Chapter 2

That can't be true .


Myungsoo ran away to find the girl . He ran to every class and he found that each of them were empty ! “ Aisshh , where is this girl …,” Myungsoo stopped and looked around trying to find the brunette girl . He found a bench and sat down for a while to catch his breath . He sensed that he was sweating over but he let it be . He took a look on his watch, his class will start soon . “ Aisshh , where I can find this girl ?,” He looked at the fluffy keychain once again in his right hand . He turned the keychain over and saw the girl’s name on it . “ Oh , there was her name and her class too ! I’m so stupid !,” he mumbled by himself . There were some girls looking at him curiously because he spoke to himself like a crazy boy . Myungsoo read over her name . “ ______-shi ,.. nice name , Im going to give this to her by myself .,” he grabbed the keychain tighter in his hand and he held his head up , found that everyone had entered their class .




Its recess time and Myungsoo is so lazy to come out from the class . “ Yahh Myungsoo !!,” Myungsoo turned around to see whose calling his name . It was Sungyeol , his best friend . “ What ? Im not hungry today , I have a thing to do ,” Sungyeol came over to Myungsoo’s place and sit beside him . “ What ? No , you must join  Infinite this time . You’ve been skipping lunch since last week . We’re worried for you , you know that ? ,” Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol . “ Worried ? Why ? Im fine . I know how to deal with myself okay ? Now I have something to do . See you later Sungyeol ,” Myungsoo smiled at Sungyeol and patted his back . “ Yahh , where are you going ?? Tell me , tell me , yaa ..,” Myungsoo went away from Sungyeol as he started to stand up from his seat. “Aishh , that kid ..,” Myungsoo mumbled to himself .


Myungsoo wanders around the school compound to find the brunette girl . He held the fluffy keychain in his right arm . He walked pass a classroom . He tilt his head aside to see in the classroom . He saw a brunette girl putting her head on her arm . “ Oh , is that her ?,”  Myungsoo stood in front of the classroom . He checked the fluffy keychain to see the girl’s class . “ It’s the same . Is that her ?,” Myungsoo entered the classroom but the girl didn’t move even an inch . “Is she sleeping? It cant be .. Usually the girls don’t sleep during recess time , they would be gossiping over unimportant things and ..,”  Myungsoo was getting nearer to her when she suddenly woke up . “ Oh my god , she’s woke up now , what should I do ? what should I do ?,”  Myungsoo became panicked and nervous which make him fell down in front of the girl . She woke up from her sleep but her eyes were partly open so she could not see Myungsoo’s face clearly . “ Oh , who are you ? What are you doing here ?,” she turned down towards Myungsoo with her weak body . “ Err , err , are you Miss _____? ,”  Myungsoo asked her . “ Yes I am . Why ?,” she speak to Myungsoo but her eyes were still partly opened . She looked like she was going to faint at any time . “ My name is M--,” Suddenly the girl fall down to Myungsoo’s right shoulder . Myungsoo’s face started to blush. “ Miss ___? Miss ___ ?,” Myungsoo said while shaking her body . “ aaa ~..,” Myungsoo heard her small voice beside him . “ Im sleepy ,” the girl said with her head still on Myungsoo’s shoulder .They stayed in that position for a few moments . “Her hair , still smells the same , her voice , sounds a litlle bit crack but still the same ..,”

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yeah , they became one at last .. thanks for the comment !! i really appreciate them :)
naznew #2
Your story so sad...
She sacrifice her life with give her heart to myungsoo..
They become one...
aiyooo , khairunnisa your comment meant a lot to me like i could die right now , haha thanksssss !!!! oh my god !!!
dear PAF , this story is ing sad . i`ve been searching such story for years ! good job . are you seriously born with these kind of talents ? congrats , anyway

*waiting for more sad fics*
Kamsahamida !!! Thank you very much !!
Make me cry ~ :'( I love this story damn much ! Good Job !
thanks !!! i really appreciate that !!! >.<
This story made me cry ~ TT.TT #Great Job!
LemoniPeachi #9
Aigoo!!!It's a beautiful story with a sad ending! I cried a lot because of your wonderful story !!! TT_TT FIGHTING~~
thank you :D