The next day, all the house mates were lounging in the living room. None of them had any plans for the summer break. Eun Mi and Sehun were watching the television together as Eun Mi curled up in Sehun's arms. Joonmyun was reading a textbook in preparation for the upcoming semester. Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Jongin were on their laptops, playing an online game together, making all sort of noises if their character died. On the other hand, Chanyeol was sitting on the floor in his XXL shirt, jeans and black cap as he continuously check his phone to see whether Chaerin sent him any messages. Chanyeol remembered how Chaerin told him to call her last night but when he did, she did not pick up. 
"Hey Chanyeol, come play with us! We can add one more character to our guild!" Jongin shouted from across the room. 
"I'm not in the mood Jongin." Chanyeol replied briefly. He rolled on the floor and laid on his back. Chanyeol let out a big sigh and closed his eyes. Just when he was about to do so, the long awaited phone call finally came. He looked at his phone screen and saw Chaerin's picture popped up. 
"Chaerin! Where have you been?" Chanyeol exclaimed.
"Hey Chanyeol, sorry to rain on your parade, but it's Luhan speaking..." Luhan told Chanyeol over the phone.
"Ohhh, where's Chaerin?" Chanyeol asked.
"I was about to ask the same thing."
"What? What do you mean?"
"She's gone since this morning... She left with her bag, but stupidly forgot her cell phone."
"Chaerin's gone?"
"Yup. Now mom's freaking out. I've tried to calm her down, but it's not going to work for too long. Do you have any idea where she is?"
"I have several ideas... Let me go look for her now. I'll call you if I found her."
"Ok, thanks Chanyeol."
"No problem Hyung." Chanyeol hung up and quickly put on his converse sneakers. "What's wrong Chanyeol?" Eun Mi asked while Chanyeol took his car keys from the table.
"Chaerin's missing. I'm going to look for her now." Chanyeol replied as the door closed behind him. The other house mates stopped whatever they were doing and looked at Chanyeol. 
"How can we help?" Baekhyun shouted to Chanyeol but he was already well on his way. Everyone just sat still and hoped that Chaerin will be fine. 


Chanyeol's head calculated the different possibilities of where Chaerin could be as he drove down Myundong street. He ignored every red light. He could hear other drivers behind him muttering nasty comments and cursing, but he did not bother. There was only one thing in his mind and it was Chaerin. Chanyeol went to the places he visited often with Chaerin, starting with the bakery, to the convenience store, to the clothing store Chaerin worked at and last to Everland. His heart started to beat fast. He was starting to panic as the sun was already setting. Chanyeol threw his cap to the passenger's seat in frustration. He rested his eyes on the car's steer and let out a long sigh. "Where can she be..." Chanyeol said. He took out his phone, and unlocked his phone. He saw his phone's wallpaper and realized he has not checked one important place. His wallpaper was a picture of them after Chaerin's graduation. It was taken at their secret place. Chanyeol hurriedly drove to their secret place and parked at the nearest parking lot. He ran his way up to the garden. Chanyeol's heart stopped when he finally saw what he wanted to see. Chaerin was sleeping soundly on the green pasture. Her hair was tied in a messy braid and she was clinging onto her black satchel. Chanyeol staggered his way to Chaerin and dropped his body beside Chaerin. He looked at Chaerin and felt that all his exhaustion was gone. "I would do anything for this girl..." He thought. Chanyeol tried his best not to fall asleep, but his eyelids felt very heavy, and the warm breeze was not helping either. Just as when he closed his eyes, Chaerin shifted. Chanyeol sat up immediately, which caused Chaerin to wake up. Chaerin's vision was still blurry. She did not get enough sleep the night before. Chaerin sat up and just stayed still for a while. She did not notice her boyfriend's presence beside her. "Ah ottokhae..." She sighed and fell on her back. 
" Ottokhae what?" Chanyeol said in his deep voice. Chaerin jumped in surprise and met Chanyeol's eyes. 

"Omo!" She blurted she quickly looked away and clenched her satchel tight.
"Why are you causing such commotion Chaerin?" Chanyeol yelled at Chaerin. Chaerin’s facial expression changed. Chanyeol felt bad for scolding Chaerin, making him look like a dad trying to discipline his daughter.

"Do you think this will solve anything? You're just making everyone worried! Your mom and Luhan hyung are wicked worried! I almost had a heart attack! What are you trying to prove Chaerin-ah?" Chanyeol continued. Chaerin did not say anything. She just cried quietly in front of her boyfriend.Chaerin knew that this is a big opportunity but she could not imagine the times when she cannot reach Chanyeol even if she crave for his embrace. Chanyeol felt guilty and hugged Chaerin. Chaerin cried even more. She was remorseful. "I'm sorry..." She apologized between her tears. 

"I know you don't want to leave.. I don't want you to leave me either but we could not be too selfish. Think about your parents. Think about Luhan hyung." Chanyeol explained. "Besides, this is a golden opportunity. Remember how you used to tell me that your biggest dream is to have your own piano recital? Then this is how you can make it come true! So please go for me Chaerin... Go and make your dreams a reality! Go and make me proud" Chanyeol wiped Chaerin's tears and tucked her hair to the back of her ears.

"It’s so unfair. How can I refuse when you act this way?" Chaerin continued to cry. "I understand. I will make you proud..." She hugged Chanyeol even tighter.

 "That's my girl..." Chanyeol said and smiled. 
"But promise me one thing Chanyeol..."
"What is that?" 
"Don't ever leave me..." 
"I won't." Chanyeol promised.

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Chapter 26: Omg i pity chanyeol //sobs very hard// Omg this... i literally cried ahahaha
New subscriber here though!!!
Oh god.... Chanyeol.