The Truth

Forbidden Love


You were kind of sleepy today because of Dongwoo's birthday party,you went home late last night, same as Hoya and Sungjong. In the middle of your class, your teacher suddenly announced that someone is looking for you. You were confused who'd be looking for you, you stood up and went outside to find an unknown man.
"Excuse me?" you said.
"Oh, you must be Kim Jae ah." the guys said.
"Yes, is there something you want to say?" you asked.
"Sorry for disturbing you, but today is my only chance to tell everything to you." he said.
"What everything? Tell me now, I still have my classes." you said.
"It is kind of a long story, can we talk to somewhere private? Don't worry, I already excused you from your teacher and told her that it'd take a long time." He said.
You hesitated at first, but you brought him to a private place.
"So, what is it?" you started.
"I'm Mr Lee, a good friend of your father. Actually, he's not your real father." Mr Lee started and told the whole story to you.
"You're lying, right?" shocked of what you have heard.
"No." Mr Lee said.
"Then...Who...who are my real parents?" you were about to cry.
"I'm planning to bring you to them later, after your classes end. Is it fine with you?" Mr Lee said.
"...y-yes.." you were hesitating.
"I'll wait for you after classes, then." Mr Lee bowed and went out.
You went back to your classroom and sat. You were not listening to your teacher, you were thinking of something else, still shocked. Hoya and Sungjong noticed it and got worried.
*break time*
"Hoya-oppa, please tell Dongwoo-oppa that I won't be able to attend the workshop later." you said.
"Why?" Hoya asked.
"I need to go somewhere important. Oh! Sungjong-oppa, can I stay to your place for a while?" you said.
"For a while? You mean, not just one night?" Sungjong was shocked.
"Yeah, is it alright?" you asked.
"Of course yes! But why all of a sudden? Did you and your brother fought?" Sungjong asked.
*L-oppa, it means that, he's not my real brother either. No! Please tell me I'm just dreaming.* you thought.
"No, we didn't." you said.
"You've been acting weird since you went back to our room." Hoya worriedly asked.
"It's nothing. Don't worry about me." you smiled.
After your classes ended, you told Sungjong that you'll contact him later. You went out and met Mr Lee.
He brought you to a not-so-far house. It is simple and beautiful.
"We're here." Mr Lee said.
The two of you got of the car and clicked the door bell. You're feeling so nervous.
*Why is this happening all of a sudden* you thought.
The door swung open, and you saw a familiar woman in front of you..
"A-ajumeoni?!" you were shocked.
"Yes my dear, I am your mother. I was shocked when I first heard it too." she was crying and hugged you.
You can't let out a word, so you just hugged her back.
"Come on, let's go inside. I really thank you so much Mr Lee, I don't know how to repay you." Mrs Park shaked hands with Mr Lee
"You're welcome. It is my responsibility, so you don't need to repay me. I won't go inside, I'll be going now, you need some time together." Mr Lee bowed.
"Oh, ok. We owe you Mr Lee, thank you again. Take care on your way." Mrs Park bowed. You bowed too, still not speaking.
In the living room...
"Daughter!!! You've grown so much!!! I really thought you were already dead." your dad hugged you, crying.
"Mr Lee told me everything, on how this happened. Sorry if I don't speak much, I'm still shocked." you said.
"Oh, it's fine, my dear. It must have been hard for you. At least now, we're back all together. We can start a new, peaceful, happy life." your mom kissed your forehead.
"Oh yeah..about that..I haven't told my brother about this.." you lowered your head.
"You mean, Mr Kim's son?" your mom asked.
"Yeah.." you nodded.
"So what's your plan?" your dad asked you.
"Uhm..I'm not planning to tell him yet. I told my bestfriend that I would stay with him for a while, until I have the chance to talk to my brother. Is it fine with you?" you hesitantly asked.
"So, you won't be staying here? Well, you can tell that brother of yours that he can stay with us, since his parents are already dead right?" your mother suggested.
"Yes, I won't be staying here. I'm sorry, but don't worry I promise to visit you everyday after classes. I'll tell him what you said when I get a chanche to talk to him." you smiled.
"Ok. If you're not staying here, you must go to your friend's house now. Your father will drive you there." your mother said.
"No, it's just near. I can walk to it." you said.
"Oh no, no. It's already late, you can't walk there. I'll die if you get in trouble." your mother joked.
"Ok. I have to go now, see you tomorrow. I love you, m-mom.." you smiled and kissed her cheek.
