Taeyang’s POV:

I woke up early today thinking of how I should ask Jessie to be my girlfriend. Last night when I had a conversation with Hyunsuk hyung and the other hyungs, they asked me what the real deal was about me and Jessie. I didn’t want to lie and deny how I feel so I told them honestly how I felt towards her.

Last night:

“Yongbae ah, you grew up well.” Hyunsuk hyung pat my back and the hyungs Teddy, Se7en, Kush, and Tablo smiled.

“But you should know what kind of relationship she just went through Yongbae ah.” Teddy hyung frankly brought up “You think she’s completely over it? And do you think her parents would allow their child to go through another relationship now?” He pointed out, sipped on his bottle of beer and looked at me.

“Yeah that’s right. Have you realized that you are not so different from that past boyfriend? He’s a celebrity right? If they broke up because of his career, don’t you think it would be another problem knowing that you are much more bigger than that Xian guy..” Tablo hyung added and gave me a concerned look.

Hyunsuk hyung sighed and looked at me as I was taken aback. “Yongbae ah, don’t think with your heart. Make sure that when you go in a relationship, you’re 100% ready of facing every challenge that come along with it. But I’m not telling you to stop feeling how you feel. I know you well, and I know you’re capable of taking care of a girl.. But.. Jessie came from a bad history with celebrities. Do you think she’s ready to face another relationship with one?” Hyung asked.

“Hyung” I paused and continued “Three days in her homeland, being able to see what she’s like around her family, being able to meet her parents and actually talk to them..I knew so much more about her and I just cant stop falling for her even more.” I took out the box with the ring on it and showed it to them. “Six years ago, I bought this ring with the thought of giving it to the girl I want to seriously date. It’s a promise that I would respect her, love her, and take care of her despite everything that might happen around us.” I paused and looked at them and smiled “Six years later, I found the girl I was going to give it to and I don’t want to go on with my life regretting if I didn’t even try to see if she will accept it and if it will fit her perfectly.” I sighed and all of them stared at me with a grin and a satisfied smile.

“Aigoo, you really have grown well dongseng!!” Se7en proudly smiled as he offered a toast to all of us.

“Yongbae, just keep it on a downlow. Don’t overwhelm her with the publicity and the press, I swear to you, it will ruin you both.” Hyunsuk hyung adviced and I took it wholeheartedly.

Jiyong stood beside me in the balcony as we watched the sunrise together and I told him about last night’s conversation with the hyungs and he was laughing hard as he recalled that he went through the same thing when he said he wanted to date Dara. Jiyong knew how I really felt and he supported me. While we were laughing and joking around we saw Jessie walking towards the beach in her running shoes, a shirt, and shorts. I was about to call her but I didn’t find the chance to as she placed her headphones on and started to run. Jiyong asked me if I wanted to catch up with her and I said I wouldn’t. Minutes later we saw Xian going after her.

“Dude, aren’t you gonna go?!” Jiyong pointed out at Xian as I smiled and shook my head.

“No, it’s nicer to watch from up here” I said smiling as we saw Xian catch up with Jessie and they ended up talking and walking by the beach as the sun rises. Jiyong looked at me in disapproval “Gentleman’s agreement.” I plainly said and by that he got the point that Xian and I had a talk.

Xian’s POV:

After 2 days of trying to win her back, I finally realized that she doesn’t have plans of being taken back. She was laughing and smiling again, something I haven’t seen after I broke her heart. Right at that moment I knew I had no chance and that her heart is starting to settle with someone else. I sat at the daybeds by the beach while everyone was either getting a tan, playing frizbee, or for Yongbae and Jessie’s case they were sharing a daybed next to me and playing a game on her tablet as I watched them laugh and tease each other.

On the third day, I was planning on talking to Jessie’s parents to ask for forgiveness and to ask for another chance when I saw Yongbae speaking to them in a serious and sincere demeanor. I walked back and tried to hear their conversation that seemed so heartfelt and happy as I hear Mr. Garcia laughing and I saw Mrs. Garcia holding Yongbae’s hands. After seeing that I knew not only Jessie but also her family was settling slowly with Yongbae.

“You had your chance, Xian.” Amara spoke in a hushed tone behind me looking like she pitied me more than she hated me now.

“Ate Amara, I’m..” I got cut off as she raised her hands and smiled at me.

“Sorry Xian, for being y around you all these time and for being so mad at you. But you have to realize, we trusted you and you broke it.” She sighed as we walked together towards the dining hall “But Xian, that was all in the past. As you can see Jessie has forgiven you and starting her new life. I just wish you could do the same and not live in the guilt of your past mistakes.” She continued.

