Chapter 5

That can't be true .

Please listen to this while reading :


You let off his hands . “ Aaa, I’ve bought s-s-ome food fr-o-om my ho-use , you c-can hav-ve it ,” you stuttered . You took a quick glance at your watch and said hurriedly “ I h-have to g-go now , I’ll c-come b-back later.,” You walk away towards the door and held the door knob . You turned back to have a flash look at Myungsoo before you go . He was looking outside the window , the rays of the sun perfectly shines his perfect face . The side of his face … you felt like you’ve know him for so long , you felt like you’ve recognized him before … You step outside of the room and heads to the bus stop .




“His face … So familiar … He’s just like the Kim Myungsoo that I know from our kindergarten. His eyes , like I’ve seen them . Besides , why did I tell him all about Kim Myungsoo ?!?!?!! Yahh !! Why did I tell him !??!?!,”  I was talking to myself and everyone was looking strangely at me . “ Sorry , sorry ,” I bowed to them and went off “ Aisshh ,, what a day … ,”




It is 7.00 p.m. now . There’s no customer at all in the café that you’re working . You’re too bored and you checked your phone to see any incoming messages on missed call . Nothing appears. No missed call , no unread messages . “ Auff , I’m so bored ,” you sighed . You’re alone there because it was evening and most of your friends had ended their shift. You look around the store to see any customers before you scroll on the image’s gallery on your phone . Out of sudden , a picture of a shocked boy came across you . “ Oh?,” You scrolled over the picture again . “ It was Kim Myungsoo …” you said softly.



Yahh Myungsoo !! Give me back my phone !!,” you’re chasing Myungsoo who was running with your phone. “ Lalalalaaa , you can’t catch me !!,” he stick his tongue out towards you making you feel annoyed with him . “ Kim Myungsoo !!! ,” you screamed out his name a few times and everyone looked at both of you who was running . Then you sense that your foot kicked something hard and you’re falling down . “ Myungsoo?,” that’s the last thing you said before you fall down . You got up and rubbed your dusty hair that had been coated with dirt . You could felt a burning pain at your knee . You looked at your knee and your knee was bleeding . “ Aahhh, sss…,” you let out a slow squeal . You bear the pain and tried not to cry eventhough it was so painful . Meanwhile Myungsoo was running “ You can’t catch me any---,” he looked back and saw you’re crouching under a shady tree looking at your bleeding knee . Myungsoo cared about you so much that even if you had a small cut , he will treat you like a nurse . “ ____ !!,” He shouted your name . You turned up and saw that he was running towards you .You got up and turned your back towards him , not revealing that your knee was bleeding . “ Are you okay ____ ?,” he asked you but you remained still and just said “ Im okay Myungsoo !,” == “You’re not fine !!! What is this ?!,” He held both of your shoulder and turned you to face him . You startled a bit and looked awkwardly at him . “ What happened to you ? ,” he lowered his voice and got down to your bleeding knee . He tried to touch it but you moved his hand away . “ Don’t touch it Myungsoo !.” == “ I know it’s painful but trust me , I know about this stuff . I’ve once treat my sister’s leg . She’s had the same bleeding spot as you .” he babbled things about he treating his sister. Suddenly he got up and lift you up like the bridal style “ I’ve made a mistake and I shall repay you to forgive me ,” he smirked .You tried to push him away but his hands were so strong . You can’t do anything but to just follow him .


“ Please hang on … It’s going to hurt a little bit …but don’t worry , I’m here ,” he said while holding your hands . You’re sitting on the hospital’s bed to receive a few stitches on your knee .


A few minutes later …


“ We’re done now !,” the doctor said , smiling to both of you. “ Thank you .,” you bowed towards the doctor but Myungsoo just said thank you without a bow . “ Why Myungsoo ? ,” you asked him who was sitting comfortably beside you . “ Nothing . I just felt … so … guilty … if I didn’t took your phone , this will not happen. But now, you’re really hurt … you seemed like you’re not but you do felt pain right ? Its all because of me .. Aisshhh ,, I’m so --,” he kept on blaming himself. You drew your face closer to his “ Yahh Myungsoo ..,” you said slowly but he still didn’t turn up his face. “ I’m okay , I’m alright , See ! Nothing is hurting me !,” you swayed your knee back and forth. But Myungsoo still not looking at you . Then he slowly reached your phone inside his pocket and he returned it to you . “ I’m really ,really sorry … jeongmal mianhae …,” You took the phone but Myungsoo still looking down , not looking at your face . You came closer to him and said slowly “ Myungsoo-yahh …”  he fall silent . “ LOOK !! A COCKROACH !!,” he looked up immediately and he heard a click . “ WHAT ?” You laughed because you just snapped his ‘ surprised ’ expression . “ Yahh ____ ! What are you doing with that?,” you got out of the bed and looked back “ I’m going to show it to all of your creepy fangirls in the school !,” you ran away from him as fast as possible . “ Yahh !! Come here back !! You’re not going away this time !!,”



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yeah , they became one at last .. thanks for the comment !! i really appreciate them :)
naznew #2
Your story so sad...
She sacrifice her life with give her heart to myungsoo..
They become one...
aiyooo , khairunnisa your comment meant a lot to me like i could die right now , haha thanksssss !!!! oh my god !!!
dear PAF , this story is ing sad . i`ve been searching such story for years ! good job . are you seriously born with these kind of talents ? congrats , anyway

*waiting for more sad fics*
Kamsahamida !!! Thank you very much !!
Make me cry ~ :'( I love this story damn much ! Good Job !
thanks !!! i really appreciate that !!! >.<
This story made me cry ~ TT.TT #Great Job!
LemoniPeachi #9
Aigoo!!!It's a beautiful story with a sad ending! I cried a lot because of your wonderful story !!! TT_TT FIGHTING~~
thank you :D