xander? ohhh! XANDER! OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Eli asked suspiciously, eyeing the clothes that Xander wore.

"Well, like I said, I'm the ghost of best friend's past. Tonight, you will be visited by 3 ghosts: the ghost of best friend's past, present and future. Have you watched the movie ? You'll be experiencing something like that, but your journey will not be about sharing the Christmas spirit, as much as I would like you to have, though. It will be about YOU! and your best friend, Kevin Woo." Xander explained, pointing his long fingers to Eli's face while he said his last sentence.

Eli blinked for 5 seconds, staring at Xander's pointy and registering what he said.

"Wait, how are you going to show me?" Eli asked with disbelief.

" Simple " Xander replied, snapping his fingers.

Eli's puny bedroom suddenly turned into a massive white empty room.

" This is the portal where you will be intercrossing between your past, present and future. Here, only the ghosts can bring you back to the real world. Since I'm the ghost of best friend's past, I will be bringing you to see your past. You are now a ghost, which means that when we visit fragments of your past, present and future, your real personna will be unable to see you. You can see what is going on, but you can't touch anything, and your personna and your friends cannot hear you when you speak. The moment you step into this white space, no one else can see you except the ghosts. Understood? " Xander explained to Eli in a serious tone.  

Frightened by Xander's change in tone, Eli blankly nodded his head.

Xander smiled at his kindergarten friend and yelled, " Let's Go! ". A mirage appeared before them. Eli identified it as his kindergarten and he saw his 4 years old self in the mirage.

" Xander, can I ask why are you the ghost of best friend's past? " Eli blurted out his question when he saw a 4 years old Xander toddling over to his side in the mirage.

" Ohh because I was part of your past! And also because I was the 2nd closest friend you had, apart from Kevin, before I left for the US. Remember how we 3 were best friends? " Xander replied to Eli, pointing to the mirage where the kids were playing happily in the sand box.

" YEAH OF COURSE I REMEMBER! So the other 2 ghosts are going to be people whom I know of? " Eli asked again.

" Yes most probably. Let's Go! " Xander shouted into Eli's ears.

Before Eli could ask Xander where they were going, Xander had pulled Eli's arm and led him into the mirage.

Eli looked around his surroundings in amazement, one moment he was looking at the mirage of his kindergarten, the other moment he was in it.

Xander was skipping around, kicking the hordes of leaves that had fallen to the ground as it was autumn. Eli focused on the 2 kids trying to build a sandcastle in the sand box.

" Hi may I join you guys? " a little shy voice broke the 2 kids concentration.

" Sure! My name is Eli! and this is Alexander. What about you? " The small boy with the blue hoodie asked the boy that was standing gingerly at the sandbox borders.

" My name is Kevin. Kevin Woo. " the little boy smiled widely at his 2 newfound friends.

" And we were never apart for the next 3 years, till I moved house. " Xander's voice frightened Eli. Eli jumped and turned to look at his former best friend who in a split second was seated next to him. Xander had a sorrowful look on his face as he continued watching the 3 kids play joyfully.

Eli nodded and shifted his gaze back to the sand box; the whole process was like watching a moving picture book.

The 2 adults watched till the kids disappeared back into the classroom.

" That shows we have to go. " Xander sighed while standing up.

" Go? Go where? " Eli followed Xander, still unsure of what was going on.

" You'll find out when we get there. " Xander turned back to face his friend, giving him a small smile.

A mirage of the white room suddenly appeared. Xander confidently stepped back in, with Eli at his back as he stepped in hesitantly.

Once both of them were back in the white room, Eli turned back to look at the mirage of the kindergarten. The edges of the mirage slowly began to fade out. Eli made sure to commit that beautiful scene to his memory, it was like part of his past was re-lived.

" Moving on to the next scene~ " Xander announced with a shrill voice.

Another mirage appeared before them.

" Hey it's our elementary school! " Eli exclaimed while pointing at the mirage.

Xander chuckled at his friend and spoke, " It's not ours. I wasn't in Korea anymore. "

" Oh yeah. So we have to go in? " Eli asked again, finger still pointed to the mirage.

