Am I ????? :O


---- Next Morning ----- 

" Aish , the sun in so shiny ! " G-Dragon groaned as he rubbed his eyes . He sat on the bed and stretched .  

" Good Morning Seunggi ! " He said cheerfully as he sat on the chair next to Seunggi . 

" G-Dragon hyung , did we sleep on the same bed yesterday night ? " 

" W..ha..tttt ? ' G-Dragon choked as he looked at Seunggi . 

" Erm ... cause when i woke up today , i saw you sleeping beside me ... " 

G-Dragon ' s POV

When i heard her say that I slept beside her , my face immediately turned into a shade of pink . i tried to look away and say : " I think i Sleptwalked .. i have a tendancy of sleepwalking .. " I explained calmly . Honestly , i couldn't tell her that i looked at her till i slept right ? 

Seunggi / Eunmi POV

i heaved a sigh of relief . if he really slept beside me , it would be so freakin obvious that im a girl ! Plus i would be so shy and i would not dare to talk to him anymore ! Lucky for me 

Today will be our last day in Jeju island .. The teacher let us go to anywhere we liked for the whole day . These two shopaholics , Daesung & Seunngri , who already knew that Jeju Island was a shopping paradise , bought like tons of money to jeju Island ! they dragged TOP and taeyang to the the shopping centres , living G-Dragon and me . 

" Do you want to go to the beach ? " G-dragon asked as i was packing my bag . 

" Sure ! " Seunggi replied as he grabbed his stuffs and rushed out . 

Upon reaching the beach , lots of girls started staring at g-dragon and trying to flirt with him . Seunggi on the other hand , was really enjoying the cool sand , water and weather . G-dragon let out a small smile and went to eunmi . 

He took off his shirt and showed his chocolate six pecks . Lots of girls were swooning . Even Seunggi .. 

Seunnggi / Eunmi POV 

Wait .. what is happening to me ? Why am i blushing ? Why is my face so hot ? Why is my heart beating so fast ? This cant be ! Am I ..... FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM ?!? :O


Okayy ! updated .. maybe not be a long chappie but i seriously spent a lot of time thinking how to write . Relax , the story id not gonna end so soon ! Hope you guys like my story and have a good weekend ! :D Suscribe and comment !!  ^.^


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It's been a long time since you have updated... Will u update soon? :(
Ericalim #2
Chapter 53: Pls update soon
hi its lisiloo i got a new account i forgot my old password lol fail. but anyway plz carry im dying here im literately bashing my keey board plz carry on i beg of you!! <3 :DDDDD
Chapter 53: You know I love this story already but I'm gonna say it again :)

Please uddate soon! :) I'm dying for an uddate! :)
HyperGirl #5
Chapter 53: @lisiloo & @shermclaine : AWWWW thanks sweethearts!i promise to update more often <3
Shermclaine #6
I keep checking if u update. Hope u update soon. :)
Lisiloo #7
Chapter 51: Update soon please I'm dying I check everyday now!!
HyperGirl #8
Chapter 51: Shermclaine & unicornzswift : I know that word exactly !* Winks at you both *When i wrote the chappie i felt like that too kekekeke
Coming-on : I wanna live with them too ! :D
@RMBigBANGGgal : I replied to you personally already ^^
Chapter 17: wait a min. so she's now a guy. none of them noe except jiyoung rite? den how come u keep typing as a she? its getting me confused. no offence
coming-on #10
i want to live with them too