
A twist of love and fate

"Tonight is the time where I will be alone with her." An evil smile creeped over his face.

Yes, this guy is none other than Kai. Majors in Chemistry too but different classes with Hyerin and the others. Rich, handsome and spoilt brat, Kai has never failed to get the things he wants and that includes girls. He was able to bed any girls he wanted and never did any girls rejected him.

Kai has been observing Hyerin since her first day. He was betwitched by her beauty and vowed to claim Hyerin. Tonight will the time.

"Lee Hyerin, you'll be mine tonight. I have never failed to get what I want and that includes you." Kai smirked.


While waiting for Bonnie and the boys after school ~

"Hi gorgeous, waiting for me?" Kai smirked while putting his arms over Hyerin.

"No and do i even know you? Get off me." Hyerin shurgged his shouders off making Kai annoyed already.

"Don't you even know me? Now I like you and I am ordering you to go out with me. Don't try to play games with me." Kai grabbed Hyerin by the waist bringing their faces close to each other.

Hyerin struggled but obviously Kai was too strong for her. No one dares to do anything as Kai's family owns Seoul High University and whoever who offends him would not come to a good end.

As Kai brought himself closer to Hyerin's lips...he was soon pulled over and given a punch.

"Don't you dare to lay a finger on her. I warn you." Kyuhyun pulled Hyerin over to Donghae and Siwon and screamed at Kai.

"Let's go, Hyerin." Kyuhyun grabbed Hyerin away by her hand.

"Cho Kyuhyun, I'll make sure you pay for this punch; double the price.  And Lee Hyerin, this game has just started. You are a challenge to me." Kai said angrily.


Kai noticed Hyerin walking towards the library. She was wearing a simple white blouse and tight jeans, revealing her long slender legs. However that does not stop turning Kai on. He was determined to let Hyerin be his tonight.

Hyerin was still oblivious as to what will happen. She was so deep absorbed in her books that she did not realised a shadow casted over and she was being pulled over to a corner.

Hyerin looked up and exclaimed in horror, "KAI! What are you doing here? Let me go!" Hyerin struggled. However there was no way out. The library is empty and they were at the top level. It was a dead end.

Fear overcomed Hyerin and she was on the brink of crying. But she can't. She got to be strong and not admit defeat to Kai. But she has no other way out now.

Kai pinned Hyerin's hands on the wall and whispered into her ears, "You're mine tonight."

Hyerin could not control anymore. Tears flowed down and she was pleading with Kai, "Kai, let me go let me go. If you like me, why do you want to hurt me?"

Kai's heart softened when he saw Hyerin's tears. However his desire got the better of him.

"You deserved it. You rejected me first and i always make sure i have the girl i want and like."  Kai sneered and before Hyerin could speak, Kai's lips crashed violently on Hyerin's lips. Hyerin was still crying but Kai ignored. Kai deepened the kiss and he allowed his tongue to go in.

Kai stopped kissing Hyerin and grasped for air. Meanwhile, leaving hickeys all over her neck. "This is going to be a good memory for you." Kai hissed into Hyerin's ears.

Hyerin cried even more. She felt like a total . She was helpless and she knew Kai was going to her.

All her mind now was one person.

"KYUHYUN OPPA! WHERE'RE YOU?!" Hyerin screamed in her mind. At this point she realised how much Kyuhyun means to her.

Kai encircled her waist her and brought Hyerin nearer to him. Hyerin could only struggled and this made Kai even more intense.

Just as when Kai was ing her blouse...a voiced echoed in the dark libary...



Forewords: Omg I hope this is getting interesting :)

                      Whoooo Hyerin realises her true feelings for Kyuhyun :)

                      And Kai is being portrayed as the bad guy. Sorry Kai's fans, I also like EXO and he seems suitable for my fanfic xD

                      Hope this chapter isn't quite rated. :/ I feel weird writing this part too.

                      Enjoy and comment! Yawn, 6 chapters in a day, shall head to bed ^^

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we want more :D
NiceYo #2
Yesung is badly hurted, hope he will find his girl too! The 'kinship' between ys and hr is gd!!
woo~ I really like this ff .. I can't wait the next chapter ^^ .. update soon ..
^_^ Update soon !
NiceYo #5
Hi! Its really better having sj boys to be the normal schooling Korean. The way u described donghae was sooo cute, just like the exact him who will bring you surprise every moment! Sincerely looking forward to the next chapter! Hwaiting ^^