" Yep!~ " Xander screamed in delight as he pulled Eli by the arm into the picture.

They landed along the corridors, both sides lined with classrooms. The corridors were empty as the students were having classes. Xander started walking along the corridors, looking into each classroom. Eli followed behind, reminiscing his past. All of a sudden, Xander stopped in his track, causing Eli to bump into him and falling onto the floor.

Before Eli could curse at Xander, " Stand Up." was all he heard from the guy who caused him to fall.

Eli stood up and looked inside the classroom. It seemed all so familiar to him, like it was just yesterday. Inside the classroom, at the 2nd row,seated 8 years old Kevin and Eli.

The teacher was going around collecting their homework. Xander motioned Eli to look at the mini Kevin and Eli. Eli glanced over and saw his own younger self whispering something to Kevin. Young Kevin looked troubled but he still passed his own homework to Eli. Young Eli began scribbling like mad, copying answers from Kevin.

The teacher stopped at their tables. Young Eli slipped his homework under the table from the teacher sight. He passed Kevin's homework to the teacher, grinning like an idiot. The teacher asked Kevin where was his homework. Kevin looked over to his best friend for help. Young Eli however was pretending to look at the front of the board, acting like a good kid. Kevin had no choice but to tell the teacher that he had forgotten to bring his homework.

" Atta Boy! My young self is so awesome " Eli chuckled to himself.

Xander shot a look at Eli. His eyes had tinges of fury among them.

" This is only what YOU see. Have you wondered what happened to Kevin? " Xander snapped at Eli, causing Eli to stumble back in shock.

Xander snapped his fingers and in an instant, the classroom was cleared, except for Kevin who was scribbling something on the board. Eli squinted his eyes to look at the words,

I will never forget to bring my homework to school.

" This was what happened after school. While you went home happily, Kevin had to remain in school and write this very sentence 5000 times on the whiteboard. Just because he let you used him. He let you pass HIS homework as yours. " Xander hissed through his teeth.

Eli continue staring at Kevin writing those words over and over again.

" Just in case you haven't realise Eli, the 3 ghosts are going to show you your BEST FRIEND'S past, present, and future. And who was your best friend? Kevin Woo. We are going to make you realise how much he has done for you. "

Imymeyours's corner: Heh so the fun has finally started >:D I colour coded everything so that you guys won't be confused with who is talking and such.

Anyway due to my working hours, I may only update once a week, on tuesdays or Wednesdays. If I can, I'll update on both days.

I'm sorry but I'm really busy and I only have limited time online becasue the next day I have to work (sans Wednesday, which is why I can update on Tuesday nights, or Wednesdays ).

The JongKey fic will be update on weekends becasuse my co-author can only come online on weekends. The rest of the week, I have my own stuff to do like admin on a SHINee based fan account on twitter (go follow @ontaekey_4ever ! I'm admin hannahKEY lol~), update my tumblr, and my own personal stuff. Up till now, I'm only at Dream High Episode 7 okay ><

So anyways, comment and subscribe please? :D


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OMG such a beautiful story :'D <3<br />
Make a sequel, make a sequel!!! :D
winterflowr #2
So cute!!! I wish you could do a one-shot sequel or something :)
Sequel pleaseeeee :D
osmnelly #4
yay!! SEQUEL!!!~~!~!~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PWEASE!!!! :D
eternalove #5
sequel, please ~~ >.<
I really really want a sequel ><<br />
pls, i want a sequel!
eunhae1307 #9
I nailed it!! the future was really Kibum... :D<br />
<br />
this was cliff hanger ending if the story but in any ways, I like it.. ^^
ilinh1991 #10
it's described as a "tall" guy and broad shoulders? hmm... hahah my guess would either be Kibum or AJ, because AJ is tall and broad shoulders, I'm not quite sure... but he seems to have a manly shoulders like Eli hahah but yeah. And another choice can be Kibum since he's Kevin's best friend in real life. So yes, my guess is either AJ or Kibum... and I hope that guy who's next to Kevin is Eli~^^ I'm really shipping this couple, I love them<3 my two biases hahah