“Ate, I just thought we could work it out..I guess I’m too late.” I guided the pregnant Amara to her seat before sitting down.

She laughed “You know, I think my kid would look like you.” She randomly joked as she said that she was so pissed off at me the whole time she was conceiving and that she can’t stop hating on me so her husband and everyone around her told her to stop if she didn’t want her child to end up looking like me. I laughed with her and I felt relieved to gain forgiveness from the eldest Garcia daughter.

As we had dinner, I saw Yongbae walking alone by the beach. I quickly wrapped up dinner with Amara as her husband came to join. I grabbed 2 bottles of beer and walked towards Yongbae’s direction.

“You look like you could use a little beer.” I offered smiling as he gently accepted it and we gave out a toast before drinking.

“Thank you bro” He said and I nodded and smiled.

“We met here.” I looked out at the beach as the sun began to set and paint the sky orange “She was right in that spot and I was standing here. At that time she was taking photos of the sunset too, she was her own cute self and I couldn’t help but look once, twice, until I found myself walking towards her and introducing myself.” I sighed.

Yongbae looked at me and asked “And then?” he surprisingly asked.

“And then we spent almost everyday in Boracay together since then. This hotel wasn’t built yet, it was still pure sand and trees. So every sunset we’d sit and talk and laugh our hearts out at the people who would walk by. We would create dialogues for them.” I paused “One month, it was like that. We were going to college that time and I wasn’t sure if I was going to see her again so I asked her if she wanted to be my girl and she said yes.” I recalled, “She had the brightest as sweetest smile I have ever seen.”

“I agree.” Yongbae smiled and nodded his head.

“You love her.” I declared.

“That wasn’t a question?” He smiled and continued, “I do, Xian. I really do.” He declared sincerely.

“I know, I can see that.” I gave up and accepted my defeat “Don’t do the same mistakes that I did, bro.” I tapped his shoulders, as he looked at me with curiosity “She didn’t tell you how I broke up with her?” I asked.

“No, she only said you left her. But she never even once bad mouthed you.” He sincerely said “Which makes me think that you’re not a completely bad person,” He assured and I was touched.

“Well I will tell you.” We took another sip from our bottle before I spoke again “We were together for four years—four great years and at that time everyone thought we would get married soon since there was so reason not to.” I began “But I was told by my management that if I wanted big projects and if I wanted to achieve a lot, I would have to make a lot of sacrifices and that includes my relationship with Jessie. They compared me and her, how her laidback lifestyle and idealistic family is pulling me down and making my life boring and how I was losing my identity as a man..” I shook my head and continued “I was challenged and brainwashed.”

I took a long pause and continued “I didn’t have enough guts to break up with her personally, I had to do it on TV the day I promised to celebrate our 4 years together. The day I originally planned to ask her to marry me.” I added while tears formed in my eyes “But I brushed that thought away because I had the mindset that if I continued to let her define me, what kind of a man would that make me?” I added as Yongbae continued to listen attentively. “Just like that I broke her heart, didn’t see her in months, and she decided to leave the country 3 months after our breakup. I tried reaching out to her but she didn’t seem to be in the mood to see me or hear from me and left without a word. I continued my career, it went really well but all these things I have now…is not compared and will never be compared to what I had with Jessie.” I declared.

Before Yongbae could even say a word I interrupted “But I’m not saying this to beg you and stop you from loving her. I don’t want to you make the same mistakes as I did. I don’t want her to cry anymore and run away again. All I ask is for you to love her and don’t trade her for anything.” I requested as he nodded.

“I’m really glad you told me.” He said patting my shoulders “You have my word, Jessie is the love of my life and I will never do anything to hurt her again.” He assured me with a faint smile. This guy, I know now why she fell easily for this guy. He was sincere and warm, he didn’t judge and he gives people a chance to speak. I knew Jessie was in the right hands.

“I just have one last request, Yongbae.” I asked “Please let me talk to her, one last time. I want to say sorry and to close our book properly. I don’t want the mistakes of our past ruin your present.” I said.

Yongbae stood up, shook my hand and said “You have until lunch time tomorrow.” And smiled at me and waved goodbye.

Jessie’s POV:

Day 3 in Boracay! I decided to go for a jog as I haven’t done this for a long time now, plus I have to shed those beef and beer excess I had for the past 2 days here. Woke up before sunrise and went for a run. The beach was so perfect and serene, I was listening to Bigbang’s Blue while running, I know it was a sad song but it comforted me in a weird way, it was perfect for running by the beach anyway. I felt someone running behind me and found Xian catching up. He smile and I smiled as well and stopped.

