Since only the Big bang members know that Eunmi is a girl , she had to wear a suit to prom . 

Once they reached the inside of the hall , they saw guys and a lot of girls . Many girls wowed as the saw Big bang . They sat a a table with Eunmi and started talking . 

" Eunmi ah , do you want to wear a dress and be like a girl attending prom ? Graduating Prom is only held once in your entire life . " TOP began . 

" Can .. Can I ? " Eunmi shyly asked . 

Although Eunmi hated wearing skirts , but she wanted to be like the normal girls too , wearing a beautiful dress , putting her hair down and attending prom with her date . She really didn't want to regret it . 

After a few minutes of considering , " Okayh " She said as she bit her lips . 

" Give me a minute , I'll call my stylist , " TOP winked at her . 

TOP : " Stlist Kim , can you come now , my date needs a dress and some assoceries . Can you come here in 10 minutes ? Thanks " he said and hanged the call . 

TOP' S POV :  

I really want to see how she looks like as a girl . Since she has that wish , I must fulfil it for her . 

After 10 minutes , Stylist Kim came . 

" Stylist KIm , within 15 minutes , can you dress her up ? Thanks " TOP said and excused himself . 

He went back to the hotel where the prom was held . 

" TOP , Have you seen Eunmi ? " Jiyong asked . 

" Yea , we couldn't find her " Taeyang also said . 

" There will be a surprise later . Please be excited . " TOP said as he giggled to himself . 


" There ! All done ! Why are you dressing up as a guy ? You look really beautiful like that  ! " Stylist Kim complimented and continued . 

" you know , I seldom compliment people you know ! kekekeke ~ " I shall excuse you now . " She said as patted her shoulder as she heeded to the exit . 



" Is that ... really me ? I didn't know i would look like that .. " She said to herself as she looked at the mirror . 

Sorry i couldn't find da front view >< 

She walked out of the room and returned to where the prom was held . 

She opened the doors and walked to the Big Bang table . 

People could only gasped at how beautiful she was . 

" She is really pretty " She heard one guy say . 

she blushed and walked to the Big bang table . 

They were all gasping at her .  

TaeYang : " Wow " 

Daesung " Yeppo ! " 

Seungri : " Daebak ! " 

TOP couldnt talk and was just shocked while staring at her . 

She finally met eyes with Kwon Ji Yong . 

Jiyong smiled and winked at her while she blushed hard . 

" Don't you guys reconigse me ? " Eunmi said as she smiled at them . 

" We didn't know you would look like that in a skirt . " Seungri continued . 

" Well Eunmi - sshi . Do i have the honour of dancing with you ? " Seungri said . 

" Well of course ! " Eunmi said as she took his hands . 


" Eunmi ah - you know what ? Jiyong is really lucky to have you as his girl . You're really pretty " Seungri said as they attacked the dance floor . 

" Thanks Seungri ! You look handsome too ! " Eunmi replied . 

" if Jiyong ever bullies you , tell me okay ? I ' ll break his arms " 

" I will surely tell you ! hahahaha " 

They continued dancing for another few minutes . 

Author's note : 
Hallow ~ DiD anyone notice that the pic referring to you is SNSD ' s yuri ? hehehehe i hope you guys like her .. she is my top girl bias ! :D

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It's been a long time since you have updated... Will u update soon? :(
Ericalim #2
Chapter 53: Pls update soon
hi its lisiloo i got a new account i forgot my old password lol fail. but anyway plz carry im dying here im literately bashing my keey board plz carry on i beg of you!! <3 :DDDDD
Chapter 53: You know I love this story already but I'm gonna say it again :)

Please uddate soon! :) I'm dying for an uddate! :)
HyperGirl #5
Chapter 53: @lisiloo & @shermclaine : AWWWW thanks sweethearts!i promise to update more often <3
Shermclaine #6
I keep checking if u update. Hope u update soon. :)
Lisiloo #7
Chapter 51: Update soon please I'm dying I check everyday now!!
HyperGirl #8
Chapter 51: Shermclaine & unicornzswift : I know that word exactly !* Winks at you both *When i wrote the chappie i felt like that too kekekeke
Coming-on : I wanna live with them too ! :D
@RMBigBANGGgal : I replied to you personally already ^^
Chapter 17: wait a min. so she's now a guy. none of them noe except jiyoung rite? den how come u keep typing as a she? its getting me confused. no offence
coming-on #10
i want to live with them too