Chapter 15

That can't be true .


You supported your body with your elbows , trying to sit up. He quickly climb down the tree and held you in his arms. He took a look at your foot but nothing bled, only a bruise. “ Aiishhh , how you can be so careless?,” he touched your bruise and you winced. “ Ah , I think I sprained my ankle,” you said. “ Lets go to my house. I know how to treat a sprained ankle,” he smiled. “ Araso,” you looked down. He helped you to get up but you looked like going to fall down at any time . Then, Myungsoo kneel with his back facing you and said “ Climb on me, I can give you a special piggy-back ride,” You felt surprised and said “ Why?,” you tried to balance yourself by holding a tree nearby. “ Come on , you can’t walk like that to my house, its considered as very far for you to walk to my house especially in that condition,” he exclaimed. “ I don’t want to !,” you declined him. “ You’re really lucky to have me as your boyfriend , you know that ?,” You answered, trying to be annoying“ Oh really ?,” He stood up and stared at you. “ You’re so stubborn !!,” He picked you up by your waist ,making you lean upside-down on him. “ Yah ! let me down!!,” you punched his back causes him pain. He bowed a bit , supporting your weight and walked as usual . “ Its not an option for you to accept or not the piggy-back ride,” he laughed and you knock his back hard . “ Araso , araso… I’ll take the piggyback ride,” he slowly let you down causing you wincing back and forth. “ Haha, cute,” he lift you up and you felt a sudden warmth surrounding your body. “ Hang in there , araso?” he tried to look at you by the side of his face. You nodded and he carry you to his house .


A few minutes later, Myungsoo arrived at his house, He turned to his right and called your name. He looked and saw that you’re already asleep on his shoulder. He crave a sweet smile and sighed “ Aish, this girl …,” he inserted the house’s key and turned them . The door flung open and he put you on the sofa safely. He went to his room and took a small towel , hanging them on his neck. He put his hand on his waist while looking at you sleeping soundly. He went closer to you and adjusted you to a better position where you could lay down . He put your head carefully on the pillow. He caressed your cheeks slowly, trying not to wake you up.


Suddenly, he felt a throbbing pain in his chest . He took one of his hand to his chest squeezing. His other hand which was on your face squirmed your puffy cheeks which makes you startled a bit. He thought that you’ll wake up so he rushes to the bathroom .


After a while , you woke up , found that you’re in someone’s house . “ Where am I ?,” you wondered . You look around but nobody appeared. You sit up and heard a voice. “ ____ , You woke up !!,”  You turn around to that voice and saw Myungsoo was wiping his face with a clean , small towel . “ Oh? You had a shower?,” you asked him . “ Yeah , of course . You’ve been sleeping since afternoon . I didn’t want to interrupt you so I let you sleep. ,” He came closer . You tried to get up when suddenly you sense your ankle was aching so much making you hard to even stand . “ Ah , ,” you winced , touching the bruise on your ankle. “ Sshh …,” he hushed you down . He took a medical kit and start to treat your ankle. “ ___, why you wanted to go down when I asked you? Because the school sessions had over ... You’re avoiding me right ? ,” he said while treating your ankle. You stayed silence. “ I’m sorry ,” you looked own . Tears flowing down drop by drop from your eyes . You wiped them off quickly. “ ___,” he looked up at your red eyes. “ Yah ,, why are you crying?,” he turn his body towards you and pulled you into a big warm hug.  He puts your head on his chest and calms you down. “Why are you crying? Tell me , why ?,” You cried even harder and wrap your arms around him. After you’ve become better , you let him go and he helped you to get up. “ Thanks , Myungsoo. You’ve done a lot for me today ,” you said while wiping some of your tears. He calmed you and wipe off the remaining tears using his thumb . “ __, stop crying already ,” You stopped crying and thanked him again .


You walk slowly towards the door . He held your wrist. “ Where are you going?,” You answered him “ Home , of course ,” He replied “ In the middle of the night ?,” You took a quick glance on your watch and nodded. “ No way !! I’m not going to let you go. You need to stay at my house tonight !” he blocked the door and smirked . “ What ? Stay here ? But I need to--,”He cut off your sentence “ I’ve told your mother . You’re going to stay here because I’m going to treat your little sprained ankle.,” He pointed at your ankle. You stayed there , frozen and speechless. He came closer to you and stare into your eyes , making you blushing . You’re going to sleep in my room tonight,” he exclaim .


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yeah , they became one at last .. thanks for the comment !! i really appreciate them :)
naznew #2
Your story so sad...
She sacrifice her life with give her heart to myungsoo..
They become one...
aiyooo , khairunnisa your comment meant a lot to me like i could die right now , haha thanksssss !!!! oh my god !!!
dear PAF , this story is ing sad . i`ve been searching such story for years ! good job . are you seriously born with these kind of talents ? congrats , anyway

*waiting for more sad fics*
Kamsahamida !!! Thank you very much !!
Make me cry ~ :'( I love this story damn much ! Good Job !
thanks !!! i really appreciate that !!! >.<
This story made me cry ~ TT.TT #Great Job!
LemoniPeachi #9
Aigoo!!!It's a beautiful story with a sad ending! I cried a lot because of your wonderful story !!! TT_TT FIGHTING~~
thank you :D