Missing Puzzel Piece~

12 Days of Christmas, 12 Days of Love


I am really sorry that this really over due. I was planning posting it on Christmas but i had heaps of thing on and also the days after that, then New Years came and i was a bit tipsy and then i got distracted by watching Korean and Taiwanese drama's and then Anime and then ahhhh!! But here it is.. One more to go!!

 Hope ya enjoy!!




CHOI Myung Hee POV


It’s Christmas tomorrow. Yussssss!! That means more food for me!! That means also means presents!!!! Yay!! I am so happy right now. I got off the couch and started to jump around in circles.

“Dear what are you doing?” My Mother said as she entered the room with a tray of cookies and milk.

“Yummm!! Cookies!!” I ran over to her and was about to grab one until she slapped my hand away.

“Do not touch.” She said as she walked pass me.

“Yeah. Those cookies aren’t for Noona, there for Santa!” My little brother said as he entered the room wearing his cute bunny pajamas and holding his teddy bear. It was a full suit that my parents brought him because they thought he would look cute in it. Mum placed the milk and cookies onto the table while my brother and I sat on the couch.

“I thought you didn’t believe in Santa.” I sighed. I really want cookies.

“I do believe in Santa!!” He said standing on the couch point one arm in the air like superman.

“Yah! Jae soon-ah!! Don’t stand on the couch! Sit down!” My father said as he entered the room.

“Yes Papa.” He obediently sat down and folded his arms. I rolled my eyes and looked back my mother.

“Is there anymore cookies left over?” I asked sitting down next to my brother. Before she could talk the doorbell rang. I looked towards the door as Papa went to open it. All I could see was colorful shoes and orange pants. I heard mumbles.

“Myung Hee! There is someone here to see you.” I heard him call. I jumped off the couch and walked over to him. I looked at the person who was standing in front of me in very bright colorful clothing. “Do you know this fella?” I took a closer look at him.

“Myung Hee~~” I heard the colorful dressed person whine.

“Ehh? Oppa?!” I yelled in surprise. A smile appeared on his face.

“Wait a minute... Oppa??” Papa looked at me with a strange look. I hadn't told him, actually anyone that I was dating the currently colorfully dressed Injun of DNA because I knew Papa would most likely threaten and wouldn't come back afterwards.

“Oppa, what are you doing here?” I stepped back while pulling Papa and while Injun walked in and shook all the snow off.

“Too see you of course.” He said with his million-dollar smile. ”Why else would I be here? Ahh...” I watched as he pulled something out of his rainbow colored puff jacket. “For you sir.” It looked like a CD. I had a closer looked and realize it was a Beyonce CD.

“Oh my!! Dear son!! Come in! Come in!!” Papa said with a smile while putting an arm around injun shoulder and walking him out of the doorway. I rolled my eyes and shut the door. One minute he was like giving him the a death glare and now they are like best friends all because of a Beyonce CD. I quickly caught up to them as we went into the living room.

“Omo! Who we have here?” My mother got up and ran over to him.

“Ahh you must be Myung Hee sister.” Injun said. I gave him a weird look as my mother turned away. She was going red. “By the way...” He reached into his Rainbow colored jacket and pulled out an envelope. “For you.” I watched as my mother opened the envelope. Next thing you knew it, she was jumping around like a crazy lady. I went and stood next Injun and wrapped my arms around one of his.

“What did you get her?” I asked looking up at him, who was laughing.

“Concert tickets to BEAST next concert.” He looked down at me. How the hell did he know she even like BEAST. “Now you must be Jaesoon.” He said looking at my younger brother. I let go of his arm as he kneeled down to my brother eye view.

“Who are you?” He asked.

“Im your noona’s boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend? What’s a boyfriend? “ Jaesoon asked.

“Well, it’s when mphhmm.” I ran over covered Injun mouth before he could say anymore. He grabbed my hand and took it off his mouth. “Hey!”

“What, my brother still has a very innocent mind.” I said as I sat next to Jaesoon and patted him on the head.

“Hey Hey! What have I told you about patting my head. You’ll mess up my bunny ears.” He said as he fixed his Bunny Ears. I rolled my eyes.

