Chaerin was walking to the school’s auditorium as the only grand piano available in the whole building was there. She was asked by one of her professors to play a piece by Mozart as an opening for a charity auction the university was hosting. Chaerin walked down the stairs as she sung to the beat her soles are making against the wooden stairs. She opened the grand piano and immediately smiled. Chaerin sat on the piano seat and adjusted her position so that her right foot can reach the pedals. She closed her eyes and started playing the song. The song started off really slow and became faster and faster. Chaerin did not miss any notes or made any mistakes. She was that good. When she reached the end of the song, Chaerin opened her eyes to see a man standing by the auditorium door, clapping his hands. It was Kim Kibum. Kibum was the son of the owner of a famous entertainment company in Korea. His father was the mastermind behind several notable boy bands and girl bands all around Asia with global reputations. It was no doubt that his family was really rich. Not only that Kibum came from a well known family, he was also well known for debuting in a boyband named SHINee under the stage name Key as a vocalist and rapper. He was currently on hiatus and decided to pursue his education in the same college as Chaerin’s. It was clear that Kibum had the ability to see true talents. That was why he had his eyes on Chaerin. He knew that Chaerin could make it big in the entertainment industry. The musical talents she possessed were beyond that of other people who were of the same age. Chaerin’s quirky attitude would also make her excel in variety shows. Kibum wanted to sign Chaerin a contract but he never had the courage to ask her because he wanted her to debut as a solo singer, not a pianist. He knew doing so will result in a total rejection.

“What are you doing here?” Chaerin asked from across the auditorium. Kibum was the first person Chaerin talked to when college started and since then, they have been good friends. Kibum liked how Chaerin befriended him not because of his family’s wealth, or his popularity, but for being who he really was.

“I was watching you so immersed in the song!” Kibum replied and walked towards Chaerin. His sneakers squeaked against the wooden floor.

“Ahh… I feel embarrassed now…” Chaerin laughed and closed the piano’s lid, preparing to leave.

“So, should we grab coffee downtown? I have some exciting news to tell!” Kibum directed Chaerin to the auditorium’s exit.

“Can’t you just tell me now? You do know that curiosity kills the cat right?” Chaerin joked as she was taking her bag from the floor.

“Good one, but we’ll talk outside!” Kibum smiled, leaning on the grand piano waiting for Chaerin to finish packing things up.

“Hmm, I wonder what it’ll be.” Chaerin tapped the bottom of her chin with her neatly polished fingers.

“Just wait and see!” Kibum dragged her out the auditorium.

Chaerin pushed the door open and entered the closest Starbucks to her college with Kibum. She ordered a soy green tea latte and Kibum ordered an iced cappuccino. After receiving their orders, they left the coffee shop and went to the nearest beach. The sun was shining brightly and the rays reflected off Kibum’s platinum blonde hair.

“So, what’s the great news?” Chaerin asked as she sipped her drink.

“Well, summer break starts tomorrow, and so I was thinking that we should visit home. My parents won’t be able to come with me, so I’ve booked two tickets and one is under your name!”

Chaerin was very shocked at the news and almost chocked on her drink.

“Oh wow… Just oh my god. I don’t know how to thank you!” She replied as she wiped the drink that spilled to the red skirt she was wearing. “But why me though?”

“I need to review and train some trainees, and I think you could help me with that. It’ll be a good experience… and very nice to put in your résumé too!”  Kibum winked.

Chaerin smiled and her head started to be filled with pictures of home. She missed Korea and all her friends there. Thinking of her friends made her very emotional.

“So, what do you think?” Kibum asked.

Chaerin nodded “Sounds good to me!” She gave Kibum a high-five and continued, “So when are we flying home?”

“Tomorrow!” Kibum smiled and sipped his drink coolly.


“Yes… I’ll take you home now and let’s start packing!” Kibum stood up and took out his car keys.

“ahh… yes…” Chaerin was shocked that she was leaving tomorrow but the thoughts of home overcame her worries.

“I’m finally visiting home!” Chaerin whispered to herself and giggled. She was very excited.



We finally included Key from SHINee!!

We think that Key's character fits well with the son-of-a-wealthy-family kind of type so... enjoyy!

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Chapter 26: Omg i pity chanyeol //sobs very hard// Omg this... i literally cried ahahaha
New subscriber here though!!!
Oh god.... Chanyeol.