Pretty please ?


" Nawhhhhhhh ! Oppa ! No way I'm gonna do this ! " Eunhee shouted to his brother .

" EunHee , for the sake of your dear Seunggi Opaa , please ? pretty please ? " Seunggi pleaded .

Lee Seunggi , brother of Lee Eunhee , has been ordered by his parents to go to a prestigious all-boy boarding school while Lee Eunhee has been ordered to go to a cooking accademy as they want her to become a chef next time . 

It has always been Seunggi's dream to become a chef so he pleaded with Eunhee to change with her . 

" Eunhee , my cute dongsaeng , would you do this for oppa ? You know rite , it was always been Oppa's dream to become a chef  , Since Appa and omma said we could register ourselves , why not we swop identities ? " Seunggi winked as he said . 

" Oppa ! How can we do that ? You're gonna go to a all-boys boarding school ! That means i have to live there ! " Eunhee shouted . 

" SHHHHHHHH ! " Seunggi was quick enough to cover Eunhee's mouth .

" Oppa ! why dont you beg Appa and Omma to see if you could go to that cooking school ? " Eunhee curiosly asked .

" Eunhee ah , you should know given their character , they would never allow me to do that . You dont like cooking too rght ? They never care about how we feel , they just want us to become what they expect of us . " Seunggi dejectfully said .

" So , back to the subject , would you agree ? " Seunggi looked with pleading eyes .

Eunhee knew that becoming a chef was his favourite Oppa's lifelong dream so after hestitating ... 

" Fine ! I'll agree ! " Eunhee and Seunggi were twins so at a certain angle , they looked quite alike . it won't be that hard to pull off his brother . 

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sorry i meant it exceeded 3000 views xd


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It's been a long time since you have updated... Will u update soon? :(
Ericalim #2
Chapter 53: Pls update soon
hi its lisiloo i got a new account i forgot my old password lol fail. but anyway plz carry im dying here im literately bashing my keey board plz carry on i beg of you!! <3 :DDDDD
Chapter 53: You know I love this story already but I'm gonna say it again :)

Please uddate soon! :) I'm dying for an uddate! :)
HyperGirl #5
Chapter 53: @lisiloo & @shermclaine : AWWWW thanks sweethearts!i promise to update more often <3
Shermclaine #6
I keep checking if u update. Hope u update soon. :)
Lisiloo #7
Chapter 51: Update soon please I'm dying I check everyday now!!
HyperGirl #8
Chapter 51: Shermclaine & unicornzswift : I know that word exactly !* Winks at you both *When i wrote the chappie i felt like that too kekekeke
Coming-on : I wanna live with them too ! :D
@RMBigBANGGgal : I replied to you personally already ^^
Chapter 17: wait a min. so she's now a guy. none of them noe except jiyoung rite? den how come u keep typing as a she? its getting me confused. no offence
coming-on #10
i want to live with them too