Visit Your Friend's Past, Present and Future

Eli followed the young Kevin all the way to the rooftop. Watching the boy crutch down on the floor with rivers pouring down his cheek, Eli understood what Xander meant by " It was going to be way worse". Eli reached out his hands, wanting to clean the salt water on Kevin's porcelain skin. Instead of swiping the tears away, Eli's hand went right through Kevin's face. Eli tried again, only to be rewarded with the same result.

" We're ghosts. Remember? " Xander's voice rang through Eli's ears.

" right..." Eli stared at his hands.

Very slowly, Eli reached out again, placing his hands beside Kevin's cheek, like he was caressing Kevin's baby soft skin. Rubbing his thumb in circles, Eli really wished he could wipe away Kevin's tears. All these years, he has only cared for himself. Finally, he could see what went behind the scene, the consequences Kevin had to bear because of him.

" Hey..." Xander placed his hand on Eli's shoulder, " You okay? We still have one stop to go before my time is up with you."

Eli removed his hand from Kevin and brought it to his chest. Heaving a deep breath, he faced Xander and smiled before nodding his head. He had to thank Xander, because of this trip, he realised how much of a jerk he was before this. Standing up, he willingly followed Xander back into the portal.

Back in the white room, Xander looked at Eli intently.

"We're moving on to the last room, before I pass you to the ghost of best friend's present. You ready? "

Eli breathed in and nodded his head lightly.

Following Xander closely into the last portal, Eli realised they were in Junior High School. Knowing the rules, Eli looked around for him and Kevin's younger self. He scanned through the crowd and saw Kevin. Something was not right about Kevin.

Walking closer to the 14 years old Kevin, Eli realised his pale complexion. Kevin was shivering too.

" Hey Kevin! Wow you don't look so good, are you alright? " Eli saw his own younger self walk up. The lad touched Kevin's head.

" Oh mai gosh Kevin you're running a fever! Yah! Why did you still come to school huh? " young Eli chided Kevin.

" I started getting it when I was in school. Plus school's gonna end soon, I will go see a doctor after school. " Kevin could barely get his words out of his mouth.

"Dude I better come with you. " Eli was slightly heartened that he still had some humanity in his younger days.

" Thanks " Kevin whispered.

The 2 parted ways to their classes. Eli looked over to Xander who was also watching the scene with much interest.

" So now what? " Eli asked.

" You don't remember what happened on this day? Then let me fast forward. " Xander replied. With a snap of his magic finger, the surroundings whirl and then


It took awhile for Eli to adjust back to the fast forwarded time before he realise it was the end of school. Glancing around anxiously, he spotted his young self approaching Kevin whose lips were extremely white.

" Dude you feeling okay? Erm.. I... well... Sooyeon asked me out for pizza..and I.. kinda..." young Eli stuttered.

Kevin sighed and replied his best friend, " It's okay Eli, I understand. Go ahead. I can go to the doctor by myself. "

Eli watched himself apologised to Kevin before leaving. WTH? PABO! Eli smacked his own forehead.

" Follow Kevin. " Was all Eli heard from Xander.

The pair followed the sickly Kevin to the doctors. All the way there, Eli could not help but stare at the young boy's pale features. He felt a guilt pang shoot through him.

Suddenly, Kevin stopped in his path. Leaning by the nearby wall of a building, Kevin held his tummy area and squatted down, panting. Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead and he shivered profusely.

" KEVIN? WHAT HAPPENED? YOU HAVEN'T REACH THE DOCTOR! GET UP! " Eli crouched down and shouted at Kevin, getting no response.

" We're ghosts you pabo..." Xander reminded Eli.

Eli could only look on at Kevin, heart filled with worry. He stretched his hands a few times, trying to help Kevin stand up, but his attempts were furtile since he could not physically touch Kevin.

" Omona kid, are you okay? you look so pale." A young woman passing by stopped to express concern for the pale-faced boy.

" Noona... Doctor..." was Kevin's last words before he blackout and fell to the ground.

" KEVIINNNNNN!!! " Eli shrieked.

Imymeyours's corner: Omo! Poor Kevin!

Next chapter, I will be revealing who's the ghost of best friend's present! :D

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OMG such a beautiful story :'D <3<br />
Make a sequel, make a sequel!!! :D
winterflowr #2
So cute!!! I wish you could do a one-shot sequel or something :)
Sequel pleaseeeee :D
osmnelly #4
yay!! SEQUEL!!!~~!~!~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PWEASE!!!! :D
eternalove #5
sequel, please ~~ >.<
I really really want a sequel ><<br />
pls, i want a sequel!
eunhae1307 #9
I nailed it!! the future was really Kibum... :D<br />
<br />
this was cliff hanger ending if the story but in any ways, I like it.. ^^
ilinh1991 #10
it's described as a "tall" guy and broad shoulders? hmm... hahah my guess would either be Kibum or AJ, because AJ is tall and broad shoulders, I'm not quite sure... but he seems to have a manly shoulders like Eli hahah but yeah. And another choice can be Kibum since he's Kevin's best friend in real life. So yes, my guess is either AJ or Kibum... and I hope that guy who's next to Kevin is Eli~^^ I'm really shipping this couple, I love them<3 my two biases hahah