Visit Your Friend's Past, Present and Future

Imymeyours's corner: Hi guys it's Tuesday! :D Update day!~~ shall attempt to finish this chappie in an hour.

By the way, I can't update next tuesday >< my new school is starting soon, so I will be attending orientation camp from next monday to wednesday. Maybe I'll do an update tomorrow :D

I will try to finish this fic before school starts (18th April) as I still have a Junhyung fic to write ><

Kay kay enough with the announcement~

Dongho's P.O.V: Golden Rod colour (Is it too hard to see? I don't want to spoil your eyes. tell me if it's too light. Kamsahamnida ^^ )



" Huh whaaaa whaattt... Oh DongHo it's you." Eli said rubbing his eyes groggily as he woke up from his slumber, "WAAAIIITT DONGHO?? "

Eli shot right up from the couch he fell asleep on. The younger lad was grinning from ear to ear at his hyung.

"Whaaaa wwhhhyyyy aaarr aaarrreee yoooooo heeeerrreee?" Eli stuttered upon realising that he was still in the white room portal.

" Oh you haven't realise it till now? :D I'M THE GHOST OF BESTFRIEND'S PRESENT! " Dongho replied, still grinning.

" MWORAGO? " Eli blurted out.

" MWORAGO! DODAECHE MWORAGO! NAEGE MWORAGO! " Dongho started to sing out loud to himself.

" Oh gawd.." Eli face palmed himself. Dongho stopped singing when he saw Eli's reaction. "What's wrong hyung?" Dongho asked.

" May I know why are you the ghost of bestfriend's past?" Eli asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes once more.

" Oh! Well, I'm in your school right? I'm part of you and Kevin's present. In case you haven't realise hyung, " Dongho explained, emphasizing on the 'hyung' part, " I'm one of the few mutual guy friend you and Kevin have. Since you and Kevin hyung took care of me when I was a freshie. The rest of the mutual friends you and Kevin have are mostly girls -.- "

" Oh I see I see..." Eli pursed his lips. " So are you going to snap your fingers and magically produce a portal from your hands? "

" YUP! " Dongho answered and snapped his fingers just like Eli enquired. Another magical portal appeared out of nowhere.

" Oh wowee... " Eli said sarcastically.

Eli let Dongho drag him in since he was still in a half-awake state. Rubbing his temples as he took time to recognise the surroundings, he realised he was in Kevin's bedroom. The multiple posters hanging off the war, his soft comfy single bed, his neatly packed study table, the lovely white walls ; a place he often frequented when he was young, a place he would seek refuge at when his dad flared up on him.

" Kevin's room..." Eli whispered, touching one of his posters.

" mm hmm..." Dongho replied, lips mashed into a fine line as he leaned against the wall of the whitish room.

Eli sighed and went to stand beside Dongho, waiting for something to happen.

And something did.

The room door flew open, startling Eli. Kevin walked into the room, arms filled with 2 big boxes. Eli held his breath as Kevin walked past him. Dongho chuckled when he sensed Eli tensing up next to him. Eli turned to face the maknae, Dongho motioned to him that they were ghosts by inserting his hand through the plush bed beside him. Eli shapped his mouth into a plump "O" shape, understanding what the younger implemented.

Eli turned his attention back to his best friend, who in the meantime, had already placed the 2 boxed down. One was on the floor, the other on his study table.

Kevin was sorting out his stuff from the box on his table. He was taking out many things; photo albums, spoilt pencil cases, multiple pens. Suddenly he froze, staring at something in the box. Slowly, he put his hand into the box, twirling something around his fingers.

Lifting up, Eli saw a necklace chain wrapped around Kevin's long fingers. A "E" pendant hanging down from the black chain. Eli immediately guessed that the necklace was related to him somehow. Squishing up his eyes, he tried to remember where he had seen the necklace before.

Eli knew he saw that necklace somewhere before, but he just can't remember where.

" Need help hyung? " A voice broke Eli's string of thoughts.

" Kevin hyung's birthday..." Dongho hinted, trying to help Eli regain his memory.

Eli nodded and thanked Dongho. He closed his eyes again once more, this time only focusing on all the birthdays he celebrated with Kevin.

Like a lightning bolt flashed through his mind, Eli recalled where the necklace came from. Shifting his eyes back to Kevin, he could see his best friend was stoning as he stared at the necklace.


" this is for you Kevin! Happy birthday! see! I have one too. We're best friends! You wear the 'E' one, I'll wear the 'K' one kay?! "

End of flashback

Water was b at Kevin's eyes as he reminisce the past.

" I wore this for 3 years Eli, did you even wear for a week? " Kevin talked to himself, not knowing Eli could hear his mumbling.

Kevin's knees were shaking as he sat himself down on the chair to prevent himself from falling to the floor. The tears that welled up in his eyes were already overflowing as he could fill the familiar pain coming back to his heart. Kevin clutched his chest with his right hand, struggling to breath through his sobs.

Kevin stood up and staggered to his white bed. Collapsing on it, his salty tears flowed down his cheeks at an even faster rate. The moonlight b through the window that shone on Kevin's face allowed Eli to have a clear look at his best friend's tear-streaked face. Hearing what Kevin said, Eli felt like a bullet had shot through his chest. Looking at Kevin cry, Eli wanted to give his friend a big bear hug. Looking at Kevin suffering, Eli just wanted to stop being an to him, and protect him forever.

That was when Eli noticed the box that laid on the floor. On it, was a big plaster labelled 'PARIS'

Imymeyours's corner: Eli finally found out where Kevin was heading too OMO!  XD

What will he do? What will he say? Will he stop Kevin from leaving in time?


/slaps self/

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OMG such a beautiful story :'D <3<br />
Make a sequel, make a sequel!!! :D
winterflowr #2
So cute!!! I wish you could do a one-shot sequel or something :)
Sequel pleaseeeee :D
osmnelly #4
yay!! SEQUEL!!!~~!~!~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PWEASE!!!! :D
eternalove #5
sequel, please ~~ >.<
I really really want a sequel ><<br />
pls, i want a sequel!
eunhae1307 #9
I nailed it!! the future was really Kibum... :D<br />
<br />
this was cliff hanger ending if the story but in any ways, I like it.. ^^
ilinh1991 #10
it's described as a "tall" guy and broad shoulders? hmm... hahah my guess would either be Kibum or AJ, because AJ is tall and broad shoulders, I'm not quite sure... but he seems to have a manly shoulders like Eli hahah but yeah. And another choice can be Kibum since he's Kevin's best friend in real life. So yes, my guess is either AJ or Kibum... and I hope that guy who's next to Kevin is Eli~^^ I'm really shipping this couple, I love them<3 my two biases hahah