Timing = Choking?

The Misunderstanding People around EXO (DRABBLE)


13th Day

MAIN [Kai, Sehun, Lay]

Timing = Chocking?


Kai, Sehun and Lay are now inside Sehun & Suho shared room. They locked the door, didn’t give anyone to enter and know about their plan too the Maknae. Sehun is sitting on the floor while Lay and Kai sit on the bed with Sehun in front of them. “Hyung? What’re you trying to do? Why are you locking the door?” Sehun become afraid. He curious about the next thing. The poor manager only walk passing by Sehun & Suho room but, he heard something unpleasant to hear.  


“Sehun, don’t spit it. We want to look how long you can bear with it.” Lay cupped Sehun mouth when he sees Sehun want to open his mouth. “And don’t swallow it or you’ll get double from us.” Kai said and Sehun just close his eyes obeying his hyung ordered. “Good boy.” Kai patted Sehun head and smile. “Hmm...” Sehun can’t hag on. He pushed Lay hands away and spit the contain inside his mouth. “Wh—what es thes?” Sehun can’t say properly because of the contain in his mouth. “Too innocent. Next is mine.” Kai smile and Sehun widened his eyes. “No. Please. Lay hyung help me.” Sehun begged and looked at Lay but, Lay just looked at him. “I’ll break your record Lay hyung.” Kai smirk.


“Are they torturing Sehun?! Yah! That’s too much! I want to stopped them but, when I enter the room they must be doing s** . Hehehaaha…” The manager brain already turning and he walked to the kitchen take a cup and sit on the chair, head on the table eye looking at the cup.


In the room…


“Yah! Sehun! Don’t spit it! Just a bit more I’ll break Lay Hyung record.” Kai wish didn’t reach. Sehun already spit it on the floor. “I win!” Lay raise both his hand to the air. Kai just glare at him. “Yah! Ded both ohf you thenhk e’m a doll or whafs?” Sehun looked at them with tear in his eyes. “I just use the normal chilies and a little bit Tabasco sauce. Kai is the one using Habanero chilies and Tabasco sauce. His fault. Your lips really red Sehun.” Lay explained and look at Sehun red lips amazed. “Lay hyung if Suho hyung and Kyungsoo hyung know we’re really dead.” Kai says worried on the face.




“Kyungsoo hyung, what happen to manager hyung? He’s talking with a cup while laughing. It’s creepy.” Baekhyun says hugging himself. “Where are Lay hyung, Kai and Sehun?” Baekhyun asked. “They inside Suho hyung room. I don’t know what they want to do but, I see red thing and a bottle of Tabasco in their hand.” Tao explained relax. “They didn’t think to give Sehun to eat it right?” Xiumin says. After hearing that Suho stands and start to knock on the door hardly and turn the knob again and again. “Yah! Lay! Kai! Get out now! What are you doing to Sehun!” Suho shouted. “I think the chilie is Habanero right?” Chen asked. And now D.O joined Suho knocking and twisting the knob hardly after hearing Chen words.


“The appa and the mama are worried about their baby inside.” Chanyeol exclaimed. “Sehun are you okay?” D.O asked worried. “Lay! Kai! As a brother don’t bully your little brother!” Suho says. The members sigh. “It feels really like a family here.” Luhan says and smile. 


A/N : I think this story have become more & more & more weird. I should stop but, after the last chapter and then i will stop to write this story. Because i have another two fic that i have working on now. I'm not posting my other two story yet... So i hope all of you reading this chapter... ^___^ Any comment are accepted....

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Together = Family? UPDATE!


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Yuki0710 #1
Chapter 26: jaja poor manager oppa XD... I loved the SuD.O couple, they were so cute ^^
Chapter 5: Gyaaaah... SuD.O are the best ^^
Chapter 26: Awwww..i will miss this cute story~~~ <3
Chapter 3: Manager oppa is popular in your stories.hahaha
Chapter 3: Manager oppa is popular in your stories.hahaha
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 25: Ahahaha, monggu ><
Chapter 25: this is cute~ *^*
please more kaihun and sud.o xD
darksanctuary #8
Chapter 24: Now i really want lukai xD
please pretty please >///<
signsigneun #9
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwww ;______; ///// my kaihunn
hihihi manager oppa is so cute. LOL
and yeah your drabble makes me crazy! love!
Chapter 23: i want Kailu moment~~~~