First time

SNSD's daily life O.o

[no one's POV]

Sica: Hey, Hyoyeon-ah! There's gonna be a new trainee today. They say she's good at dancing AND can speak English and Japanese.

Jessica, 14, ran into the dancing room and stopped Hyo from dancing.

Hyo: how old is she?

Hyoyeon was breathing heavily since she was dancing for more than an hour.

Sica: I dont know. But she's a rookie! The teachers said so. I over heard it when I came in.

Hyo: well she won't be a threat to us, Jessie. We've been training for already 2 years and you for 3 years. No way can she catch up with us.

Hyo started the music again and danced. Yuri and Yoona came in with their friends. Jessica walked up to Yuri and started talking what she had just told to Hyoyeon.

Yul: I think it's nothing to us, though... She's new.

Yoong: unnie's right. We don't need to panick.

Just then the rumoured rookie came in. She was following the dancing teacher and stood in the front.

Teacher: this is a new trainee. Introduce yourself.

You: Annyonghaseyo, my name is Kim ________ . I'm still 10 years old.

You said shyly. Sica glared at you coldly and you became afraid of her.

Teacher: she'll be attending this class and the same vocal class as Seohyun. So I hope Seohyun will teach you around this place while you will be staying at the dorm by the company.

They started the class. You were hesitating since you didn't know the move of the dance so you stood at the corner obeserving each move.

You finally memorised the dance but the class just ended.

Seo: _______shi let's go.

Seo pulled your hand and you followed her. When you passed Sica and Hyo they glare at you.

You: Seohyun-unnie, did I do something wrong?

Seo: why?

You: the two undies who were dancing at the front kind of look angry...

Seo: you mean Jessica-unnie and Hyoyeon-unnie? I think they are just jealous of you. The staffs were praising you before you came so I think that's why. You don't have to worry much. They are really warm inside.


You reach the vocal class and Seo leads you in. You are average at singing so Seo teaches you how to sing.

You: unnie, khamsamnida!

Seo: it's alright. Did you know you are currently the youngest girls in SM?

You frown.

You: Chincha?

Seo: ne. So not many people call me unnie. I'm really glad you came in!!

You: I'm happy too to have unnie as an unnie.


You say goodbye to Seo and walks back to the dorm next to SM. While you ate walking you see Sica and Hyo standing in the middle of the side way taking. You try to walk past them but they saw you too.

Sica: Yah, _______. Are you really good at dancing? You didn't seem like dancing at all today.

Sica started teasing you. You look down, scares of looking at them.

Hyo: Sica, enough of teasing her. Just leave her alone.

Hoy sensed that you were nearly crying with fear and stopped Sica. You ran fast to the dorm without looking back

Pani: hey, are you alright?

There was a girl with black hair standing in front of you. You look up and see her face. You quickly wipe your tears and smile fakely.

You: I'm sorry, I'm fine...

Pani: are you sure?

She asks you in English. You are surprised to hear her speak English.

You: I'm fine, thank you. Oh, by the way do you know where I might be staying?

You answer back in English which made her surprise too but she smiles with an cresent eyes to you.

Pani: what's your name?

You: Kim _______.

Pani: really?! Than your staying with us. Come I'll show you.

She walks up to one of the door and waits for you to go in first. You walk in and saw another girl lying on the bed.

Tae: Fany-ah? Did you buy me milk?

Pani walks in and slapped Tae's feet making her sit up.

Pani: there's a new girl. Her name's Kim ______ and she's a foreigner like me.

Tae: annyon :) don't tell me you can't speak Korean like Fany...

She looks at you, full of hope

You: I can speak English, Japanese and Korean fluently so there's not much worry in languages.

Tae: fhew :o I thought there's gonna be one more who needs help with Korean but your awesome. I mean like Japanese? How come?

You: my brother lives in Japan with his Japanese wife so I learnt Japanese naturally. He's 10 years older than me. And I lived in America until today.

Tae: how about your parents? Are they Korean?

You feel pain on your heart

You: we'll they died in a car accident so I was raised by my grandma.

Pani: oh, we were sorry about that...

You: it's ok. I don't even remember their face. Anyway where's my belongings?

You try to smile. Tae pointed to the pile of bags by your bed and you quickly change in to your pyjamas to sleep.

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Chapter 18: PLEASE UPDATE! This story is amazing!
Come on update soon >_< pleaseeee
TheMightyFall #3
uhh i seroiusly.. i wanna breakup with doojun..
i think i fall in love with hyo.. ohh author, could u pls continue this fic cuz its make me eager want to know what happen next.. pleeeshhhh ;D

love ya author and i subscribe this story ^^
Chapter 15: i need 2 break up with doojun ... i reeally don't like hurting hyoyeon at all
TheMightyFall #6
Chapter 18: please update!
abibi33 #7
Chapter 18: i really really hope you wi uodate this fic i really love it
but i dont like the relashionschip between me and donjun i prefer hyoyeon but its youre choice but ease update this fic
new reader
TKDXGrl #8
Update soon please
y u no update? D: i miss this fic~