" let 's take a picture ! "


" C..annn ... you wearrr yourrr shirrtt baccckkkk ? " Seunggi said as he stuttered . 

G-Dragon gave a smile and looked at Seunggi . 

" Must I ? I'm suntanning ! plus see all the girls , all trying to flirt with me ! can i enjoy this moment ? hahahah " g-Dragon said as he teased Seunggi . 

G-Dragon ' s POV

I just felt like teasing her for a little while . She was just so cute . She was blushing . When i said that i wanted to enjoy the moment girls are looking at me , i was actually talking about her ! Aish , this girl really can't understand my feeling . 

That night , it was time for them to go back to Seoul . 

" Seunggi ah ~ Can i take a picture with you ? with our connector rings ? " jiyong asked . 

" Sure ! " Seunggi replied excitedly . 

He took out his Iphone and started taking pictures .

" This is the best chance to take pictures with you . I want to enjoy the time before we graduate . " G-dragon thought to himself .

After 5 hours , they finally reached Seoul . 

The four Big bang members ( taeyang , TOP , Seungri , daesung ) decided to go home first as they were holding tons of bags in their hands . 

Flashback at the Shopping mall in Jeju island ... 

" Omo TOP ! Gosh ! look at all the jackets ! " Daesung shouted . 

" Hey Taeyang !The clothes you like are here  ! " Seungri continued 

" Hey TOP And Daesung ! There's a great variety of cologne here ! " Taeyang and Seungri shouted at the same time . 

~ Some time after 6 hours ~

They had almost bought everything and anything from every shop in the shopping mall . They all had presents for G-dragon and Seunggi . 

In their heart , they cannot deny that Seunggi has made the Big Bang Dorm more happy and talkative . Even taeyang himself , thought that he has been more talkative in this few months . 

TOP got for Seunggi a couple watch . 

Seungri got a panda softtoy for her . 

Taeyang bought her a guy's jacket . ( He is the only one that doesn't know Seunggi ' s a girl ^^ ) 

Daesung bought her a pair of nerd specs . 

                             ------------- End of Flashback ----------------

Seunggi 's parents were overseas with business matters and G-Dragon 's parents were buzy with the Entertainment company . 

" Jiyong Hyung " 

" Seunggi ah " 

They both said at the same time . they looked at each other briefly and both burst into laughter . 

" You first " 

" you first " 

" HAHAHAHA ! " They both burst into laughter as they said the same thing again . 

" Okay , I 'll say first . Do you wanna go to the nearby park for some ice cream ? " Jiyong said . 

" Wow ! That was what i was gonna ask you ! " Seunggi said as they high-fived each other . 

Slowly , they walked into the park ... 

Authour 's note :D 

HELLLOOOOO :DD i updated it ! :D if I am happy with the number of views , I will update tommorrow ! OKayy ! Not gonna disturb you guys ! have a good day ! :D Plus thanks for supporting my story ! * 90 Degree bow * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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sorry i meant it exceeded 3000 views xd


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It's been a long time since you have updated... Will u update soon? :(
Ericalim #2
Chapter 53: Pls update soon
hi its lisiloo i got a new account i forgot my old password lol fail. but anyway plz carry im dying here im literately bashing my keey board plz carry on i beg of you!! <3 :DDDDD
Chapter 53: You know I love this story already but I'm gonna say it again :)

Please uddate soon! :) I'm dying for an uddate! :)
HyperGirl #5
Chapter 53: @lisiloo & @shermclaine : AWWWW thanks sweethearts!i promise to update more often <3
Shermclaine #6
I keep checking if u update. Hope u update soon. :)
Lisiloo #7
Chapter 51: Update soon please I'm dying I check everyday now!!
HyperGirl #8
Chapter 51: Shermclaine & unicornzswift : I know that word exactly !* Winks at you both *When i wrote the chappie i felt like that too kekekeke
Coming-on : I wanna live with them too ! :D
@RMBigBANGGgal : I replied to you personally already ^^
Chapter 17: wait a min. so she's now a guy. none of them noe except jiyoung rite? den how come u keep typing as a she? its getting me confused. no offence
coming-on #10
i want to live with them too