
Bump! Set! Score!

—~~~~~’s POV—
It's been around a week since I fractured my leg and things are so boring. I mean I still go to practice and all but all I can do is sit there and watching Victoria omma and them play which annoys mean. Volleyball is like an addiction to me and now that I stopped I've been itching all over the place to play especially my hands. Okay, maybe not the addiction that causes my hands to itch but because the cuts are healing.
"Babe, why aren't you eating?" Luhan asked as I noticed that I was zoning off for awhile now.
"Oh nothing" I shrugged it off and continued to take bites out of the lunch Chanhee prepared for us
"Chanhee you are so great at cooking! Just become a chef!" I told him munching on the eggs and pork he made this morning
"Thanks and speak after you finish swallowing!" he said handing me a tissue as I got some on my lap
"Gez, I don't remember you being this clumsy" he laughed and flicked my forehead
"Ouch!" I protested and pouted while turning to Luhan as he just laughed and wiped my mouth for me
"Come on, stop playing around and eat" he laughed as he took his chopsticks and picked up a piece of my meat hovering it over for me to eat
"And this is why Oppa is much sweeter than Chanhee" I said and stuck my tongue out at Chanhee before taking the bite.

"Oppa I'm going to go get my things first!" I said as I stood up from the bench at the gym since the girls just finished their practice and people were cleaning up.
"Okay! Don't run and wait for me by the gates" he simply waved and I turned into the halls
It was quite since it's now 6pm and no student stays that late behind unless they're either a nerd or a athlete like us. It was weird since when I entered the classroom because I was sure that when I left earlier to the gym that I was the only one left but yet the doors were opened
"Oh well, probably my imagination" I said and entered the room
"Books, pencil case, phone. Okay, everything check!" I looked one last time and headed out the door with my phone in my hand.
"Oppa needs to stop being such a worrywart" I laughed looking at the messages on my phone that was sent moments ago checking if I was fine
"He needs to relax" I laughed replying to him letting him know that I'm heading towards the gates now
"I'm early!" I fist pumped to myself as I walked outside of the doors
"~~~~~" I heard my name and turned around thinking it was Oppa but it wasn't
"Do I know you?" I asked the man
"No, but I know you." He laughed and approached me. Being only 5'4 and him being like what 6'2 was a bit, okay scratch that, VERY intimidating.
"Can I help you with something?" I panicked as I saw more people come from behind him
"Yeah." He smiled and stopped letting the guys behind him surround me
"We need you" he said while point at me
"to come with us" he said nodding at the guys directly behind me
"Huh?" but before I could ask any more questions some wet cloth was covering my mouth and next thing I know everything around me quieted down and turned black.

—Narrator’s POV—
"Take her in the car" the man said pointing at the other two that was now hoping you in their arms
"Why is she doing this again?" one of the younger boys asked the taller one
"I don't know. As long as we do what she says and get this girl to her, we'll have our lives back" he sighed and walked towards the car opening the front seat
"I wonder what did this little girl do" he shook his head starring at your sleeping face as the guys tied you up
"Lets go" he told the driver and they drove off

"That's weird she's not picking up" Luhan said looking at his phone as he reached the doors
"And I don't see her outside either" he said looking to his left and right
"Did you see ~~~~?" He asked Chunji that came to his side soon
"No, I thought she was already here because when I passed our classroom I didn't see her stuff" he shook his head
"Where can she be?" he said walking out the door and stepped on something
"Hey isn't that the phone we got her the other day?" Chunji asked picking it up for Luhan
"What in the world!" Luhan grabbed the phone and checked to see if it was ~~~~'s and was he right.
"Where did she go?!" that was when Chunji's phone rang
"I think I know" he said after looking at the text message
"She's kidnapped. And I know exactly who has her" Chunji passed the phone to Luhan as he headed for Luhan's car.
"Come on now!" He said waving frantically at the shocked boy who just received the news that his girlfriend has been abducted.

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two chapters in a day! WOOT I'm on a roll!!!


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Chapter 37: This story is so good omg hahah (: I love it!
Chapter 37: finally i'm done reading this story it was fantastic and it gave me the complete package i love this story ^_^ <3
catherinewong88 #3
Chapter 37: I love the story. :)
Chapter 37: I love the ending!! Its so adorable!! I'm so gonna love all of author-nim's stowies from now on!! ^-^
Chapter 36: Aww... Luhan's proposal is so sweet!!! ^-^
Chapter 24: the story is cute :3 your plot is so creative ^^
Author-nim! Please update soon! (New reader kekeke ^^)
lululemon_lover24 #8
So glad she lived :)
I know this shouldn't be my main concern, since the rest of them seem to have moved on, but I'm still angry at Sehun for cheating on her with Jieun...I don't want them to be happy together ugh
Quackerz #9
Sooo glad she didn't die!