The Night

The Phone Call

"hey-ya!" Chansung said,sitting beside Amber.

"doesnt look hot to me either even in dress.."Junho teased Krystal. Krystal stand up, feeling annoyed about Junho.

"hey, you look here Freaky Weirdo ert!! Whats your problem now?! Picking a fight,isnt it?" Krystal said looking at Junho who was grinning.

"helooo~Listen here Missy. Theres alot of womens wearing dress right??!! Did I say your name? No right..?? C'mon... I wanted to say sorry to you ohkay..about just now..."Junho grinned.

"well....sis forgive him.Looks his sincere." Sulli persuade Krystal.

Krystal ignore and pushed Junho away.

Meanwhile at the beach.....Luna was walking towards to the beach...that time was only about to sunsetting. Junsu was waiting for her..while throwing stones to the sea.

"erheh"Luna cleared "well...."

Junsu just ignore her at keep throwing the stones.,..untill last stone...he turned around.

"What?? why didnt you enjoy the party??" Junsu asked rudely.

"Hey! Excuse me mister! You are the one who ask me to meet you here." Luna explained.

"No...I didnt..Why on earth I should ask a blabbermouth to accampany me here." Junsu remarked even rudely. Luna was trying to hold her tears.

"but...but you apologise to me and ask me to come here!"Luna's voice was trembling.

"When?? I seriously didnt do that to you!!"Junsu said and left her to join the party.

Luna broke down. She cant believe what she was saying.

"Bro....!!..." Junho exclaimed." Where are you going just now? The party cant start without you and....."Junho paused.."Wheres Luna??"

"Dont know.."Junsu shrugged his shoulders.

"Oppa.....wheres Luna??" sulli asked.

"At the beach, I guess." Junsu said stii looking ignorance.Sulli and Woo young looked each other,wooried. Then Sulli pulled Woo young to one side.

"Our plan!!! Its not doing well....!! Luna had low-confidence...What now??" Sulli was very pale. she regretted about her plan for Luna.

"Sulli...calm down.." Woo young said. He touched her arms " We going to find her at the beach...lets go"

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samson #1
Chapter 23: Update please :(( I LOVE SULLI AND WOOYOUNG <33333
Update soon ^-^
Chapter 23: Updatee soon. .. ^^..
KhuntoriaLurve123 #4
Chapter 23: update soon and please make it much longer thanks the bestt
taecsica_taecfany #5
more junstal please
Junshah #6
well...long time i've never update cause i felt sick....
Junshah #7 sooo sorry!!!! I'm busy for three weeks.... This I need to update alot of chapters...... I'll try... But I going to update soon.... Soooooo sorry......
Junshah #8
Yupp....long time no update cause last week is my BUSY BUSY BUSY week!!!!!<br />
Yup....... So sorry...
Junshah #9
man!!!! So sowy IM so careless im my spelling.... hope you can understand abit<br />
welll then.... enjoy the story....annyeong!!