“Jaesoon, Hyung go you a gift to.” Injun said as he reached into his magic jacket again. This time he pulled out a round tube shaped thing that shouldn’t have really fitted into his jacket. He gave it over and Jaesoon. Jaesoon took the lid off and slid the paper out. He rolled it out.

“Ahhhh!!” He screamed as he turned what looked like a poster. I took a closer look at it. It was a signed poster of KARA. “It’s a KARA poster!! Hyung, you're the best!!” Jaesoon got up and ran over to my parents who were also showing there gifts to eachother.

“What the hell?” I looked back at Injun who was smiling away. He got off the floor and sat in Jaesoon seat. “How did you even know what to get them?” I asked.

“I have my ways of finding out stuff.” He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. We watched as Papa turned his CD on and went straight for the single ladies song. I started to laugh as he started to dance to it. But then he disappeared and came back wearing an outfit like Beyonce’s.

“Oh dear Lord.” I covered Injun eyes while I watched My mother covering Jaesoon eyes. It was a very traumatizing sight. I felt Injun move beside and moved his head down next to mine.

“I have to go.” He whispered. I looked up and him and nodded. I grabbed his hand and lead him out of the living room and to the door. I watched as he put his shoes on. I don’t even know how I could get a great guy like him. I remember when I met him. It was when Dogs were chasing me and he swept me to safety. I also remember why I didn’t tell my parents. It was because of what they were doing in the living room.

“Well I better go.” He said pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked up at him.

“Well, that was a short visit.”

“Well I will have to come back another time for a longer visit now don’t I. Ahh by the way.” He dug his hand back into that his Jacket of his and pulled out a velvet box. “For you.” He said. I took the gift out of his hands. He watched me as I opened the gift. Inside was a sliver puzzle piece pendant on a sliver chain. I looked up at him with a confused look. He moved his scarf and pulled out a puzzle piece like mine. He took mine and put them together. I hadn’t realized there was any writing on it. He gave it back to.


You’re the missing piece to my puzzle.’


I started to smile like an idiot. I looked up to see he was smiling as well.


“Myung Hee. If you weren’t in my life, it wouldn’t have been complete.” He whispered. I got up onto my tippy toes and leaned in.

“Oppa, you know what?”


“I love you...”

“I love you too.” I smiled as he leaned in closer. I gave him a kiss on the lips. What would I do without him. We leaned in again and went for a more passionate kiss.


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Oohh I love christmassssssssssss
Awe I love the cute ending ^^ and how they meet up again like the first time they met :D<br />
Taemin is so cute ^^<br />
Thank you so much!!! :DDD
kpoplovee #3
I LOVEEE it!! ^^ Thank you soooo much! =DDD
awwww, I LOVED IT~!<br />
So cute yet funny~!<br />
Such a scary Appa... PUAHAHAH~!<br />
THANKS~! Merry Christmas~!<br />
^_______________________^<br />
Happy Holidays~!
Oh, I love you and I love this!! ♥<br />
The plot was awesome, THANK YOU! ♥<br />
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I only realized after I sent the application that I had a korean name put in but I'm glad how you made that blend in the story as well. :DDD<br />
I felt embarrased reading this, really. :D And I can totally imagine Aiba walking into a wall. XDD <br />
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Omooooo so sorry for just commenting nowwww!<br />
I'm on a trip now and it takes 2 weeks so,you know<br />
I haven't had much time to go online...<br />
<br />
But I really like my shot!!!!<br />
Junhyung and his pikachu!!!!! Hahahaaha<br />
And also that Jae Sunnie unnie part was funny..<br />
I also think that name of his was very feminine though keke<br />
<br />
Oh I hate you Doojoonie he was about to kiss meeee!!!<br />
And you interrupted!!! XD<br />
Why I couldn't see kikwang?? He's also my favorite in beast hahaha<br />
Thx!! I like it much~<br />
<br />
Merry Christmas! Hope you have the best Christmas day everrr
awwww thtat story was sooo adorable..:D
brownleafhopper #8
i love you! thanks for the story i haven't logged on for a long time so i got to read this only by now... iloveit! thank you again... more power and good luck on your further stories... :)