"Take care, dear. I love you too. Here's my contact number, so you can talk to me anytime." she kissed your cheek too.
"Uh...d-dad..I have to call my friend first." you said.
"Ok. Follow me to the car if you're done." your dad went inside the car.
"Hello, Jongie?" you said.
"Jae ah! I thought you're staying here?" Jongie asked with a sad tone.
"Yes I am. I don't know where your house is, remember? I haven't been there. Let's meet in front of the school. I'm with my dad. No need to ask questions, I'll everything to you later." you said.
"Dad? Oh yeah, no asking questions, sorry. Ok, I'll be in front of the school." Jongie said and hunged up.
You went inside the car and told your dad that you need to meet your friend in front of your school. Within few minutes, you arrived there.
"So this is where you are studying.." your dad said, looking outside the window of the car. "Oh! Is that your friend?" he said as he saw person standing in front of the school gates.
"Yeah, that's him! Jongie!!!" you shouted out the window of the car and gestured Sungjong to come near.
"Him?! That's a guy?! Wow, he's even prettier than your mom but your more beautiful. Don't tell your mom I said that." your dad joked. you chuckled at him.
"Good evening, sir!" Sungjong said and bowed.
"Get in, Jongie. Tell us the direction to your house." you said. Jongie rode in the car.
Less than a minute, you arrived at Sungjong's house.
"We're here!" Sungjong cheerfully said and got out of the car.
"I'll be going, dad. Take care, I love you." you kissed his cheek.
"You take care too, and I love you too!" he said and you got out of the car.
After your father left, you and Sungjong went inside.
"Hey, hey! Wait a minute." Sungjong said.
"What?" you were wondering.
"I'm so stupid not to notice that you don't have bags with you. Except your school bag, of course. Don't tell me your things fit in there." Sungjong raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah..about know this is all of a sudden, so.." you said.
"Don't tell me.." 
"Please! Just tonight! Let me borrow some clothes!" you gave him a puppy dog eyes.
"Don't give me that look." Sungjong said.
Suddenly, your phone rang. You panicked when you see that L's calling you.
"What to do?!" you said to Sungjong.
"What else?? Answer it." Sungjong said.
"Hello?" you answere your phone.
"Jae ah, where are you? It's already late, you're making me worry." L said in a worried tone.
"Sorry. I forgot to tell you, we have a project so I have to stay here in Jongie's house for a while." you said not wanting to talk more.
"You mean, not just tonight? You don't even have some clothes with you.." L said.
"I forgot. I'll go get some tomorrow." you said.
"Ok. By the way, tell me if he does something to you and I'll beat him up." L joked.
"Here you go again." you said.
"Alright, alright. Sorry, I'm just a worried brother you know. I'll hung up now, good night! Sweet dreams! I love you!" L said.
*brother* "yeah, you too. Bye!" you said.
"You sound different, did some thing happen?" he asked.
"Sound different? No, I don't..Nothing happened..I'll hung up now, bye! " you reassured him.
*weird.. maybe she's just tired..* L thought.
"Oh yeah, you have a LONG story to tell me. What is it?" Sungjong said. You sighed and told him everything happened.
"THAT AJUMEONI AT THE MALL?!" Sungjong was shocked too. you nodded.
"Wow, your life is more complicated than a drama." Sungjong said. you glared at him.
"Just kidding. But seriously, it must have been hard for you. What are you going to do with your BROTHER??" Sungjong asked.
"I'm not planning to tell him yet. Please help me with this." you pleaded him.
"Ok, ok. But I'm telling you, it will still be your decision." he said.
"Now,let me borrow some clothes, huh? Like you said, it has been HARD for me." you said.
"FINE! Just tonight!" he said. you chuckled at him.
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cantresistTAEMtation #1
Haha yadong means in Korean!hahahahaaha
shiro123 #2
update soon ^^
was jiae the one who spreaded it??
next chapter please!! :D
peterhan #3
i want zelo to be the leading man (hehe)
shiro123 #4
Update unnie ^^ ;)
peterhan #5
finally a long chapter (at least( ;) fighting!
cantresistTAEMtation #6
omg, i wobe this story plot! poor myungsoo:( all by himself... anyways, UPDATE!
Galaxy04 #7
@cornyking thanks! please look forward to it! Hope you'll like it =DD
cornyking #8
Such an interesting story! :)
peterhan #9
crazy overload!!!!!!!!!! <3