I should leave. Or not?

Let it rain

Hey! Woohyun-oppa!“

What is with him again?

Immediately I put my hand on his forehead, but was relieved when I realized that his temperature was normal.

Then why was he like that?

S-sorry,__________-ah. I'm..just...feeling...a bit dizzy.“

Without saying anything I took his arm laying it around my shoulder.

Where is your key? I will bring you to your apartment.“


With my greatest effort I opened the door and placed him on his sofa.

Woohyun looked really exhausted, so I let him sleep.

After putting the school's stuff at the table in front of the sofa I looked out for something in my bag.

There it was.

I putted his handkerchief on top of the papers of the school.

So, now I have returned you to your owner!

I looked satisfied and wanted to leave immediately, because Woohyun just needed some rest to recover.

But in the end I realized that I was standing in his apartment and looked around analysing it.

However, there wasn't much to analyse:

The flat looked empty because there wasn't much furniture. Just the most needed things.

The walls were just white and there weren't any pictures frames nor posters or anything like that on them.

But then I noticed two picture frames on a closet.

The first one showed him with his family. He seemed that he is the only child. They were standing in a large garden with many beautiful flowers around. He was such a cute little boy holding hands with his parents.

The second picture showed an older Woohyun. Maybe 5-6 years younger than now.

However, his features were the same, he was just a little chubbier. Behind him was his noona. They were smiling. She had a beautiful and bright smile and Woohyun's smile was a forced smile because his noona's fingers had to lift up the corners of his mouth.

It seemed that he hadn't always smiled just like now.

About this thought I chuckled until I heard a thunder.

I went to the large window and saw the dark clouds at the sky.

Aish! What's with this now? I should have left when the weather was still okay. _________, you babo! I should leave immediately before the weather gets worse and I can take a shower in the rain!“

Suddenly I heared Woohyun murmuring something so I turned around and tiptoed past the sofa trying to not to wake him up.

I'm sorry.“

I stopped and turned around.

His eyes were still closed, just his mouth moved slightly saying it in a quiet voice.

But I heard it clearly.

Has he a bad dream?


I bend myself over his head to see if he was okay, but suddenly he opened his eyes looking right in my eyes. He gave me an agonized expression.

But by this sudden action I startled and moved back knocking against the table leg.


''OOOOUUUUUUUUUCHHHHHHH!“, I screamed inside myself.

Too many bruises today TT-TT.....


Woohyun, instead, didn't moved a bit.

Again I have burdened you...“

I struggled against the pain and tried to speak in a normal voice:

No.It's okay. How are you feeling?“

I....don't know...“

Suddenly he put his arm on his eyes preventing me to see his face.

However, I saw him forcing a smile.

I wanted to go to him, but I couldn't move because my nerves were still sending pain impulses from my foot to my brain so I had to comfort him right there.

''Woohyun, you don't have to force yourself. Just say when you're not feeling well. You also needn't to smile when you aren't feeling like that. It's okay to show weakness sometimes. Don't-“

But then I was interrupted by a ringtone. He put his mobile phone with the hand of the other arm out of his pocket, the other arm still on his eyes.

He held it up and said: “Who's that?“


Please read it for me.“

Ehm, it's Han Seungyeon...“

After hearing that name he hesitated a bit before he slid his finger over the screen acceping the call.


Yes?...Why do you want to know this?....Really?......Do you want to bring me back with the same intention?.....No, sorry.....No, I don't want to meet you right now....I don't know if I can believe it...Yes, let's see what time can do...Bye, noona...“


Now I know that his noona is really Han Seungyeon. So it was her calling when he rested in my house.


The call ended. Then silence.

The atmosphere was burdensome.

What should I do? That was a private matter.

I should leave. Or not?


____________ah? Are you still here?“,he asked with his arm still covering his eyes.

Uhm, yes, I'm still here...“ How can I disappear when I don't know what to do now?

But the weather is getting worse and...I haven't an umbrella, so I think I'll leave now. If that's okay...“


I wanted to take a step, but with every step I felt the pain in my heel.


See you...“



I turned back seeing his face bend deep down when he tried to sit up.

He really had difficulties. He still wasn't feeling well.

Immediately I wanted to push him down as I saw his intention to get up.

Oppa, you shouldn't-“

However, I tripped over my own foot hurting myself again.


In the end I pushed him back in the couch, but not with my hands.

But with my whole body. Lying on him.

With my widened eyes I wanted to get up at once.


But suddenly Woohyun put his arms around me. Holding me tightly. Not letting me move.


No, that's not okay. Please stay here for a bit more...“

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Hi dear subscribers ^^ Due personal issues it will unfortunately take a bit time until I can add the next chapter...please be patient and wait for me ;)


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Chapter 24: Whoaaah, it was something! Something unexpected and logical at the same time! :O
Don't worry about time and just write when you can :)
FIGHTING! Stay healthy and thank you for your hard work! ^^
niena98 #2
Chapter 24: Please update soon a/n!! I love this story already!! Hve a nice day~^^
naznew #3
Chapter 24: Omo..poor her...
namuyeppo #4
Chapter 24: omg!!1!1 continue please
awesomeangeljenny #5
Chapter 24: aleiruhcn! Hoya! What are you saying?!
Chapter 23: Woohyun.....Pabo! I love it! Keep updating~!
naznew #7
Chapter 23: aish..its for your health, woohyun-ah..
RenaNamInfinite #8
Chapter 23: Yey, new update! The story is getting more and more interesting. I really like it. Please update more frequently if you can. ^_^
Chapter 23: Ehh... poor girl... poor Woohyun... poor Hoya... and poor hospital ;d
Thank for your hard work, really :) Keep going~ Fighting <3
awesomeangeljenny #10
Chapter 23: oh no. Woohyun's reaction was HZWNYFVBXDS. Poor ... me(___)