Jasmine's Phone Call

JYP Entertainment's Landmark

We were still watching Strong Heart when suddenly my BlackBerry vibrated.

I smiled when I saw the name that appeared on the screen, ‘Jasmine Choi’.

Me: “Oh, Jasmine-ah~ did you watch Strong Heart right now, do you know who Khun-ssi is referring to?” I boasted about Nichkhun’s romantic remark.

Jasmine Choi: “Aigoo… you don’t need to boast… I knew it… I don’t know how Kevin could do that kind of lovey-dovey thingy. He became such a romantic person. Wish I could pick someone better, I kinda regret now…”

I heart that tone on her voice. Something’s not right.

Me: “Yah, gwaenchana? Do you want me to come to your house?”

Jasmine Choi: “You don’t need to, I’m okay. Ah! Btw, the reason I phoned you is-“

Me: “Oh I’m sorry to interrupt you earlier, go on… what’s the reason?”

Suddenly Ji Eun gave me a look to find somewhere quieter to continue talking on the phone without bothering their concentration.

I quickly rose from my seat.

Jasmine Choi: “Actually, I found a job!”

Her tone became happier than before. I’m excited when I heard that.

Me: “What’s your job? Does it relate with your hobby? Fashion thingy?”

Jasmine had always loved to design clothes or mix and match clothes.

Jasmine Choi: “of course! I became the fashion stylist for a boy band, but I still haven’t known which boy band but I’m already so excited. I’ll meet them on Monday. But I think they’re from JYP Entertainment… your agency! I’m wondering who it is.”

Don’t tell me its 2PM? Then that would be such a fate!

Me: “Oh is that so? Tell me the name then after you knew who is it… if its 2PM I trust Nichkhun’s fashion to your hand! Don’t spoil his good fashion sense!”

Jasmine Choi: “Aigoo, aigoo… of course Madam Horvejkul! I’m his friend too, you shouldn’t forget! I’m disconnecting! Bye!”

Me: “Bye bye!”

Oh, I hope that she’ll work for 2PM…




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love-lo #1
yeyey... update soon ^^
Indecisive12 #2
jo kwon the almighty relationship counselor/diva.lol
merciengrace #3
@yolokid03 : awww;) thankyou:D looking forward to your story!!
Indecisive12 #4
ooo... new place. They are so cute. I wonder what khunnie meant... and taec so >__< lol. can't wait for your next update
merciengrace #5
@Law10s : thankyou for your comment! it really made my day. i never thought that my idea would be loved... hehehe, thanks:D
Indecisive12 #6
What a cool Idea for a story. Love how they really seem to be a family. (I'm a big JYP lover but doesn't mean i don't like other companys lol) The character personaities are cute. I hope you continue with this story. I wonder whats so important...Update soon! XD