
A twist of love and fate

“Arghhh I’m so nervous. What if I say something or do something wrong later? What if I failed to leave a good impression? What if…” I was nervously telling Bonnie.


“Eonnie relax. It’s just meeting Kyuhyun’s parents right? Treat it as a normal dinner. You obtained a scholarship here and Kyuhyun’s parents came from a prestigious family. There is nothing his family can look down on you for.” Bonnie patted and assured me.


I smiled and thanked Bonnie. I hadn’t been able to sleep well after Kyuhyun told me his parents wanted to meet me. It sound as if I was meeting my future-in-laws.


“I better hurry.” I told myself. I do not want to be late on the first meeting. I chose a simple pink dress and white heels matched with a heart-shaped necklace. “Perfect.” I beamed to myself.


My phone started ringing. “Honey are you ready soon? My driver will come and fetch you. There will be dinner first before bringing you to my parents’ party.” Kyuhyun said happily. “Yes I’ll be done in 10 minutes. Oppa stop hurrying me.” I replied. “Of course I’ve to be. I am bringing my girlfriend to my parents to meet their future daughter-in-law.” He teased. I blushed but it was so sweet. “Arasso arasso. Stop being a glib tongue. I got to hang up now. Bye.”


Suddenly my message tone rang. It was Yesung oppa. “Hyerin, are you free today? I want to visit Jongmi’s grave. Can you accompany me?”


I bit my lips. I felt at a loss now. Today was an important day to me; however Yesung only told me the truth regarding Jongmi’s death. I could not possible leave him alone.


Just than my phone rang, it was Kyuhyun. “Hyerin, done? I’ll be done in 3 minutes time.” I was speechless. I was torn between Kyuhyun and a good friend. Just then, I came to a decision. “Oppa…I’m afraid I can’t make it already. Mianhaeyo. Bonnie came down with a fever suddenly and was vomiting. I need to bring her to the doctor. Explain to Auntie and Uncle for me.” I stuttered. I could believe myself. I lied to Kyuhyun for the first time.


Kyuhyun’s voice changed. “Kwaenchanayo? Do you need me to send her to the doctor first?” Kyuhyun said worriedly. I flustered. “Oppa it is ok. I will take care of her. Better don’t delay. Your parents just came back from overseas. They definitely miss you. Don’t worry about me.” I stammered. “Ok take care of yourself. I’ll give you a call once I’m free. I love you.”


I hanged up the phone and shed tears. “Sorry oppa. I couldn’t possibly reject Yesung oppa. He only told me about it and I need to be at his side.” After calming down, I replied Yesung by asking him to meet 30 minutes later.


“Enjoy yourself! Don’t make a fool out of yourself.” Bonnie winked and I smiled before making a dash to the door. I felt apologetic. I could not tell Bonnie the truth too.




“Hey Hyerin!” Yesung waved to me then staring at me from head to toe looking puzzled. “Why did you dress up so pretty today?” I was tongue-tied and stammered “Err it is basic courteasy. I am meeting oppa’s dongsaeng’s grave for the first time. I should dress nicely.” “Gomawoyo Hyerin, for accompanying me and thinking about Jongmi.” Yesung smiled. He was touched.


It was a long journey. As it reached nearer, Yesung became quieter. He was feeling sad about his sister again. I was quiet too. I kept thinking about Kyuhyun oppa, wondering how was he now. I felt guilty. However I was sure Kyuhyun would understand if he was me. I sighed. I realized I should be happier and smile. Yesung would be even sadder if he saw me pulling a long face too.


“Yesung oppa…” I squeezed his hand and smiled. He looked at me and gave me a faint smile.


Finally we arrived at our destination. Jongmi was a pretty girl. She looked just like Yesung; with straight hair and bright big eyes. I felt a tinge of sadness. It was a pity. She doesn’t deserve to die at such a young age. She was supposed to have a bright future ahead of her.


I prayed to Jongmi in my mind, “Jongmi, annyeonghaseyo. Hyerin eonnie imnida. I’m your oppa’s good friend. You have forgiven your oppa right? You don’t blame him anymore right? Bless your oppa. He keeps blaming himself for your death and it hurts me to see him like this. Please bless him and let him get over soon.”


Yesung placed the flowers on her grave and just stared at the photo blankly. “Jongmi, it’s oppa again. How’re you at heaven? Oppa brought a friend; Hyerin eonnie. She’s also Kyuhyun’s girlfriend. Oppa is glad she is with me and understands my pain. Jongmi ah, I know you surely have forgiven oppa but oppa can’t let go. Oppa can’t believe you left me just like that. Mianhaeyo, it’s all oppa fault…” Yesung said to himself and started tearing.


I felt so helpeless. It hurts me to see Yesung in this state suffering alone. I went closer to him and gave him a tight hug. That’s only what I can do now. “Oppa kwaenchanayo.” I whispered to him. “Gomawoyo Hyerin. Jinjja gomawo.” Yesung held my hands.


Soon it was sunset. Hyerin and Yesung left the place before it turned dark. “Hyerin let me see you home. Thank you for being here with me today. I’m sure Jongmi will be happy to see another person who came to visit me.” Yesung smiled at me.


“It is ok oppa. I am glad I am here for you. Oppa, you should tell Kyuhyun and the rest. They will definitely be there for you.” I told him. Yesung nodded.




Meanwhile, Kyuhyun was in a daze the whole time. He could not help thinking about Hyerin. After dinner ended, he headed down to Hyerin’s place to take a look at them.


Bonnie was surprised to see him at the door. “Kyuhyun, aren’t you with eonnie?” She asked with a confused look. “Aren’t you seriously sick? Hyerin told me that so she didn’t go with me to meet my parents.” Kyuhyun asked. This time he felt something amiss. Bonnie was stunned, “aniyo she did not tell me anything at all…” “Nvm thanks! I’ll be right back.” Kyuhyun rushed out.


He was confused. He had lots of questions in his mind. Most importantly was Hyerin lied to him. “Where could she possibly go? It is so late already.” Kyuhyun thought to himself.

Just as Kyuhyun was sinking in his deep thoughts, he saw 2 figures walking in the dark towards his direction.


Kyuhyun’s heart dropped when he saw who was it. It was Hyerin and Yesung hyung. First question came to his mind was “Why are they together?”


Forewords: How is this chapter? ^^

                   Hope it is getting interesting. More to come (:

                   Comments are loveeeeeed =D

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we want more :D
NiceYo #2
Yesung is badly hurted, hope he will find his girl too! The 'kinship' between ys and hr is gd!!
woo~ I really like this ff .. I can't wait the next chapter ^^ .. update soon ..
^_^ Update soon !
NiceYo #5
Hi! Its really better having sj boys to be the normal schooling Korean. The way u described donghae was sooo cute, just like the exact him who will bring you surprise every moment! Sincerely looking forward to the next chapter! Hwaiting ^^