Don't tell me...

Let it rain



''_________-ah, how are you? It has been a long time..''

''Eh? How? Why? What?''

''Are you free today? Can we meet?''


''Haha, let's meet somewhere and I will explain everything...''

''But- I don't understand-''

''Then let's meet at the cafe with that incredible good hot chocolate at 10am, okay?''

''Uh, eh, okay...''

''Then, see you.''


Just when I hung up I poured the hot water in the cup with the peppermint teabag.

In that moment Woohyun opened the door and he looked so much refreshed. He was like shining.

''Is the tea ready?''

''Uhm yes, your tea is ready.''

''What's with your tea? There should be more water in the boiling machine. I thought I put enough water in it...''

''Yes, but I have to go now. Sorry...''

''Oh? Why? Just drink a cup of tea with-''

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Woohyun went to the door and opened it and there was this person.

This person I already saw many times but just from a far distance.

''Hello, Noona. What are you doing here?''

''I want to see you and talk to you, Woohyun-ah. I hope you aren't angry anymore...''

''Thanks to her, I'm not.''

Immediately my face went stiff. What did he just say?

''And this is?''

Quickly I stepped aside that she could see me and bowed: ''Hello, I am ____ __________.''

''She's a very good friend of mine'', Woohyun just added.

The noona looked with a serious expression at me. I thought she could looked a hole into me.

Quickly I slipped in my shoes.

''Ehm, sorry, I have to go now.''

I bowed again and left the place.


This noona looked so scary in proximity. Even if I didn't have to go I must have left when I met her.

She was just so different when she was just with him.

Suddenly I stopped at the road.

Maybe she misunderstood? How would you react when a girl left the house of a guy in the early morning?

However, I went further because Woohyun would explain everything.



I looked down to my watch and there were still 30 minutes left so I decided to sat on a bench near a playground.

'Hoya...that guy, why on earth are you showing up now?

You left at once and now you are appearing suddenly again?

I'm still angry at you that you didn't tell me and that I was the last person to know.

Why am I a person easy to fool?

We know each other since the day we were born so don't tell me that I shouldn't be disappointed.

Hoya, you're mean.

And why did you say on that day that I should forget you?

At all sudden.

Obviously, I couldn't forget you. Your voice is still the same.

If you can't explain it cleary I'll hate you!

You gave me so much headache after you left and now it's coming back.

Why can't I understand you anymore?'


After thinking a bit of our past again I slowly went to the cafe.

It was the cafe I also introduced to Woohyun at that time.

It was also me who introduced it to Hoya. Eventhough I dragged him forcefully into it.

But up to then, it was the place for us to gather around.

With it's comfortable seats, the great music, the friendly services and of course the delicious hot chocolate!

The cafe was full like the other days.

After I bought my yummy hot chocolate I searched for a seat at the windows that I could look for him when he was coming, but unfortunately these seats were so popular that I only found a seat in the middle of the crowd.

In the end it was a good place to watch the people who went in and out of the shop.

When I saw some good-looking guys went in I started to think about the times when Ji-hyun went to this place to 'analyse' those people.

Straight away I took out my smartphone to write Ji-hyun a short message.

''We have to come together to our place again! Flower boys everywhere'', I giggled to myself.

Then I looked up and noticed someone entered who didn't grabbed only my attention.

With my smartphone in front of my face I tried to look unconspicuously at that good-looking guy and took a picture of him to send it to Ji-hyun to make her jealous.

I noticed that he was looking at his watch and looked around.

He must look for his girlfriend. 'What a pity, haha.'

Suddenly my smartphone vibrated telling me that I got a message.

Ji-Hyun: ''Don't tell me you are sitting there without me? ö___ö And having a nice chat with a hot guy?!''

Immediately I started to type: ''This would be great. There are some here. Want to come over? By the way, I'll meet Hoya to-''

''Excuse me?''

I stopped to write my reply and looked up.

''Yes?'', I said as I noticed that it was this guy.

''There are not any empty seats. Can I sit here just for a while?''

Why must this guy come today? When I'm meeting someone? Why didn't you come when I was alone here?!

''Uhm, eh, sorry, but I'm waiting for someone. He must come soon...''

''Okay, sorry for bothering you.''

With this sentence he turned around and took his phone out of his pocket.

'Byebye good-looking guy. Nice to meet you...', I cried for myself and wanted to continue with my reply to Ji-hyun.

I deleted the 'By the way' part and continued: ''-And see this good-looking guy I had to sent away? TT TT''

I insert the picture from before but when I wanted to send the message my phone started to ring. It was Hoya.

''Hey, where are you? How can you let a girl wait so long?'', I picked up a bit angrily.

But no response.

''Hello? Hoya?'' I asked.

Suddenly I heard my name twice.

''_______-ah?'' came out of my phone and the other one out of a mouth of a guy who came near me.

It was this guy from before again.

''_______-ah?'', he repeated

Slowly I put my smartphone down and my jaw just dropped down.


Don't tell me...






It has been a while, guyz ;)

Hope you enjoyed it nevertheless :D


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Hi dear subscribers ^^ Due personal issues it will unfortunately take a bit time until I can add the next chapter...please be patient and wait for me ;)


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Chapter 24: Whoaaah, it was something! Something unexpected and logical at the same time! :O
Don't worry about time and just write when you can :)
FIGHTING! Stay healthy and thank you for your hard work! ^^
niena98 #2
Chapter 24: Please update soon a/n!! I love this story already!! Hve a nice day~^^
naznew #3
Chapter 24: Omo..poor her...
namuyeppo #4
Chapter 24: omg!!1!1 continue please
awesomeangeljenny #5
Chapter 24: aleiruhcn! Hoya! What are you saying?!
Chapter 23: Woohyun.....Pabo! I love it! Keep updating~!
naznew #7
Chapter 23: aish..its for your health, woohyun-ah..
RenaNamInfinite #8
Chapter 23: Yey, new update! The story is getting more and more interesting. I really like it. Please update more frequently if you can. ^_^
Chapter 23: Ehh... poor girl... poor Woohyun... poor Hoya... and poor hospital ;d
Thank for your hard work, really :) Keep going~ Fighting <3
awesomeangeljenny #10
Chapter 23: oh no. Woohyun's reaction was HZWNYFVBXDS. Poor ... me(___)