Visit Your Friend's Past, Present and Future

Imymeyours's corner: I don't really have anything to say .___. Tumblr distracts me alot from updating this fic. sorry for my procrastination :P

Third Person's P.O.V

The teacher walked in with her heels knocking on the floor loudly and drops her pile of books on the teacher table roughly. PMS much? The loud bang made by the books was loud enough to wake up any students sleeping. Ms Lee motioned the class to get back to their own places and stop wasting time.

Eli pouted at Stephanie and mouthed " Later " to her as he got up to move back to his place in front of Kevin. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Kevin sitting behind his chair, taking out his textbook.

Eli's P.O.V

Oh I forgot about Kevin!! We usually would meet to walk to school everyday. I totally forgot about him this morning!

See what happened this morning was..

I got to the bus stop early as my brother and father were argueing over some . Forever petty those two. I decided to leave house early to aviod being dragged into their quarrel. I hated taking sides and besides their arguement was really stupid. As always.

I strolled down slowly to the bus stop since I had alot of time till my meetup time with Kevin. I leaned against the pole at the bus stop and took out my iPodtouch to check the timing. 7:10AM. Another 20 more minutes till our meetup time. I sighed and fished my backpack for my earphones to listen while waiting for Kev.

I digged my bag hard when a sudden familiar figure was walking towards me. Stephanie. The new girl that just transferred to our school. She is hot I tell ya :DD The perfect eye-smile, nice lips, S line, more than average mountains on her chest, and honey thighs. Sluperlicious! :D She just came back from studying in America. But she was really shy and introvert. The way she blushes when she was asking a prefect for directions on her first day in school was too adorable. That's was when I started to have designs on her :P

She was scrolling through her phone while walking, meaning she haven't seen me yet. I lipped my lips and glanced down at my uniform, I look like I just crawled out from some underground mafia. I pursed my lips and roughly shoved my shirt into my pants, tugging out some fabric from my shirt so that I would not look like a complete nerd either. I have a feeling Stephanie would not like bad boys :P My hands smoothed down my crumpled pants and patted off the non-existant dust.

Combing my fringe to the side, I smirked and cautiously approached her. She bumped to my muscular chest and looked up at me. I said hi and she just gave me the who-the-hell-are-you look. I explained that I was her classmate and she gave me a dazzling smile. I almost flailed on the spot! We unknowingly walked to school together while chatting about her new life in Korea and many other stuff...

---------- <3

I snapped back to reality as the teacher cleared . I turned my back and look her. She was giving me death stares and glanced over to my seat, signalling I should plonk my down on my chair right now. I apologised to the teacher and the class. Walking back to my seat, I saw Kevin giving me the O.o look. Okay now I'm really feeling very guilty about forgetting him this morning. I just go putty in front of beautiful woman kay!

For the rest of the lessons, I got repeated warnings from the subject teachers for not paying attention in class. Don't give me dirty glares! I was planning out my "script" on how I should say sorry to Kevin for this morning.

The recess bell finally rang! :D I turned around to talk to Kev, but I was faced with an empty seat instead. I swiftly turned my head to look at the door and saw Kevin's backpack disappearing. A figure bounced in front of me and I glanced up to be greeted by a smiling Stephanie.


Kevin's P.O.V

Sigh... Why can't I concentrate in class? Oh yeah it's because there's a block sitting in front of me -.-

If being in love with him wasn't enough, He had insisted sitting in front of me in our home class on the first day of school. I can see my grades just being flushed down the toilet bowl.

Yet, now I was staring at his luscious black hair. I forced myself to look at the teacher in front of the class motioning about some theory of physics with her arms. Unconsciously, my eyeballs darted back to the in front of me. Argh Kevin you know he is an , so why do you still fall for him when you are obviously the one getting hurt all the time?!

My dreamy white clouds disappear when the recess bell rang. Usually I would hang out with Eli during recess, but I figured since he had Stephanie today, I should make myself scarce. Who would want to go out with a guy who had his best friend sticking to him like a fruitfly?

My eyes shifted to my desk, thanks to my daydreaming, I hadn't taken anything out of my bag at all -.- Well, great, at least I could escape faster. Grabbing my backpack swiftly, I stormed out of class, not wanting Eli to catch up with me or anything. I just couldn't face him while he was with another girl.

Where shall I go then? Somewhere I wouldn't meet the 2 of them? The canteen was definitely a big no-no. I was still undecided when I already found myself outside at the backyard of the school. There were boys playing football, some girls sitting at the wooden table and bench yakking away. I saw a big oak tree by the side. Oh well it looks shady and peaceful enough.

Kicking through the fallen leaves on the ground, I made my way beneath the enormous tree. My contacted the cool soft grassy ground and I leaned back against the bark. ping my bag, I took out my blue lunchbox and tucked in to the sandwiches my mom made for me.

After emptying the contents of my lunchbox, I closed the lid of the lunchbox and zipped it into a zip-lock bag. Throwing the zip-lock into my bag, I took out my drink. Soon I was just air. Hmm I didn't realise I was drinking that fast. Tossing the empty tetrapack, I stared into the beautiful sky, the weather was fantastic. As the clouds drifted past, I started reminiscing the past. With Eli.

How we were so happy as kids, I was sitting on the swing at the kindergarten and he was at the back pushing me as I urged him to swing me higher.

How we would cheat in tests during elementary school, whispering to him the answers when the teacher was doozing off by the desk, and then getting caught by some by-passing teacher.

How my feelings towards Eli developed in Junior High School, hating every moment that he didn't feel the same way to me, and instead, flirting with some girl.

I remembered how my heart ached everytime I saw him chatting with a new girl.

How jealous I got when I saw Eli kissing some random girl on day after school.

I felt a jolt of pain passing through me as I thought of the past. A pain that I had gotten used to everyday since I fell for Eli. How much I got hurt, it was just too much to bear. I clutched the left side of my chest, sobs enveloping from my mouth, tears streaming down my face.

Pabo, why did you have to remember of these hurtful things?

Imymeyours's corner: How was this chapter? sorry it was short, this is the 2nd time i'm writing this chappie after I accidentally pressed something the other day, the whole fic wasn't saved. So I was really impatient with this chappie. Mianhaeyo ><

Anyway, the pains that Kevin went through? Teaser: Will be revealed when Eli meets the ghosts of past, present and future.

Somehow, I find it easier to write Kevin's P.O.V then Eli's or in Third person's form :/

I'm not sure how long this story will be. Heehee :P

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I will read the comments and try to improve ><

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OMG such a beautiful story :'D <3<br />
Make a sequel, make a sequel!!! :D
winterflowr #2
So cute!!! I wish you could do a one-shot sequel or something :)
Sequel pleaseeeee :D
osmnelly #4
yay!! SEQUEL!!!~~!~!~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PWEASE!!!! :D
eternalove #5
sequel, please ~~ >.<
I really really want a sequel ><<br />
pls, i want a sequel!
eunhae1307 #9
I nailed it!! the future was really Kibum... :D<br />
<br />
this was cliff hanger ending if the story but in any ways, I like it.. ^^
ilinh1991 #10
it's described as a "tall" guy and broad shoulders? hmm... hahah my guess would either be Kibum or AJ, because AJ is tall and broad shoulders, I'm not quite sure... but he seems to have a manly shoulders like Eli hahah but yeah. And another choice can be Kibum since he's Kevin's best friend in real life. So yes, my guess is either AJ or Kibum... and I hope that guy who's next to Kevin is Eli~^^ I'm really shipping this couple, I love them<3 my two biases hahah