“You run fast!” He said panting.

“No, you’re just lazy to run and couldn’t catch up!” I laughed as I recalled the same Xian a few summers ago.

“Haha! Fine.” He said “Let’s walk?” He asked.

“Mmkay.” I smiled as we passed by a familiar spot. I knew it by heart because it’s the same spot he and I met before and spent sunsets there. It was the same spot where he asked me to be his girl.

“I know what you’re thinking, J.” He smiled as we paused in front of the spot. He walked towards it and sat “Join me?” He said smiling. That smile, how can I not say no to that familiar smile? I walked towards him and sat down as we watched the sun to completely rise.

“Wow, it’s been a long time!” I said and looked at him.

“I know, but we’re here to see the sunrise now.” He said sadly and held my hands “Remember when I told you we’d get married in this same spot?” he asked with tears forming in his eyes now.

I joked to stop the sad vibes “Well you can’t marry someone who isn’t your girlfriend, can’t you?” I smiled to comfort him only to make it worse.

“Exactly.” He said “You know, I never saw myself watching the sunrise with you? I always wanted to end my day here with you that way I looked forward to everyday’s end to be with you.” He sighed “Now, I’m here to see a new day begin with you but not really WITH you. Do you get me?” He asked.

“Yeah..I do.” I sighed and smiled “Xian, you made me happy. If that’s what you wanted to know. I think that’s one reason why I can still sit here with you now. That one huge mistake, I realized it can never be replaced by each day here with you.” I said and smiled at him and started to cry.

We both knew that was the last time we’d sit there together. Nobody said goodbye, but it was well understood that it was our last time together. I knew why I cried, I cried because I was sad that it didn’t work out, I cried because I had to let him go, and most of all I cried because I knew I lost my love for him. I cried too, because I missed him. We stayed there for a while making each moment count, eventually we found ourselves laughing, recalling our fund memories together, we did a lot of catching up to like how he is doing with his schedules, where he has been for the past months, and I said the same things as well. 9 am passed and it was time for the scheduled breakfast rehearsal with everyone, Xian stood up and offered his hand to me, I took it and he hugged me. He hugged me tight, we tried so hard to hold back the tears but we knew what we’re doing is the best for the both of us. We walked towards the hotel as he sent me to my villa.

“Follow me on twitter!” He joked around and waved to say goodbye.

“You’re not going to the wedding?!” I asked.

“I wasn’t here for the wedding, J. I was here for you. My work here is done” He smiled and winked at me.

“But you said..” I paused in confusion and he just continued to walk and shout “See you when I see you, J. Take care!”

He took a last look at me and smiled. It was heartbreaking to see an old love walk away. But it was comforting to finally close that book. I knew we did the right thing so that we could both go on with our lives.

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princessjay #1
I love your story. Hope you will consider writing a sequel. ;)
Chapter 21: Awww this story was cute.
hanbinxxi #3
yes you should. . .haha great job..make a sequel for this and PLEASE?????? put more DaraGon moments. . .keke :)

GODspeed. . .
hanbinxxi #4
yes you should. . .haha great job..make a sequel for this and PLEASE?????? put more DaraGon moments. . .keke :)

GODspeed. . .
Carmelnap #5
Oh gosh! I really loved this story. You definitely should continue writing and I hope here will be a sequel.
: sob sob sob.. ur fanfic has ended!! i love this!! will u be doing a sequel or a one-shot of this?! :)
supjiyong #7
Zomg this is soooooo romantic!! Awww yesh you should continue eheheheh, you're a great writer with awesome storylines comin' in your mind! Hwaiting~ :)
: aawww.. *teary-eyes*
u updatedd again!! yeah!! this chappy is awesome; wat can i say.. haha.. so YB went all da way to Boracay to get back Jessie?! finally!! yeah!! :)
will Jessie.accept his invitation?! or is Jessie already on her way back to Korea to look for YB?! erm.. update update update soon!! ^_^
: OMG!! nice chappy!! aaww.. Jessie did the right thing by going away from YB.. if i were her; i would have slapped YB in the face for cheating on me!! haha.. :P
why wouldn't u update another chappy Author-nim?! u leave me hanging with the last chappy.. >.<
: wow!! it's been a while since u updates author-nim!! hehe.. i miss this story!! :(
but anyway; nice update.. YB is sucha jerk in the last chappy!! how can he do this to Jesie?! stupid guy!! where is Jessie hiding now?! pls update soon, i wanna know what happens next!! :D