My Beautifully Gorgeous Girlfriend~!!!

12 Days of Christmas, 12 Days of Love

I am so so so so so so so sorrrryyyyyy!! My mum made me clean up the house for Christmas and let me tell you now, it was a big job!!

Anyway  here da 1-Shot!! I will for sure post the other two 2nite hopefully!! 







I am officially on countdown for Christmas. 3 Days till Christmas. But this Christmas I’ll be spending it alone, no one to hang out with. Not even my boyfriend since he lives overseas. I let out a big sigh and lay down on the couch. I was suppose to cleaning the house but I’ll do it later. I never liked chores. As I laid there I could remembered the last I saw him. Aiba-kun was in Korea for a performance. That performance was like a year ago. He is about ten years older than me, which caused a problem with my parents. ‘He is too old for!! Why can’t you get you get one your own age!’ I remember my mother saying when I brought him home one day. My father thought it was cute for some weird reason but I can remember what he said to Aiba next.




“Your name is Aiba,” My father said in Japanese. Aiba-kun started to nod furiously.

“Yes sir.”

“And you ‘love’ my daughter.”  He said doing Air Quotes.

“Yes, I love your daughter sir, with all my heart.” Aiba said turning to me.

“How old are you?”

“28 sir.” My father started to go into that thinking pose.

“You look nice enough. Go right ahead.” Aiba and I started to smile and jump around in circles to my mother’s disgust. “But!!! If you hurt her, your head is mine. Hahahahahaha!!”


END Flashback~


 He also did that evil laugh. I started to laugh at the memory but was suddenly interrupted by my phone ringing. I run to my room and grabbed my phone like a ninja~


Hello?? Marika-chan?” I heard someone say in Japanese. I knew it was.

Aiba-kun?” I said into the phone.

Marika-chan!!! I miss you!!” Aiba said in normal cheerful voice. I giggled.

I miss you too~” I said with a big grin on my face. “What are you doing?” I asked him.

Hmmm, thinking of you.” He said. I started to blush. As he talked, I walked back to the living room and laid on the couch. “What are you doing?”

“Being my lazy self.”I heard him chuckle. “When are you coming back to Korea?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” There was a long pause. “Im sorry I can’t be there this Christmas.” He said. I started to sniffle.

It’s okay Aiba-kun. You’re busy I know that.” There was one of those lot pauses where no one would talk.

“I’m sorry, Marika-chan.”

“Sorry for what?” I asked. He already said that before.

For never being there but I promise I will be there soon. I promise.” He said in his cheerful tone of voice. “I’ll be there sooner than you think.” I wonder what he was planning. “Whats your family doing this Christmas?” He asked.

Nothing, my parents have gone away to visit my grandmother and left me home alone.” I said twirling a piece of my hair.

Perfect.” I heard him mumble.

What did you say?” I asked him.



We talked for ages, then he suddenly asked me this random question.

What would you say if I turned up on your doorstep right at this moment?”

“Mostly likely scream ‘OMG, what are you doing here!” I said. ”Why?”

No reason.” I could hear him giggling like a girl. “What happened if I come bearing gifts?”

“I don’t know. Why are you asking all these questions?” I suspected something but I didn’t know what that something was.

Just wanted to know.” He said. We just stayed quite for a while. “I love you.” He whispered. A huge grin appeared on my face.

I love you too.” I suddenly heard a bang in the background. “Are you okay?” He had always been clumsy.

Yeeah, yeahh. I just walked into a wall. Nothing to worry about.” I started to laugh. We both laughed until I heard the doorbell. “Wait up there is someone at the door.” I got off the couch and went to the door. I opened it to be faced with a big bouquet of white roses.

“Hello?” I said looking behind the bouquet of flowers. I dropped my phone out of shock of seeing who was behind the bouquet.

Aiba-kunnnn!!” I jumped into his arms and hugged him so tight. There were tears running down my face.

Marika-chan!” He wrapped his arms around me. I pulled back and looked up at his face.

I knew something was up!”

“That's because you are smart.” We went inside and sat on the couch. I notices that he had bags.

Whats in those?” I asked.

“Gifts. What happened to ‘OMG what are you doing here?’.” He asked as I sat on his lap.

“Well I didn’t expect you to show up now did I?” I looked into his eyes. “But I am glad you're here.”  I gave him a kiss which seemed to last a lifetime but that is a good thing. “By the way did you actually walk into a wall?”



“Cause I was thinking of you, my beautifully gorgeous girlfriend.” 

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Oohh I love christmassssssssssss
Awe I love the cute ending ^^ and how they meet up again like the first time they met :D<br />
Taemin is so cute ^^<br />
Thank you so much!!! :DDD
kpoplovee #3
I LOVEEE it!! ^^ Thank you soooo much! =DDD
awwww, I LOVED IT~!<br />
So cute yet funny~!<br />
Such a scary Appa... PUAHAHAH~!<br />
THANKS~! Merry Christmas~!<br />
^_______________________^<br />
Happy Holidays~!
Oh, I love you and I love this!! ♥<br />
The plot was awesome, THANK YOU! ♥<br />
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I only realized after I sent the application that I had a korean name put in but I'm glad how you made that blend in the story as well. :DDD<br />
I felt embarrased reading this, really. :D And I can totally imagine Aiba walking into a wall. XDD <br />
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Omooooo so sorry for just commenting nowwww!<br />
I'm on a trip now and it takes 2 weeks so,you know<br />
I haven't had much time to go online...<br />
<br />
But I really like my shot!!!!<br />
Junhyung and his pikachu!!!!! Hahahaaha<br />
And also that Jae Sunnie unnie part was funny..<br />
I also think that name of his was very feminine though keke<br />
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Oh I hate you Doojoonie he was about to kiss meeee!!!<br />
And you interrupted!!! XD<br />
Why I couldn't see kikwang?? He's also my favorite in beast hahaha<br />
Thx!! I like it much~<br />
<br />
Merry Christmas! Hope you have the best Christmas day everrr
awwww thtat story was sooo adorable..:D
brownleafhopper #8
i love you! thanks for the story i haven't logged on for a long time so i got to read this only by now... iloveit! thank you again... more power and good luck on your further stories... :)