Surprise Part 1


REcap : 

* Red refers to Eunhee 

* Blue refers to Jiyong 

* Purple refers to narrator 

" Oppa " 

Eunhee was very touched . throughout her life , no one had actually been so sweet to her . Not even her parents .  She took a seat beside Jiyong and smiled at him . 

" happy monthsary baby . i delicate this song to you . " 

-- he played blue for you --- 

After he was done , you clapped hard for him . 

" oppa ! your voice is daebak ! "

" Eunhee , i still have another present for you . care to see ? " 

" Yeap ! show me ! "

He tooked out a notebook , and gave it to you 

I was a hand written dairy from the first day he met you . 

He than took your hand and youi guys sat down . 

" i had specially prepared dinner for you . Give me half an hour while i cook ~ but it is not guaranteed that it's nice ! hahahaha " 

" it will be nice ! Now hurry and go cook ! i'm hungry! haha " 

With that , Jiyong dissappeared from sight .

Eunhee smiled and looked at him . 

She decided to open the notebook . A few pages caught her attention . 

Day 1 

Today , someone came to stay in our Big bang dorm . Kyunghee University is a all boys school but she is a girl . I decided that she must have some reasons for a girl to go to a boys school so i decided not to expose her . 

Day 6

Her real name is Eunhee . Today in the library , she was doing her homework . She was stuck in Maths . i was very worried . i wanted to help her but i didn't know how to started the conversationb . So , i buried my head for at least 15 minutes to think of how to start . Finally , i decided to start the conversation by helping her with maths . :D

Day 15 

Well , i know that she is not awkward around me . But it is extremely hard for people to get close to me . i am really scared that she would stop talking to me . :-O

Day 25

We have became very close . We would stick aound and hang out . She seems like a very nice girl . 

Day 40

I have not updated my dairy for a very long time . That girl , Eunhee , she is special . I don't know why , but when she is around me , I feel happy . 

Day 60 

I have been thinking about a lot of stuffs . that Eunhee girl , she is really very special . Among all the girls i met , They would even call us oppas when we don't even know them . they would even fangirl . But Eunhee , she is living with five of us ! And yet , she never ever fangirled . This girl surely is interesting . ^~^


Day 90 

I don't know what is wrong with me . I never had this feeling when i was with a girl . Surprisingly , I let her call me Jiyong . Except my mom , she is the only girl whom i allow to call me Jiyong . When she smiles , a smile unknownly form on my lips . When she talkes , i blush but try hard not to show it . Does that mean .. I like her ? :DD

Day 100 

Have not been updating my dairy .. Right now is Exam periods . Eunhee is studying .. and i .. am helping her .. keke ~ I hope she can score straight A' s . ^^

Day 101 

Exams ~ :O 

Day 123 

Yahoo ~ Exams are finally over ! Teacher announced that we are going to jeju island . And guess what ! My seatmate and roomate is Eunhee . Muahahahah Lucky it's not the other Big bang Guys . :D 

Day 124 

Setting off now ! Eunhee has fallen asleep , asleep on my shoulder . guess i shall sleep too ? xD


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It's been a long time since you have updated... Will u update soon? :(
Ericalim #2
Chapter 53: Pls update soon
hi its lisiloo i got a new account i forgot my old password lol fail. but anyway plz carry im dying here im literately bashing my keey board plz carry on i beg of you!! <3 :DDDDD
Chapter 53: You know I love this story already but I'm gonna say it again :)

Please uddate soon! :) I'm dying for an uddate! :)
HyperGirl #5
Chapter 53: @lisiloo & @shermclaine : AWWWW thanks sweethearts!i promise to update more often <3
Shermclaine #6
I keep checking if u update. Hope u update soon. :)
Lisiloo #7
Chapter 51: Update soon please I'm dying I check everyday now!!
HyperGirl #8
Chapter 51: Shermclaine & unicornzswift : I know that word exactly !* Winks at you both *When i wrote the chappie i felt like that too kekekeke
Coming-on : I wanna live with them too ! :D
@RMBigBANGGgal : I replied to you personally already ^^
Chapter 17: wait a min. so she's now a guy. none of them noe except jiyoung rite? den how come u keep typing as a she? its getting me confused. no offence
coming-on #10
i want to live with them too