SNSD's daily life O.o

The trio crept in Hyo___'s room with the camera in Sunny's hand. You and Hyo were sleeping soundly, not like Soo or Tae.

Shin: oh, it's too dark so see... Which one?

She walked towards the two beds which were put together at the side of the room.

Sunny: the left one, I think...

Yul: get the camera ready!!

Sunny put the camera near your sleeping face and started shooting it. You don't realise the presence of unnies in your room and kept on sleeping but the sensitive Hyo flashed her eyes open to see the trio making fun of you.

Hyo: huh? What are you doing with ____babe?

Sunny: taking _____ah's sleeping habit, ofcourse! We're planning to put her on IY for a bit.

Hyo: IY? What for?

Yul: for fun, dumbo! 

Although the girls were talking in whisper, it was loud enough to disturb your peaceful sleep. You cover your face with the blanket which was on your tummy to sleep without listening to the whipers the unnies made, not realising the camera and the plan. The trio stopped their talk and observed you, whether you were fully asleep. 

Shin: be queit, girls! Now Hyo if you don't want to be filmed you better go out to other member's room! 
Shinyoung unnie pushed the frowning girl out of her bed to get ready for the surprise. Hyo sighd in defeat and walked out of the room, greeted with some staffs of IY. 

Sunny: when i count to three, Yul, you open the blanket while I film, ok?

Yul nodded with an evil smile on her face. Shinyoung stepped back for the two to do the job. Sunny counted three with her hand. 

You: huh...?
You move your body around the bed to face the camera without any sense of danger waiting for you. The two unnies kept on filming.
Yul: goodmorning, _____ah!
You: annyong, unnie... I thought today was the IY shooting... 
still with both eyes closed you turn around to face the clock. Slowly you stretch up and rub your eyes to make the vision clearer. 
You: whe? It's only 5:00 and you woke me up?! 
Now you face the camera with no make-up on and frustrated look. You freeze seeing the big smirk on each of your unnie's faces and a big figure at the end of the bed with a smirk on her face too.

You quickly came back to notice an cover your face. Yul put the lights on and made the room lighter for the camera to take better shots of you. 
You: UNNIE!!! 
You scream in embarass. The trio kept on giggling at your inoscent reaction. 
Sunny: ____babe, this is going on air so please give one quick aegyo towards the camera.
You: I don't wanna...
Yul: your face is ok, baby. One quick aegyo and then an ice-cream.
You reacted to the word ice-cream. You never get used to the way your unnie's persuade you to do something. Before revealing your wake up face you quickly clean up your messy hair and face the camera with bright smile.

sorry, it wasn't that bright smile...

Shin: kyopta~
she says looking at your face. You giggle at the overweight unnie and smile at her too. 
Shin: I never knew there was a cute girl in SNSD!
SunYul: UNNIE! 
The surprise camera was taken away by the crues, which were starting to get ready to go to the IY shooting. The unnies bid goodbye to you, though you were now fully awake by the disturbing unnies. 
SunYul: bye, ____ah! 
You: unnie, don't forget the ice-cream!
Shin: _____ah, you have to meet me again so that I can get closer to you!
You giggle at the funny unnie, who was trying hard to put her shoes on. You nodded and waved goodbyes for the trio who left the dorm, pushed by the PD of the program.

[Your POV]

'well what time is it, exacly?...5:15 am?! wow, it's amazing that I woke up this early!!' 

I walk in the living room to turn the TV on. But as soon as the TV was , a booming sound came right away.

'oh shoot!!!!'

I quickly fetch the remote controler and push the button with the fastest move I was able to do. I turn around to the doors of the unnies' but luckily no one was disturbed by the terric loud sound. 

You look through the channel to find a good programm to watch until one of the members are up from the sleep. Well I bet it would be Hyun-unnie...
'news...news...news...sponge bob... wait, sponge bob!!! I never knew it was on air this early!' 
I got up from the floor and came back with a bowl full of cereal and sat side ways on the couch to make myself comfterble. 

[Hyo's POV]

*slight sound from the living room*

'what's the time...?' 
I looked around the room to find a clock which was neatly put on the bed stool.
'5:45? huh?! which girl is up this early when we have a day off?' 
I sat up and opened the curtains. Sun light beemed in from the two big windows. I rubbed the back of my neck and stretched my tiring arms. 

'oh yea, I was pushed out to sleep in Sunny's room...' 
I realised I was sleeping in an unfamiliar room. 

I pushed my body towards the door, revealing the sound of 'sponge bob'. 

Hyo: ____ah? why ar-!! oh, you got surprised by SunYul...
I figured out as soon as I saw who was the victim of watching TV from this early. She looked at me in shock but made space for me to sit.
You: did I wake you up, unnie?
Hyo: well kind of.. But mostly because I was sleeping in a bed without you sleeping beside me, which I find it quite unconfterble!
I didn't mean much about this but somehow I saw ____ah blush. 

'wait, did I say something that embarrasing?'

without realising, my cheeks wer blushing, too and awkwardness filled the air. ____ looked away from me and stared at the TV which sponge bob was on.

Hyo: I never knew sponge bob was this early!

quickly changing the subject, I was quite backed off from the fact that seeing sponge bob at the time at 5:50. ____ nodded with agrrement.

You: I bet no kids will watch if it's this early...
She stood up from the couch looking down at me.
You: breakfast, unnie?

'wow, she SHOULD be a shikshin, too... 3 shikshins in our group'

Hyo: arraso, it's nearly 6:00, why don't you wake up Hyun? 
You: yay, alright!
and she ran off to get the seconnd maknae who wakes up mostly the earliest. 

'I haven't realised, but she IS cute... maybe the cutest in SNSD' 

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Chapter 18: PLEASE UPDATE! This story is amazing!
Come on update soon >_< pleaseeee
TheMightyFall #3
uhh i seroiusly.. i wanna breakup with doojun..
i think i fall in love with hyo.. ohh author, could u pls continue this fic cuz its make me eager want to know what happen next.. pleeeshhhh ;D

love ya author and i subscribe this story ^^
Chapter 15: i need 2 break up with doojun ... i reeally don't like hurting hyoyeon at all
TheMightyFall #6
Chapter 18: please update!
abibi33 #7
Chapter 18: i really really hope you wi uodate this fic i really love it
but i dont like the relashionschip between me and donjun i prefer hyoyeon but its youre choice but ease update this fic
new reader
TKDXGrl #8
Update soon please
y u no update? D: i miss this fic~