You're Mine

12 Days of Christmas, 12 Days of Love

Here we are!! Merry Christmas in advance!!! Watch out for 2 1-Shots tomorrow!! I am nearly there!!! 




KANG Yeonun POv


Chaos was running through the whole store. The old men from around area come here 2 days before Christmas to escape the grasp of there wives from dragging them out to the Christmas rush. My Dad’s bar was always this busy at this time of year. I heard a bing come from behind me.

“Yeonun-ah!!! Give this to the customer.” My father called from the kitchen window as he placed the food onto the bench.

“Ne!!!” I shouted over the loud noise. I grabbed the plate and took it to the right table. “Here we go sir, one burger with extra fries and a large diet coke.” I said placing the order onto the table and then bowing to the customer. I was about to head back to the counter when I was suddenly pulled back. “Yes.” I looked at the customer. He was wearing black sunglasses and a beanie. I realized after a while of staring at him. “Minho??” I moved closer to him. A smile appeared on his face.

“Hello.” He said in English. I smiled also appeared on my face as well.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him while I sat across from him.

“Can’t I come and see my lovely girlfriend.” He said taking a bite of his burger. I watched as ate it. The way he eats it like something beautiful. So graceful, so perfect. Everything about him is so perfect. From the way he eats to how good-looking he is. I must be smiling like an idiot now. But who wouldn’t. “Yah, are you with me here?” I snapped out of my dream world to see Minho waving his hand in front of my face.

“What?” I came out of the daze look.

“Did you miss me?” He asked. I nodded. “How much?”

“This much.” I said throwing my arms into the air and separating them so they were far apart. I smiled. He took a sip of his drink and then leaned over and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

“I missed you too.” He said. I looked him in the eyes. Moments went by before I heard a scream from behind me.

“YAHHHHHHHHHH!!! Yeonun-ahhhhhh!!! STOP FLIRTING WITH THE CUSTOMER AND GET THE DAMN FOOD!!” I heard my father. I rushed off and went to serve the Food. I mouthed to Minho ‘Wait here’. He nodded before I rushed off again.

After serving about 20 old men plus a guy who tried to get with me, I was finally aloud to go on a break. I went over to where Minho was but he was gone. I looked around but he was no where to be found. All was left was a small piece of paper. I picked it up and read it.


I’m Sorry Angel, manager-hyung called and told me to get home. I didn’t want to disturb you but don’t worry I’ll be back tonight, just leave your window open for me.


Love You




I sighed and stuffed the note into my pocket. The afternoon went faster than I expected. It was suddenly closing time and Appa told me to go to bed early. I walked up the stairs to our apartment above the bar. I lazily dropped my apron on the stairwell rail and made my way to my room. I was about to flop onto my bed when I heard a knocking noise. I sat on my bed to figure out where the knocking noise was coming from. I looked to the window. A light from the lighten strike and showed a crouched figure sitting on the window still. I got freaked out and hid behind my bed.

“Yeonun-ah, open your window.” The deep voice said. I looked up and I remembered Minho note.

“MINHO!” I said in a loud voice as I ran over to the window. It flew open as soon as I unlocked it and a wet Minho climbed through. I looked at him. “I’m so sorry,” As I shut the window.

“It’s okay.” I watched as he flung his shoes off and jumped onto my bed. He sat up and looked at me.

“Aren’t you cold?” I asked him as I sat at my desk.

“Not really.” He said. “Why are you sitting over there for?” I got up and walked over to my bed. I stood in front of him. He looked up at me. “I’m sorry about before.”

“It’s okay, I know you’re busy.” He wrapped his long toned arms around me and pulled me into him. His damp clothes made mine wet. I ruffled his short black hair until it was all sticking up.

“I don’t know if I want you change this hairstyle. It looks so cute.” I said. Before I knew, he had laid back and took me with him. I was currently lying on top of him, looking into those big brown eyes of his. “Oppa~ What happens if my dad was to walk in?” I asked poking his chest. My Father didn’t know we are going out because I know my Appa. Appa will somehow scare him off and that's not good.

“Well I will tell him how beautiful his daughter is and how she is like an angel.” He said. I smiled and gave him a kiss which he looked surprise to receive. “What was that for?” He asked.

“For being so sweet.”  We both smiled at each other.

“I got a gift for you.” He said reaching into his pocket. He pulled out something shiny. “Pass your wrist.” I did as he said. He slipped the bracelet. My eyes widen at a closer look at it. It was sliver with charms with letters on it.

“Y o u r e m i n e.” I said spelling out the letters. Then I realized what it said.

“You’re mine.” Minho said in his deep manly voice. I smile as I looked at him. I started to lean in for another but with a quick movement he had flipped me over. His hands were on the sides of my head. “My turn to give you a kiss.” He started to lean. “Merry Christmas.” He said while closing the gap. But suddenly...

“Yeonun-ah are you..WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! WHY IS THERE A WET HANDSOME BOY ON TOP OF YOU?!!” My father had walked in. Minho quickly moved and I sat up.

“Appa!” He had knife in his hands. I turned to Minho. “Minho,”

“I’m already out. Love You” He blew a kiss before jumping out of the window.

“Why that !!! Boy come back here!!” Appa yelled as he ran down the stair and what I was guessing, going to chance after him. I sighed. What a great day!!

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Oohh I love christmassssssssssss
Awe I love the cute ending ^^ and how they meet up again like the first time they met :D<br />
Taemin is so cute ^^<br />
Thank you so much!!! :DDD
kpoplovee #3
I LOVEEE it!! ^^ Thank you soooo much! =DDD
awwww, I LOVED IT~!<br />
So cute yet funny~!<br />
Such a scary Appa... PUAHAHAH~!<br />
THANKS~! Merry Christmas~!<br />
^_______________________^<br />
Happy Holidays~!
Oh, I love you and I love this!! ♥<br />
The plot was awesome, THANK YOU! ♥<br />
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I only realized after I sent the application that I had a korean name put in but I'm glad how you made that blend in the story as well. :DDD<br />
I felt embarrased reading this, really. :D And I can totally imagine Aiba walking into a wall. XDD <br />
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Omooooo so sorry for just commenting nowwww!<br />
I'm on a trip now and it takes 2 weeks so,you know<br />
I haven't had much time to go online...<br />
<br />
But I really like my shot!!!!<br />
Junhyung and his pikachu!!!!! Hahahaaha<br />
And also that Jae Sunnie unnie part was funny..<br />
I also think that name of his was very feminine though keke<br />
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Oh I hate you Doojoonie he was about to kiss meeee!!!<br />
And you interrupted!!! XD<br />
Why I couldn't see kikwang?? He's also my favorite in beast hahaha<br />
Thx!! I like it much~<br />
<br />
Merry Christmas! Hope you have the best Christmas day everrr
awwww thtat story was sooo adorable..:D
brownleafhopper #8
i love you! thanks for the story i haven't logged on for a long time so i got to read this only by now... iloveit! thank you again... more power and good luck on your further stories... :)